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You wake up in the morning and you look at your old spoon, and you say to yourself, "Mick, it's time to get yourself a new spoon." And you do.
"There Is No Spoon."
—The 100 Rules of Anime: #87 The Law of Tableware Nonexistance.
No idea why, but spoons are funny somehow. Maybe it's because "spoon" belongs to the Inherently Funny Words. Interestingly, the word "spoony" has nothing to do with actual spoons. — Even better than ordinary spoons are sporks.
If you want to add examples, keep in mind that they should be at least somewhat funny. This trope isn't about "Spoons Exist." Or people named Spooner, or such.
No relation to a certain Spoony Bard. Or that other Spoony.
Examples of Funny Spoon include:
Anime and Manga[]
- In Bleach, Nnoitra's collar with a very unusually, very large back is popularly referred to by fans as his "big spoon."
- In Occult Academy, Bunmei defeated the alien invaders with a spoon.
- In the first episode of Kyo Kara Maoh!, Yuuri is perplexed by the spork he's expected to use to eat his dinner. It even gets a brief pan-up shot.
- Now many Pokémon fans will probably tell you Mewtwo is awesome. They'll probably tell you Mewtwo is the most badass creation ever! But Pokémon Special used this trope to give Mewtwo a new level of badass, with his big friggin' spoon.
- Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam.
- In Dumbledores Army and The Year of Darkness, Luna Lovegood can do magic with a spoon replacing her wand.
- Which she uses to make a picture made from food permanent, instead of using it to escape and break her friends out.
- Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality has spoons+4! (Knives only get +3, and forks +2. Now what's best?)
- "There is no spoon."
- My Goodness. What a treasure. What a legacy. Spoons! SPOONS! So many spoons, so little time.
- In The Room, Johnny inexplicably has a framed photograph of a spoon on his coffee table. This was so odd, that audience members have taken to bringing plastic spoons with them to shows and throwing them at the screen whenever it appears.
- Taken Up to Eleven in the online videogame remake, where an optional sidequest is to find all the spoons hidden throughout the city. Doing so unlocks an alternate ending where it's revealed that Johnny is from a race of spoon-obsessed aliens, who turn the Earth into a spoon.
- "I'm going to cut your heart out WITH A SPOON!"
- In The Mask of Zorro, Diego challenges Alejandro to a duel. Alejandro grabs his sword. Diego brandishes a spoon.
- After the initial gag/double-take, Diego explains that the only way Alejandro's going to get within striking distance of the man he wants vengeance on is by learning guile, subterfuge... and courtly table manners.
- At the end of The Hobbit, Bilbo suspects that his relative Lobelia Sackville-Baggins stole a number of his silver spoons. By the time of The Lord of the Rings, he hasn't forgotten, and his goodbye present to her is a bunch of silver spoons "for her very own". Lobelia isn't particularly amused.
- She still took the spoons though
- Edward Lear upped this trope with his "runcible spoon". And now you know.
Live Action TV[]
- The Widget Series Téléchat sometimes had the ostrich (puppet) moderator Lola have a talk round with a fork and a spoon (also sapient).
- The Cardassians of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a sort of evil totalitarian space version of old Japan with an extra helping of cold-blooded, are called "spoonheads" as a demeaning insult.
- In the Prison arc of My Name Is Earl, Jamal and Hector have broken up because Hector is worried about what their respective gangs will think of their hitherto Secret Relationship. The Black and Latino gangs go to war, and Jamal hands out weapons to his gang members. One of them is dismayed that he wound up with a spoon. Jamal slaps him on the shoulder and says, "Well, let's hope the other guy's got soup!", thus encouraging him.
- Private Eye's parody of lifestyle columns, "Me and My Spoon".
- SPOON, definitely.
- And a lot of tropes with "spoon" in the title:
- Ate the Spoon
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon
- Greasy Spoon
- Spoony Bard, obviously.
- Spoon Speaker is just a redirect nowadays, sadly. As is Like Gag Me With a Spoon.
- "Spoonman... come together with your hands..." Inspired by an actual street musician who uses spoons as instruments, too!
- The American rock band Spoon
- And the Canadian New Wave band Spoons
- Various things are used as instruments in many Songs to Wear Pants To songs, like spoons.
- Many "jug bands" of American folk music also use spoons as instruments.
- "It's like 10000 spoons when all you need is a knife..."
Newspaper Comics[]
- Dilbert has Phil, the Prince of Insufficient Light, who's armed with a big pitch-spoon and darns people to heck. (Scott Adams wanted to use Satan, but was prevented by a good case of Executive Meddling.)
Video Games[]
Web Animation[]
Web Comics[]
- Dan from DMFA once defeat seven Death Knights with a spork, though we never get to see it.
- Jane from Homestuck uses a spoon as her weapon of choice.
- In this strip of Loserz, Eric becomes fascinated with a spoon under the influence (of coffee).
- Girl Genius has both the madman Ogglespoon (in the Storm King opera) and a hand-cranked Runcible (spoon) gun. (Which goes "spork" just in case you missed the hint from the name...)
- Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire has a minor character named Runcible Spoon. Why? It's funny to hear his assistant shout, "Curse you, Runcible Spoon!"
Web Original[]
- The Spoony Experiment. Went Up to Eleven with Spooning with Spoony.
- The Horribly Slow Murderer With the Extremely Inefficient Weapon, although that's more like Everything Is Worse With Spoons.
Western Animation[]
- In Rejected one clip begins with the statement "my spoon is too big!"
- In The Kids from Room 402, Polly is an immigrant obsessed with spoons. She's got a spoon collection, and makes a spoon exhibition for the science fair.
- The fingerprint crook from The Amazing World of Gumball uses a spoon to threaten his victims.
Real Life[]
- Also, there's Spoon Sports. They make custom-tuned cars. Apparently, they took their name from The Spoon, a particularly nasty (and spoon-shaped) curve on the old Suzuka Circuit.
- Spoonerisms.
- Ornate collectible spoons have been a common souvenir since the mid-19th century. No one is sure why.