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  • Fan Nickname — Makoto - "Minuteman Makoto"
  • Fridge Brilliance: Initially the premise seems downright insane, but when one stops to think about it, the true genius of the concept becomes clear enough to make one wonder why no one thought of it sooner.
    • In Japan, you can put everything into manga format. From introductions into economics to the theories of Karl Marx.
  • Narm: The "Perfect Training Program for the Penis" from chapter 102, with ideas like hitting it with a wrung up wet towel and alternately dipping it in warm and cold water.
  • What an Idiot! — Even taking into account his total lack of experience and some sexual Values Dissonance in Japanese society, Makoto is very, very bad about thinking of Yura's pleasure during sex. Even after detailed lectures from both his brother and sister-in-law about the importance of foreplay and how to please a woman, he's still awful at it. In his defense, this is probably Truth in Television for too many relationships. (And a main point of the manga.)
  • Tear Jerker: The ending of the first short story. Okay, someone get a box of tissues.