FunOrb is a gaming site created by Jagex Games Studio as a sister site to the popular MMORPG RuneScape. It features a wide variety of Casual Video Games spanning multiple genres, ranging from simple board games like Chess to more complex games like its most popular attraction, Arcanists.
The site can be found here.
Not to be confused with the Happy Fun Ball.
FunOrb provides examples of the following tropes:
- And Your Reward Is Clothes: For many of the achievements within Arcanists, the only thing you get besides the achievement is a lovely array of clothes to go with it.
- Asteroids Monster: The pink Bunkatbots in Sumoblitz split when defeated. Stellar Shard is another example with literal asteroids (which is unsurprising, as it's heavily based on the Trope Namer).
- Big Damn Fire Exit: In Hostile Spawn, there are fires and explosions all over the place in some of the missions, but it's always possible to find another way around them.
- Bizarre Puzzle Game: Pixelate.
- Boring but Practical: For those lucky people who always seem to get the first turn in Arcanists there are many a strategy they like to use repeatedly in order to ensure their victory streaks. Be it trapping the enemy then repeatedly head stuffing them with brine bolt, persistently knocking them off the edge with Shock Bomb or using a Conductor Rod the moment they get the chance to kill them with one hit.
- Breaking Out: Brick-À-Brac.
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: In some of the multiplayer games, subscribing members can be pitted against free players, where their access to more powerful and diverse abilities from the Expansion Pack gives them a huge advantage, even after accounting for Competitive Balance.
- Cast from Hit Points: Familiars in Arcanists require life payments.
- Chain Lightning: One of the spells in Arcanists.
- Charged Attack:
- Wizard Run lets you charge up your attack. A fully-charged attack traps enemies inside bubbles.
- Sumoblitz has a charge meter that gradually fills, granting you a special burst attack when it's full.
- The Verne Cannon in Dr. Phlogiston Saves the Earth must be charged up.
- Chess
- Collision Damage
- Color-Coded Multiplayer
- Competitive Balance
- Cosmetic Award
- Dead Character Walking: A minor programming oversight causes mecha to not die until their hit points are negative- meaning that mechs with precisely zero hit points will cling to life with an empty health bar until they are felled by a stray point of damage. Although this glitch isn't much use against machine guns or lasers, it is immensely satisfying to complete a Fleet Capture the Flag objective while technically dead.
- Death Course: Tomb Racer, complete with Rolling Boulders, Bottomless Pits, Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom, Deadly Lasers, and more.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: Tomb Racer. A snarky message and a tombstone on the spot where you died, and you're back at the start of the room.
- Difficulty by Acceleration: Several games, including Bouncedown, Pixelate, Deko Bloko, etc.
- Directionally Solid Platforms
- Elemental Powers: Arcanists has spellbooks for Flame, Stone, Seas, Nature, Underdark, Overlight, Frost, Storms, and Cogs.
- Every Ten Thousand Points: This is how you get a 1-Up in Wizard Run.
- Expansion Pack
- Falling Blocks: Lexicominos, Deko Bloko, and Geoblox.
- Fantastic Racism: Every time a Dwarf Renegade raider is selected in Dungeon Assault, he'll yell, "Don't trust the elves!"
- Fireballs: The basic offensive attack in "Arcanists".
- Follow the Leader: Several of the games are obviously heavily based on classics like Asteroids and Arkanoid.
- Freemium
- Gaiden Game: Armies of Gielinor is a Turn-Based Strategy set in the same universe as RuneScape.
- Game Lobby: Used for all the multiplayer games. A unified lobby system to unite all the games was planned, but it's been stuck in Development Hell.
- Grave Humour: Miner Disturbance's Game Over screen is a gravestone with a witty epitaph about your cause of death. Tomb Racer plants gravestones and treats the player to a snarky farewell on every death.
- Green Hill Zone: Arcanists has "Grassy Hills". Armies of Gielinor has Misthalin.
- Have a Nice Death: See Grave Humor.
- Home Run Hitter: The primary purpose of arcane flash and vine whip in Arcanists.
