The Disney had movement, both series and stand-alone films, which ends up falling into this category since its release both to events afterwards. This would also apply its programming.
Regarding Roger Rabbit itself, there is the fact that a sequel to the film has been in Development Hell since the movie hit theatres, and will probably remain there forever. Slow down, indeed.
In the animated short, Teachers Are People Too, a student named George is shown to be such a trouble maker and is forced to empty his pockets of any devices he had. The devices include: slingshot, water-gun, pocket gun, firecrackers and a grenade. At the end, his punishment was to write “I will not bomb the school again”. With the zero-tolerance policy in a post- Columbine system in many schools today, George’s actions would’ve deem appalling rather than played for laughs as it did in 1952.
The father of another student punching Goofy, who was the teacher, saying something about either his mother-in-law or mother wouldn’t be accepted.