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Game Breakers are more prevalent in the Super Robot Wars games than you think. This is what happens when Banpresto forgets to nerf Humongous Mecha.

In General[]

  • Any game with Getter Robo that gives it the "Open Get" ability, which grants a 50% chance of evading any attack (upon meeting certain Will requirements), coupled with Getter-2, which has an additional 50% chance of evasion at the same Will requirement. In short, max out the machine's handling, get its pilots' Will high enough, send it off into a crowd and watch as it tears everything to pieces.
  • MAP weapons in games with a squad-based system (that is, Super Robot Wars Alpha 2, Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 and Super Robot Wars Z). MAP weapons do full damage to all units in the squad (in contrast to ALL attacks, which have significant damage reduction the more enemies there are in a squad), can hit multiple squads AND the squad mechanics allows for abusing the "Move Again" Spirit Command. Taken to obscene heights with the SRX Altered Banpreios and AS Alegrias from Alpha 3, who have powerful, post-movement MAP weapons (though with a relatively small range). However, it's the post-movement element that turns them into walking death machines, especially when one of the co-pilots in either mecha have the "Resupply" Spirit Command (refill all ammo-based weapons to max).
  • For some post-Alpha Zeta Gundam incarnations, the Zeta WILL be the most broken Gundam and one of the most overpowered real robots in the entire game, with Kamille Bidan having the highest stats of all Gundam pilots, as well as the Zeta having excellent stats of its own, usually even stronger than suits like the Nu Gundam (especially jarring and hilarious when the Nu and V2 Gundam in Universal Century canon are similarly gamebreaking). If you obtain the Biosensor attacks late in the game, expect them to be ridiculously overpowered (Waverider Crash has higher damage potential than the Moonlight Butterfly in Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden; Z lowered the damage but gave Kamille even higher stats). Z takes this up a notch with a Biosensor-mode Zeta, once the pilot's Will gets high enough, which makes it MORE unstoppable. Even with the Waverider Crash removed in the Second Super Robot Wars Z: Hakai-Hen along with other returning units, it's still one of the better machines in the game.
  • Likewise, the Nu Gundam potentially is quite gamebreaking: in Z, though it's obtained midway into the game, it also comes equipped with the Psycho Frame Super Mode and Amuro Ray knows the pilot skill "Attack Again" (attack a second time on the same turn) naturally and has the adequate skill stat to trigger it. In nearly all the squad-based SRWs, the Nu and Hi-Nu Gundam can blast entire squads away with little effort at long distances.
  • The Sound Force in all their appearances. Their simple ability to restore Spirit Points, increase Will and grant status buffs to pilots individually or groups alike is far more dangerous than it seems to be at first.

Super Robot Wars Advance[]

  • The "parts" mechanic made some of the earliest units some of the deadliest, such as the original RX-78-2 Gundam and Boss Borot. On the first playthrough, these units are the only ones you can upgrade all the way to max, and when coupled with the obscenely rare "W-Up" part that raises stats in accordance to how many item slots a unit has, early/"weaker" units, often having all four slots, get tremendous stat boosts.
  • For a battleship, which is supposed to be an unwieldy support ship, the Nadesico from the original Game Boy Advance version (not the PlayStation Portable Video Game Remake) is a game breaker with the appropriate upgrades. With a fully upgraded Gravity Blast, it's capable of dealing over 10000 points of damage per shot with almost 100% accuracy at maxed out Will, firing at ranges that will make super robots turn green with envy (with appropriate upgrades, the range can extend to 11 (!)). Coupled with a barrier that halves the damage of any attack it takes, it can take out the Final Boss in two turns (using Support Attacks to get in extra shots). Later games probably took note of this and forced the player to upgrade all weapons simultaneously, making game breakers such as this much more difficult.
  • The Soulgain, or really, any of the original mecha due to Axel Almer/Lamia's naturally high level of Support Attack, a 10 SP Strike Spirit Command, an Ace Bonus that boosts their damage when their Will is high and their naturally high melee and ranged stats. Pump the appropriate stat and the mech's weapons and you'll have a unit that can punch far above its own weight simply by supporting other units. In fact, the change in difficulty between when they are present vs. scenarios where they aren't present is palpable at times.

