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A short series of two fighting games made by SNK for the Neo Geo.

The first instalment, Savage Reign (1995), was an hotchpotch of pretty much every popular fighting game series on the Neo Geo, featuring weapon-based combat, large scaling sprites, the ability to switch between the background and foreground, gimmicky and booby-trapped arenas along with a much bigger emphasis on ranged attacks. However, the game's stiff controls and dated graphics did not compare favourably to other fighters released around the same time, leading to it being ignored by many.

Just a year later, the sequel Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle came out. It ditched the plane-switching and gimmicky stage design in favour of a Tag Team battle system (indeed, one of the very first fighters to feature one), and a much more Combo-friendly system than its predecessor. It is by far the more popular of the two games.

Set in the futuristic Jipang City (which is rumored to be an upgraded version of Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting's South Town), the plot of the series has a mysterious legendary fighter known only as King Leo emerge from out of the shadows of secrecy. Seeking a potential challenge in his own opportunity, he organizes the Battle of the Beast God fighting tournament, promising humongous wealth and fame to the victor. Out of the nine contestants that enter the competition, Sho Hayate is the winner. The tournament is then renewed a year later with a new rule, in which two fighters must join forces and work together as a team in order to gain victory in the new tournament.

Though the Fu'un series isn't as popular as SNK's other fighting game duology, SNK hasn't forgotten about it and characters from the series still occasionally appear in recent crossovers.

The series contain examples of the following tropes:[]

  • Two and a Half D: Savage Reign allows fighting in both the foreground and background like Fatal Fury, with the background always being on an higher elevation.
  • Action Girl: Carol and Rosa (they double as The Smurfette Principle for the respective games they originated in)
  • An Ice Person: Mezu
  • Arranged Marriage: Carol's reason for taking part in the Beast God tournament in Savage Reign is to annul a marriage deal made between her father and King Leo.
  • Ass Kicks You: Carol's background entrance has her smacking her opponents with her butt.
  • Badass Grandpa: Chung
  • Battle Boomerang: Hayate is the sole practitioner of the "Fu'un-Ken" fighting style, which combines karate with the use of a boomerang. Yeah.
  • Body Double: King Lion to King Leo. As it turns out, he is looking to replace his boss.
  • Bonus Boss: Jyazu in Kizuna Encounter.
  • Carpet of Virility: Gordon, to a fairly disgusting extent.
  • Combo: Kizuna Encounter's bread and butter. Combos exceeding 50 hits are readily available.
  • Compilation Rerelease: Fu'un Super Combo on the Play Station 2, which contains both games along with arranged soundtracks, color edit and online play. However, it was only released in Japan.
  • Continuity Nod: The wrestling company that Eagle works for (SWF) is the same one used in the SNK wrestling arcade game 3 Count Bout. Also...Chung's backstory states that he had gotten his cap from a man known only as The Legendary Wolf when he was young.
  • Cool Big Sis: Rosa to her younger brother and her friends.
  • Cool Shades: Kim Sue Il
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Nicola is one of the two characters not to return in Kizuna Encounter, and unlike Carol, doesn't have any further cameos in the wider SNK-verse, save for a KOF artwork depicting him stuck in a tiny locker room full of other SNK nobodies.
  • Darker and Edgier: Kizuna Encounter, somewhat. The ridiculous character design hasn't been toned down but the silly pre-fight conversations have been removed, the backgrounds are grittier and less colourful and some of the endings are quite dark.
  • Dead Little Sister: Gozu and Mezu's motivations for entering the tournament is to avenge their dead brother.
  • Donut Mess with a Cop: Gordon. Nearly all of his pre-fight conversations in Savage Reign involve donuts.

 Hayate: I can't believe my taxes pay for your donuts!