- Horizontal Scrolling Shooter: Dr. Phlogiston Saves the Earth
- Humongous Mecha: Steel Sentinels.
- Improbable Weapon User: Arcanists allows you to attack with fireballs, bombs, meteors, and...cuckoo clocks?
- It Came From the Fridge: The premise of Bachelor Fridge.
- Inconveniently-Placed Conveyor Belt: One of the obstacles in Bouncedown.
- Justified Extra Lives: Star Cannon has "rewind modules" that turn back time to before your ship was destroyed.
- Life Drain: Drain Bolt in Arcanists.
- Lightning Bruiser: The Chaos Champion in Dungeon Assault has max stats in every category. However, he has no special abilities, and he's the most expensive unit in the game.
- Limit Break: Sumoblitz has one.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Arcanists has Imp Destruction, which, with the proper setup, can let loose a storm of homing energy blasts.
- Mad Marble Maze: Torquing!
- Man-Eating Plant: You can summon one in Arcanists.
- Match Three Game: Geoblox, Monkey Puzzle 2, Deko Bloko, and arguably Tetralink.
- New Game+:
- After unlocking all the spells in Arcanists, you can reset your progress to gain a Prestige Hat, erasing all your unlocked spells and starting you over with the default spells plus the Book of Cogs, which is only available through a reset.
- Dungeon Assault lets you charge orbs that give permanent powerups. The only way to obtain them is to destroy your dungeon and start again from scratch; however, you do retain the ability to buy any higher-level raiders and traps that you've unlocked.
- One-Hit Kill: Arcanists. The second stage of a fissure, a fully charged volcano, thorn bomb or flurry with a fully charged nature familiar, a dark knight or most famously the Conductor Rod before it was nerfed. Take your pick. There's also the Imp Explosion nuke created by charging an Arcane Imp (a spell literally everyone has access to) to 250HP using Arcane spells, then detonating it. The attack deals damage equal to the Imp's HP at the time and players have a maximum of 250HP without use of a tower or shield.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: Sumoblitz and Wizard Run. StarCannon arguably also qualifies: you have a shield that recharges over a short amount of time, so you die if you get hit twice in quick succession.
- Overheating: Steel Sentinels.
- Pacifist Run: Several achievements.
- Press X to Die: Some of the games will naturally mock you for this.
- Point Build System: Sumoblitz and Steel Sentinels.
- Power-Up
- Real Time with Pause: Shattered Plans has simultaneous turns.
- Recursive Ammo: The Arcane Bomb in Arcanists is a grenade that releases three smaller projectiles when it explodes.
- Revive Kills Zombie: "Overlight" spells in Arcanists deal less damage than some of their elemental counterparts against normal targets, but against The Undead, their damage is doubled, and the healing spell becomes a damaging spell with enormous knockback.
- Roboteching: Arcane arrows in Arcanists will change direction in midair to home in on their target.
- Scoring Points
- Soul Jar: The Auto Revive "familiar" of dark magic users in Arcanists.
- A Space Marine Is You: Hostile Spawn.
- Steampunk: The premise of Dr. Phlogiston Saves the Earth is an alien invasion in 19th-century England.
- Tactical Rock-Paper-Scissors: Warriors, rangers, mages, and flying units in Armies of Gielinor.
- Tele Frag: The Awesome but Impractical special ability of the Crystalline Shape-Shifter in Armies of Gielinor.
- Temple of Doom: Tomb Racer.
- Themed Cursor: Dungeon Assault has a dragon's claw.
- Tower Defense: Orb Defence.
- Troperiffic: Tomb Racer takes every Temple of Doom cliche the creators could think of and plays them totally straight. The game that results is proof that Tropes Are Not Bad.
- Units Not to Scale: Armies of Gielinor.
- Vertical Scrolling Shooter: StarCannon
- Virtual Paper Doll: Arcanists, Armies of Gielinor, and Kickabout League.
- World in the Sky: It is possible to destroy parts of the map in Arcanists, but even when there's nothing under the pieces, they remain afloat. This applies from the hugest chunks to the tiniest specks.