Super Robot Wars Alpha[]

  • Ideon in Alpha 3. Banpresto removed the whole "Berserk" system from it (unlike its Super Robot Wars F counterpart), making it insanely easier to use. Simply slap on the "Iron Wall" Spirit Command (take 25% damage from all enemy attacks for one turn), send it towards Mooks and have it defend rather than attack. Everytime the Ideon is hit, the invisible Ide Gauge will rise; once it hits max, it unlocks infinite EN and the MAP weapons to the Ideon Sword and Ideon Gun, both whose ranges stretch to infinity, with the latter able to cover the entire map.
    • Sound Force in Alpha 3 are even more broken: their MAP songs basically enable you to buff the entire team severely, and songs "Power to the Dream" and "My Friends" enables SP restoration at once. That means you can set up an infinite amount of turns via infinite SP loop, allowing you to destroy just about anything in one round.
  • Alpha Gaiden has several Daitarn 3, which has almost as much health as a battleship and EXTREMELY strong attacks thanks to Banjo having Soul seishin. Raideen has some of the best stats of any Super Robot (including high evasion, which supers aren't supposed to have) and one of the highest attack power, coupled with extremely early acess to Support and its really powerful God Voice. For real robots, there's the Gundam X Divider and Zeta Gundam, the former having high mobility and evasion and its energy consumption for its powerful Harmonica Cannon is low and has long range. As for the latter, you only have to max the machine's EN; all it really needs is a Biosensor or Pyschoframe and a Booster, then watch as Kamille's crazy evasion stat does the rest. In a game where money is so scarce, these two machines need few upgrades compared to others. It helps that later in the game Zeta got an upgrade to its core stats and the Waverider Crash.
  • Haro parts, as usual, are extrememly broken equippable enhancements but another game breaking part is the one that makes you regain 30% of a unit's max EN once a turn. You can get 3 of these. Put one on Shin getter to fuel its Stoner Sunshine, one on DX G-Falcon, if you get the G-Bits for its Bits, and the last one pretty much depend on your choice. You can put it on Wing Zero for its EN problem, Stardust MemoryGP03 Dendrobinum Orchis for its powerful EN weapons. Alternatively, you can put it on Mazinkaiser, to make an already broken mech even more broken by allowing 2 free Fire Blaster each turn.
    • The Gundam DX is also pretty broken in Alpha Gaiden, due to a glitch where instead of 8 rounds, its stronger than usual beam rifle has somewhere around 30 shots, which is fixed if you get Tifa Adill and the G-Bits. BUT, you can also break the game after the bug is fixed, due to the G-Falcon's parts work while the mechs are combined, giving the DX two part slots while boosting its stats. Put a Haro on the DX and the previously mentioned EN regeneration on the Falcon after the G-Bits are obtained for an unstoppable unit with infinite G-bits.
    • One unit generally declared useless along with the rest of the originals in Alpha Gaiden (except for Sanger is Ryusei Date and his R-1 Custom. It's actually a major case of Magikarp Power; of course, he sucks completely unless you bother to level him up to where his psychic ability reaches above level 6. This gives him an invisible evasion and accuracy stat boost that makes him nigh untouchable to even the Final Bosses when combined with his "Guts" pilot skill (all stats are boosted when HP hits critical). R-1 has 3 part slots, but Ryusei really needs one psychoframe to do this, something even Kamille and the Zeta can't match. The only downside is the R-1's damage is pitiful, but in this Nintendo Hard game, that isn't as much of an issue as long as it can survive.
    • Mazinkaiser is clearly made to be this. It has a nice Armor and Hp, coupled with small HP regeneration, and it can dodge rather well thanks to its awesome terrain rating and Evasion that is comparable to lower level gundams and an acceptable mobility, further boosted by Koji's Accelerate seishin. Its attack is so strong that it is capable of outdoing fully upgraded unit(something that is downright impossible to achieve without hours of grinding or focusing a single unit), which is further enchanced by Mazinpower. All of its attacks dont have will requirements, and all of the useful one have awesome range(Turbo Smasher Punch is 4 range and post movement, Scrander is 6 but not post movement, and Fire Blaster is 3 and post movement), and has relatively small EN cost in comparison to the damage it deals(Fire Blaster costs 60 EN, in comparison, Stoner Sunshine, which is weaker thanks to Mazinpower uses 90). Upgrade its armor and hp a bit, and its weapon(and EN, if you want to spam Fire Blaster). Slap an Armor part, or even better a HPHGCP on it, and send it on the crowds, and watch as it does 5 digits of damage cassualy.
    • By same respect, Great Mazinger and Mazinger Z itself is actualy really broken. As ussual, they have good armor rating. They have a ridiculously powerful weapon, thanks to its Mazinpower on top of their already powerful weapon, however the greatest part of it is their Rocket Punch weapon, which has nice range of 4, good terrain rating, and its completely free of EN making it an extremely useful weapon for all sorts of situation. The best part of it are the fact that they are alvailable really early and is a reliable choice until the end of the game. The catch is, while Great makes the entirety of early to mid game(barring a few number of stages) a cruel joke, Tetsuya lacks the Alert seishin to handle late game bosses, and Mazinger Z lacks good pilot. However, by that time the rest of your team has caught up in term of upgrades and units alvailable. They are so broken that in fact, even if you dont upgrade Mazinger Z that much, theres one of the late game stage where you are alone only with Mazinger Z against an army of mechabeast. Its one of the easiest part in the entire game, which is saying something in this Nintendo Hard game.
  • Super Robot Genre with multiple pilots, most of which are Combining Mecha in Alpha Gaiden, most prominent examples are Getter Robo, Voltes V, and Combattler V. In a game where Seishin management are pretty much essential, these units carried multiple pilot with multitudes of seishin on each pilot, on top of a powerful attacks in its own right(the former are the second strongest support attacker after Mazinkaiser and a strong attacker in general, the latter are pretty much Great Mazinger redux with melee(Voltes) and Ranged(Combattler) preferences). As a bonus, they have the ability to split into several parts. While it seems to be a useless gimmicks, one of the pilots one each of them have the Alert seishin that allows you to avoid one attack per turn. This ability are essential against Seishin casting That One Boss that plagued pretty much 80 % of the late game. As a bonus, Voltes and Combattler can repair with one of their parts, making them a Repair, Battle and a Helpful Seishin Bank unit all in one package. To make it even worse, SP transferring ability and SP recovery such as Donkey Bread recovers all of the pilot's SP.

