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This is the character sheet for Futari wa Pretty Cure and Futari Wa Pretty Cure MaX Heart.

Main Characters[]

Nagisa Misumi (Cure Black)[]

Voiced by: Yoko Honna[]

Max Heart movie 1 - Cure Black front 5537

An energetic athlete who's popular with the girls (although she wishes the love letters she got in her locker were from cute boys instead), Nagisa is a tomboyish middle-class girl who would rather have fun than study. When she makes a wish on a meteor shower for a boyfriend who will love her, she instead meets Mepple and gets the power to become Cure Black. Though she's completely reluctant at first, her compassion for Mepple and Mipple as well as her desire to protect her friends convince her to save the world after all.

Honoka Yukishiro (Cure White)[]

Voiced by: Yukana[]

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Nagisa's complete opposite, Honoka is a star student rumoured to be a super-genius and gets one or two love letters a month from boys. She rejects every one of them, though, because she wants an honest relationship built on mutual respect. Besides the members of the chemistry club, Honoka doesn't have very many friends; she hasn't had anyone over at her house in years and just studies instead, and even her parents are always overseas. When she went into the garden shed at her mansion, she met Mipple and gained the power to become Cure White. She loves the idea of being a Magical Girl, finding it "exciting".

Hikari Kujou (Shiny Luminous)[]

Voiced by: Rie Tanaka[]


Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki[]


Voiced by: Akiko Yajima[]

Pollun & Lulun[]

Voiced by: Haruna Ikezawa (Pollun), Asuka Tanii (Lulun)[]

Friends and Family[]

Shiho Kubota[]

Rina Takashimizu[]


Shougo "Fujipi" Fujimura[]


Akane Fujita[]

Ryouta Misumi[]

Sanae Yukishiro[]

Yoshimi Takenouchi-sensei[]



Voiced by: Hiroki Takahashi[]


Voiced by: Kouji Ishii[]


Voiced by: Sakiko Uran[]

  • Evil Redhead
  • Femme Fatale
  • Genre Savvy: She was the first among her peers to figure out that you can actually dodge the Pretty Cure Marble Screw, as well as the first to figure out that keeping the two Cures from touching pretty much negates all of their finishing moves. She narrowly avoids being Dangerously Genre Savvy by virtue of not quite understanding the absolute infallibility of The Power of Friendship in a magical girl show.
  • Kick the Dog
  • One-Woman Wail Actually, it's more like One Little Brother Wail, but the feeling is the same.
  • Pet the Dog: In her own way, she truly cares about her brother.


Voiced by: Reiko Kiuchi[]


Voiced by: Issei Futamata[]

The Seeds Of Evil (Juuna, Regine,and Belzei)[]

Voiced by: Yasunori Matsumoto (Juuna), Rika Fukami (Regine), Tomomichi Nishimura (Belzei)[]

Shiten'ou (Circulas, Uraganos, Biblis, and Valdes)[]

Voiced by: Hitoshi Bifu (Circulas), Wataru Takagi (Uraganos), Ai Kobayashi (Biblis), Kenichi Ono (Valdes)[]

The Dark King[]

Voiced by: Kenichi Ono[]

  1. "I can't believe this!"