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Future Wars is an Adventure Game by Delphine that focuses on Time Travel. It was one of the first adventure games on the PC to use 256-color VGA graphics, released over a year before King's Quest V.

The nameless protagonist stumbles upon a time machine and happens to foil an alien plot in the middle ages; as a reward, he is taken to the dystopic future (under attack from those same aliens) and asked to help defeat them in the stone age.

Includes the following tropes:

  • Dystopic Future. It's pretty much in ruins because of the aliens.
  • Lost Forever. A classic adventure gaming, trope, it is quite easy to leave several areas while forgetting to obtain an item that becomes crucial later.
  • Phlebotinum Breakdown. The time machine doesn't work too well, causing you to end up in the wrong spot at least twice.
  • Pixel Hunt. Early in the beginning, you have to put a one-pixel flag into a one-pixel hole to proceed.
  • Sudden Gameplay Change. The endgame consists of two back-to-back action sequences.
  • The Future. One of the eras you travel to.