Super Robot Wars Destiny[]

  • The Garland thanks to the Armor Bug which it can abuse rather well, especially with its high dodge rate and small size. As a bonus, its the cheapest unit to upgrade in the entire game, and have 4 part slots. The same applies to Zarme Sow but in a much lesser extent.
  • Macross 7 Nekki Basara, and Mylene, thanks to their ability to give status buff that increase units performance by a notable degree, either by increasing overall unit performance by giving the entire party a buff or create a Lightning Bruiser One-Man Army out of anything. And that's even WITH the Scrappy Mechanic that is this incarnation of Song EN.

Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier[]

  • The first game gives us Reiji Arisu, who is the party's strongest attacker, and carries the "Soul" Spirit Command (deal twice the damage for the next attack) and another Spirit Command that ensures he goes first in the next round. He's preceded by Haken Browning later in the game, who combines a more modest "Valor" Spirit Command (deal 50% more damage for the next attack) with his unique skill "Rampage Spectre". No Mooks can survive it, while end-game bosses will get a significant portion of their HP chipped away because of it.

Super Robot Wars Judgment[]

  • Zeorymer of the Heavens: size L super robot with good defenses and a barrier, plus an evasion ability that kicks in at 130 Will and powerful attacks in melee and range slots, the deadliest being its MAP variant of the Mei-Oh. If you refrain from using it for a great portion of the game (except where required), you get its Mid-Season Upgrade "Great Zeorymer" at the end of its Judgment storyline. It's even harder for enemies to stand a chance against it, since it's armed with all of its series' bosses' finishing attacks, and its Mei-Oh attack has +1 range. Unfortunately, the requirements to get it are so strict, it bars every other Secret Character excluding Balzac, Tekkaman Rapier and Julia to become unobtainable, though most players will agree Great Zeorymer is worth it (at least on the next playthrough due to a couple of glitches; see below).
    • Due to two glitches, it's advisable not to get Great Zeorymer on the first playthrough because they affect it: the first glitch occurs if you don't recruit Julia you get Gale, while the second is a Good Bad Bug that gives Gai Daigouji TWICE the pilot points he's supposed to get when he rejoins the party, turning him into a gamebreaker in his own right because of super high stats from the extra PP and the high damage spammable Combination Attacks. Also, if you get Great Zeorymer you miss out on the most single awesome scene in the entire game where Gai pulls his Big Damn Heroes moment.
  • The Arbalest after you can activiate the Lambda Driver is a good tie with the Zeorymer. It might actually be better due to its ECS ability (another Mirror Image proxy), can nullify damage with the Lambda Driver barrier as you reach 120 Will (damage rate also increases by 20% - 50%), ammo dependant attacks that have a lot of shots (the only attack that eats energy is its Combination Attack with the M9s) and Sousuke Sagara's high stats. Oh, and it's a size S unit.
  • The Nadesico is a gamebreaker...and it's a battleship! Once it upgrades into the Nadesico Y, it gets stronger attacks, EN regeneration and a Phase Transition Cannon MAP weapon. Although it doesn't outdo the Valzacard's set of six pilots, it has a decent five pilots, each with their own good, efficient set of Spirit Commands.
  • In contrast to their other counterparts from other SRWs, the Judgment Aestivalis are extremely good, due to their spammable Combination Attacks. Akito Tenkawa and Gai's are particularly overpowered, as well as the Aestis' Distortion Fields occasionally activating. Oh, and that's before you get the mandatory Lunar frames.
  • Granteed amongst the Original Generation thanks to its insane armor and ridiculously powerful attacks, on top of the AI tendency to pick on targets they can hit rather than targets they can kill, but have a hard time hitting. Later its Mid-Season Upgrade makes it EVEN more broken by giving it a barrier, teleportation and regeneration on HP and EN. Upgrade its armor enough and even the Original Generation bosses will have a hard time killing it. It makes an already easy game even easier.

Super Robot Wars K[]

  • Bucket loads of game breakers, especially in the super robot department, thanks to the Jeegs. They're small, thus have a higher dodge rate, have quite a few attacks that cost zero energy but dish out as much damage as the best moves on some of the other larger supers. All of this is before their Jeegs' Bronze Bell kicks in (at 130 Will, +25% damage dealt, -25% damage taken, +10% to accuracy and evasion)...and lets not even get started on Gaiking...
  • The biggest thing that make Jeegs broken are their insane damage potential. Unlike most Super Robot Genre they have the Soul seishin that multiplies damage by 2,5, and Kenji have the Fury seishin, which gives auto critical. Their Combination attacks ignores Barriers and Size Differences(it help that Jeegs is a small unit). It helps that their combination attack is so strong that it easilly reached 6 digits of damage
  • King Gainer (yes, him again) with any of the parts that gives experience or money for each square moved. King Gainer's natural movement, its Accelerate Overskill, and Game Champ/Gamer King, well...
  • Kira Yamato is simply horrifying. Sure, he's given a handicap (inability to kill opponents, horrific Will gains) to compensate for amazing stats, but in K, Will gains are normalized, meaning Kira's SEED bonus (at 130 Will 130, +10% to accuracy and evasion, +25% to final attack damage) and already broken unit become impossible to stop. Hell, placing him in his outdated Aile Striker doesn't hurt too much.
  • Vann falls under a Boring Yet Practical game breaker. His Dann of Thursday hits like a truck already, but its basic melee attack, which costs a paltry 10 EN, bypasses any barriers. Many late game enemies rely on barriers to survive meaning Vann can systematically take down almost any end game Mook with ease. Although the weapon range is short, just slap on parts so Vann can attack at a greater distance. Throw in some additional Spirit Commands to boots his Will quickly and it's easy to have Vann deal 5-digit damage attacks on 6-8 enemies at once. It Got Worse later on the game since Van has a natural potential of high level of In-Fight skill and Overflow Super Mode which increase its attack and defense by 25 % and dodge/hit rate by 10 %. Combine this with Van's exclusive skill that increase stats based on will and...

Super Robot Wars L[]

  • You'd think Banpresto would've learned their lesson back in W, but L brings us Iczer-1, whose SS size makes her a beast at dodging while she can also tank relatively well, and has a high damage output (yes, yet again). Considering her innate "Double Image"-like ability, some fans have started to call her a "mini-Zeorymer".
  • Unlike its previous counterpart in K, Kotetsu Jeeg starts with the Mach Drill and Jeeg Bazooka Combination Attacks when you get him. Naturally, Jeeg can only use these attack when it's placed adjacent to the Big Shooter, but the Partner System remedies that easily. The best thing about this Jeeg? Mach Drill and Jeeg Bazooka consums ammo, not EN.
  • Mazinkaiser and Great Mazinger, yes them again. Both have insanely powerful set of weapons that covers good range, which become even stronger with Mazinpower which also increased their defenses in this game. They also has the highest armor value in the game and an acceptable evasion rating. Put Bullet save on both so they can spam their Rocket Punch and give 5 bars of upgrade on their stats, and they can basically Tank everything the game thrown at them while dealing massive damage. Not to mention they arrived with 4 bars on each stats.
  • Gaiking or a least after Gaiking the Grea is unlocked. An L size Lightning Bruiser Super Robot Genre with powerful attacks and pilot with an ability that increases Evasion, Armor, Critical and Accuracy that is useful for Supers, and unlike in K, its EN usage is way lower in this game. While it needs a combinaion of 3 units, its easilly solved by the partner system and well worth the one less unit slot to deploy it.

Super Robot Wars MX[]

  • So, just to confirm, we did mention Zeorymer, right? Oh, and you can buy "SP Regen" for both Masato and Miku, except instead of recovering 10 SP per turn, it recovers 10% of max SP per turn. Consider this for a second.
    • Note that this Zeorymer isn't as strong as its Judgment counterpart, partially because you cannot unlock Great Zeorymer, but this is mostly as MX has many powerful units and arguably the easier SRW to date, so the robot doesn't stand out that much anymore.
  • Kaine and Meio have a Combination Attack together. It's fairly standard for Dragonar's appearances in SRW but in MX, it has low Will requirements, costs only 10 EN to use and, with the right upgrades and Spirit Commands, can do in excess of 40,000 damage.
  • MX has a bug that shifts the game balance around. An explanation is required: generally in SRW, weapons have terrain rankings, dealing different damage depending on what type of terrain the target stands on. In MX, due to the bug, it's the attacker whose terrain counts. What does it mean? If a flying unit has anti-air weapons with an S air rating (a common occurence in this game), it will deal bonus damage against ALL targets. This makes even supposedly weak units like the TFO real hard hitters.

Super Robot Wars Original Generation[]

  • While not really belong to OG per se, back in the days of Classic Timeline (Masou Kishin to be exact) a single man and mecha can outshine most entries on this list: Shuu Shiwakawa and Neo Granzon. Yes, THAT Neo Granzon. He will only join you on Volcruss Route (the hardest of 3), and he'll become your enemy at the beginning of the last stage (you can't kill him either unless you purposefully want to get a Game Over)......But once you convince him back, fun time begins. His Neo Granzon's HP towers anything you have (around 30K) with 30% HP regeneration per turn, hits like a Bullet Train (its infamous Shuktaihou only need +5 Will to use, with base damage around 9000 and has 20 ammo), and nothing can take more than 20 HP away from him if you're not the Final Boss and hit him from behind. The remake actually toned him down since, back in the original, he can activate Attack Again skill 50% of the time. So, the alternate strategy of the last stage can be read as 1)Convince Shuu back, 2)Clear the map with him solo since unlike Ayato or Gan Eden, the possibility of Shuu getting killed is pretty much zero.
  • Original Generation 1 handed players a pretty nice, if slightly nerfed, Valsion Custom if they fulfill very simple conditions. Even unupgraded, it's got a lot of HP, makes a great tank, and it pretty strong compared to the rest of your units. In fact, fully upgraded, it's possible to have one character solo most levels save some bosses while piloting it.
    • In a lesser example, SP Regenerate turns some characters into this by default. Radha comes with this and a Focus seishin that can be cast one turn and have it refunded in full by the next, meaning she's nigh untouchable in a speedy unit.
  • The Wild Wurger L in Original Generation 2: it's really a red Wild Wurger that can't perform the Twin Bird Strike with the Wild Falken, but it comes with the unique weapon "Stun Shot". Any enemy hit with it is unable to move or attack (let alone, counterattack) for both the player and enemy turn. Couple this with any character with the "Fury" Spirit Command (notably, anyone whose last name contains "stein", for example, though Ratsel belongs in Aussenseiter and Rai in R-2 Powered, leaving only Leona), which bypasses ALL enemy barriers, something most late-game bosses have and said character having good dodging capabilities (the same people), bosses are effectively helpless. Although Stun Shot runs out after one volley, there are about four ways to replenish it on the battlefield at any given moment, and if you use it first thing during your turn, you can lay a massive beatdown on a helpless boss. Combine with an Armor Breaker to trivialize every major boss past Episode 27 that it can be used.
  • In the same game, Lamia Loveless is an excellent pilot and her Super Robot Genre Angelg's also one of the better mecha. But if you complete certain requirements with her, and pump up her melee stat instead of ranged (which goes against the Angelg's style), then you get the Vaisaga. Not only does it do insane damage, it dodges like crazy, almost always activates "Mirror Image" (50% chance of evading ALL enemy attacks), and Lamia's ace bonus increases the chance to do Mirror Image even further, making it nigh untouchable. The drawback is only Lamia can pilot it, making the Angelg another good mecha collecting dust in the hangar bay (unlike the other secret unit, the Ash Saver, which can be piloted by anyone), though some players think it's better this way. When you get her back in Original Generation Gaiden, you basically get the Vaisaga for free.
  • Likewise in Original Generation Gaiden, you get Folka Albark and the Ialdabaoth, a very dodgy super robot that hits very hard...and this is before it gets its Mid-Season Upgrade (even more broken). It helps that Folka's Twin Spirit Command is "Soul" (deal 2.5 times the damage), a better version of "Valor" (deal twice the damage). Considering Folka and the Ialdabaoth are pastiches of Kenshiro, it's almost unquestionable they'll be broken. The catch, however, even with a game breaker like the Ialdabaoth and the Vaisaga, when you get Lamia back, they can't win against the Final Boss alone and unprepared.

Super Robot Wars Reversal[]

  • The Black Serena from Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness. Two or three complete life bars (depending on whether you get its "High Mobility" upgrade), ridiculous dodge rates, a 50% outright evasion chance from the "Boson Jump" ability on top of that and powerful attacks. Its only weakness is burning through energy like no tomorrow, which is meant to force the player to sacrifice its life bars to refill it, but there are ways around that like "Solar Panel" (10% EN regen) and other reloading methods. That, and Akito can't use the Double Gekigan Flare unless its down to its last life bar...
    • Oddly, for a game that has a glut of broken units, the Black Serena in W is decent at best: the programmers forgot to give it Boson Jump...
  • While hit with a Nerf by having Rocket Punch using energy and less range, Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger is just as broken in this game as they were in Alpha Gaiden and it gets better. Not only the overall power of the enemy is weaker, they gain Combination Attack with each other and a Three Person combination attack with Shin Getter, gain a one shot ammo based move with absurd amount of attack power ridiculously early, turning them into a Mighty Glacier with massively powerful attack. And the game put their Relationship Values in a good starting level that increases attack power. To make it even better, unlike Alpha Gaiden, there is really nothing that hold them back that makes them the Crutch Character in this game. Its not entirely surprising to find them dealing 5 digits damage with basic attack when other units need to use their high end attack to do the same.

Super Robot Wars W[]

    • The Ardygun family's Valzacard is a battleship-sized super robot that dodges like a Real Robot Genre with nearly 30,000 HP. Technically, it's really its attacks that make it so powerful in the game; to top it off, it has six pilots, meaning the unit has access to a vast Spirit Command base (moreso if you add a P.A.S.F.U. unit to regenerate Spirit Points), giving it tons of bonuses each turn. The best part? It's the mandatory final Mid-Season Upgrade for the protagonist. Also, if you're willing to glitch a bit, it can have infinite turns due to the "Courage" Spirit Command, and that's not even with setting up the protagonist to do it.
    • Detonator Orgun and the Tekkamen...ALL seven of them (eight, if you play your cards right). Five of them have two HP bars (and a second set of Spirit Commands), six of them have long-range Wave Motion Guns with a MAP variant, and on top of that, are small (size SS: human-sized in a battlefield full of 30-foot plus Humongous Mecha) and hard to hit, and can hit several enemies in a row with their base attacks, especially Yumi (Tekkaman Hiver), whose Wave Motion Gun's MAP attack is Friendly Fireproof (did we mention she gets the "Love" Spirit Command, which gives her perfect accuracy and evasion, deals twice the damage, and doubles the cash and experience earned from her victims?) and ridiculous area of effect. Oh, and most of them have Combination Attacks with each other.
      • The thing that makes them complete game breakers is unlike its preceeding game Super Robot Wars Judgment(where Blade is already broken), the size difference mechanic that otherwise reduces the effectiveness of small units attacking larger ones doesn't exist, meaning Orgun and a Tekkaman can hit every bit as hard as a Mobile Suit, yet their damage output is comparable to high end supers or even higher. Notably, W lacks the AI of Judgment that focuses on hitting slower units.
    • To say nothing about GaoGaiGar and its derivatives is a crime. Basically, GaoGaiGar's a super robot with excellent defense, yet dodges like crazy. On top of that, its Protect Shade/Wall defensive skill buffs up its defense against small damages (pilot Gai Shishioh has the "Muteki" (Invincible) Spirit Command, which when used in conjunction with Protect Shade/Wall, means he takes no damage from the next hit). Also, unlike its Alpha 3 counterpart, Goldymarg's no longer a separate unit, so it can use the Goldion Hammer as many times as possible. Once the story brings in the Genesic GaoGaiGar, it can use the Goldion Crusher infinitely to your heart's content. Wow, talk about one God of Destruction... breaking the game.
      • Incidentally, in order to make things simple for combining the supporting Ryu robots (because you can form both their normal combinations and their combinations fuelled by THE POWER), all four of them share upgrades and levels. Basically, you can get four fairly decent robots for the price of one, and eight different pools of Spirit Commands (4 from the Ryu robots, 4 more from each of their combined forms). Oh, and the upgrades you spend on the male Ryus get carried over to the female Ryus, which also share character levels with each other. That means you get two more fairly decent supporting robots for the price of one. Thanks to how combinations are handled in W, you're equipping up to 3 units with a part for every part given to the each of the Ryu robots. To make it worse, they also share pilot skills (give one "Break Will Limit" (raise maximum Will to 170 instead of 150), all four/two gets the effect). Whew! What a mouthful!
      • Volfogg has an attack that nullifies barriers of anyone it attacks, and is a Lightning Bruiser with two HP bars with Double Image (a Mirror Image proxy). Mic Sounders the 13th can buff Will for allies and its attacks inflict status effects, one of which gets a MAP variant, and all of them have high damage capabilities and are ammo-based. Finally, King J-Der inherits upgrade from GaoGaiGar and has insane durability backed with Double Image and a damage reduction skill complimented by strong attacks. It gets a 4-pilot Spirit Command pool and is a LL-sized super robot. In short, the whole cast of GaoGaiGar is a big family of game breakers.
    • Mazinkaiser is no slouch either, at least after getting its Kaiser Scrander, which makes it a more offensive-based GaoGaiGar with less armor, but makes it up with Mazin Power, which increases its attack power to absurd levels. Add in the Kaiser Nova, economic combinations with the Great Mazinger, a slightly more expensive combination with the Shin Getter and the Final Dynamic Special with both, you basically got one hell of a Lightning Bruiser capable of ridiculous damage output.
    • On New Game+, you can buy External GS-Rides, which gives you 150 EN and regenerates 10% of max EN each turn. Go ahead: pick an EN-consuming attack and go wild.

Super Robot Wars Z[]

    • The Aquarion, with its special "Element System" ability to merge all three pilots' highest stats once it hits 130 Will. Basically, pump up the melee, range and evasion stats in three different pilots and you can have them maxed out in 1/3 of the time it should take. Not to mention its Mugen Punch has a range of 14! For extra brokenness, give Apollo "EN Save" (EN attacks cost 20% less EN) and "Hit & Away" (attack first without moving, then move after attacking) pilot skills.
      • Want an even MORE broken Aquarion? Do the above, but also pump Apollo's skill stat and give him the "Attack Again" pilot skill, which triggers if his skill stat is higher than the defending enemy's by 20. Every time he uses Mugen Punch, he'll do Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
    • Z in general has plenty of "minor" game breakers; it being a not-very-difficult-game is one of the reasons, but one major game breaker is the Nirvash Spec-2: this beast has top-class evasion and accuracy and comes with its own one-shot MAP weapon "Seven Swell", which has a range of 6 squares surrounding it and does OBSCENE damage. Players are divided into two groups after getting the Spec-2: those who avoid using it to ruin the game and the ones who nuke everything with Seven Swell by using the "Resupply" and "Move Again" Spirit Commands to set it up.
    • Here's another one; Baldios. Basically a "Zeorymer-lite" without a MAP and EN regeneration, but beats it by being size LL (Zeorymer's an L; keep in mind that the larger the unit, the higher the damage and defence bonus) AND having a goddamned A in every terrain in a game that rarely gives out a unit with anything better than three A's and a B.
    • Want another one? Take everyone's favorite ladies man, Kei Katsuragi. When you first look at his Orguss, you might think to yourself "God, no: not another Garland", until you notice a few things about this beast: Kei's one of the best pilots in the game, bar none with his insane skill stat, which he's designed to make use of since he comes pre-packaged with the "Attack Again" and "Counter" (attack before the enemy attacks first) pilot skills. Just give him the "Bullet Save" pilot skill (50% more rounds for ammo-based weapons) to get more hits and "Ignore Size Modifier" (bypass enemy size when dealing damage) since his unit is size S, spend a couple thousand credits on Orguss' weaponry and mobility and LAUGH as he evades everything thrown at him and nukes Eldritch Abominations to death with a Macross Missile Massacre, easily doing above 10000 damage when fully upgraded. The icing on the cake? You get yet ANOTHER Orguss unit at the end stages of the game, which is JUST as good (its pilot isn't as broken as Kei, but who is anyway?) and allows the Orguss to perform a Combination Attack which is even more powerful. Keep in mind that Kei's stats are as good as (if not even better) than even the Universal Century aces Amuro and Char Aznable.
      • One of the things that make Kei insanely powerful is his Squad Leader Bonus: +20% damage against male enemies, -20% damage against females. Since 90% of the enemies in the game are male, this is probably the best Squad Leader Bonus in the game.
    • Even a unit which usually falls under Magikarp Power such as the Turn a Gundam can be a complete beast if you replace Loran Cehack, who is so-so at best unless you Level Grind him, with Amuro or Char or even Harry Ord (though most players pick Char, since he isn't relegated to the Sazabi and is stuck in the Hyaku Shiki while Amuro has the Nu Gundam, giving him a good unit to, Ord has his Gold Sumo), set up the right skills and watch as the Turn A Moonlight Butterflies its way through everything while decreasing their armor as an added bonus of the attack.
    • Rand Travis' Gunleon can be made into one of these if you set it up as a Stone Wall or Mighty Glacier unit and give it a squad with two other units that have the "Repair" equipment (the TFO comes in mind) giving it a 30% HP recovery each turn. Add this to Rand's possession of the pilot skill "Prevail" (the lower the HP, the higher the stats) and the Gunleon's high armor and size L rating, you have a virtually un-killable, wrench-wielding GaoGaiGar Expy of doom that can survive wave after wave of attacks. There's a good reason people avoid Rand when the plot forces you to fight him.
    • King Gainer's a potential game breaker if you realize that if Gainer gets 100 kills before a certain scenario (or just reaches Ace status in Z2), he gets "Game Champ", an exclusive pilot skill that increases his skill stat by 30 whenever he hits 130 Will. Give him "Attack Again", "Ignore Size Modifier" and "EN Save" to get in more mileage out of his Overskill attacks, upgrade his weapons and enjoy the sparks flying as he tears through enemies.
      • Certain pilot skills, like Predict, Dash, and Guard, and certain parts (particularly the Hyper Jammer, and the D Extractor types in Saisei-hen) can be used to push his already useful Overskill bonus to even greater heights.
    • Hakai-hen sees the return of some original casts (check the roster list), meaning the above gamebreakers are still intact, while some new ones enter the scene, like Chirico in his Scopedog. It's one of the smallest units in the roster and his initial skill (it appears as question marks, but it'll still work) boosts all his stats by 30 when the Scopedog's HP falls under 10% (which activates Chirico's Level DEFAULT. Oh, and the aforementioned skill in question marks stacks with Prevail), it'll make him very hard to get hit while unloading his arsenal. It doesn't help the Scopedog's strongest attack has a built-in "Ignore Size Modifier" by default, hits about 5700 at max upgrade and if the Scopedog's fully upgraded, it boosts all weapon damage further by 300. Since Chirico's Ace Bonus boosts all weapons' critical rate by 30, this means if he's in the red, every attack will score a critical. WOW...
    • Speaking of Hakai-hen, Akagi Shunsuke is the god of Magikarp Power. He comes with a unique pilot skill that grants him an absurd amount of pilot points, allowing him to learn "Continuous Action" (at 120+ Will, perform an additional action if the pilots successfully destroys an enemy) in the first quarter of the game. Throw in some other skills ("Dash" (+1 to movement; at 130 Will, +2 to movement) and "Bullet Save" help make up for the Dai-Guard's weaknesses) and some parts (a "Haro" (+2 Movement, +45 Mobility, +25 Weapon Hit Rate, +1 Weapon Range), for example) and it becomes a Lightning Bruiser capable of single-handedly pushing through half of a map in scenarios.
    • Yep, Basara is at it again. He now has the entire Sound Force tagging along invisibly, and the MAP versions are even crazier. Planet Dance is basically a MAP version of the Trust seishin; Totsugeki Love Heart is a MAP-wide Encourage/Rouse; My Friends (which Mylenes uses) still restores SP; Try Again still boosts stats, but now it's capped out at +15 for offensive-based stats and +30 for defensive stats; and he has a new song: DYNAMITE EXPLOSION, which pretty much blows everything else out of the water. He gives Cheer and Bless to everyone it hits, and as his Song Energy climbs, he'll add Accel and Alert. But when HE casts Hot Blood before belting out this tune, EVERYONE AFFECTED GETS HOT BLOOD CAST ON THEM FOR FREE. Truly the Theme Music Power-Up exemplified.
      • Did I mention that those annoying-as-hell Dimensional Beasts and DAMONs actually take damage from all of his songs, and Vajras lose morale when hit, and will run away if their morale dips below 120, giving him TWICE the PP and EXP than someone would otherwise get?
    • An In-Universe example: According to the game background, the 00 Gundam's Twin GN Drive and the Gundam Wing Zero's Zero System were originally supposed to be incorporated into the same mobile suit. Celestial Being thought it would be too overpowered, and so put them in seperate Gundams. Repeat: Celestial Being, of all people/organisations, looked at the blueprints and decided it was too powerful.