Some Game Mods have their own work pages; this index is meant to collect them all in one place.
Amnesia the Dark Descent[]
Battlefield series[]
Cave Story[]
- Jenkas Nightmare
- Ralrens Sanctuary - currently unavailable
Chrono Trigger[]
Civilization IV[]
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3[]
Command and Conquer 3[]
Deus Ex[]
- Action Doom 2 Urban Brawl
- Batman Doom
- Chex Quest
- Ghouls vs. Humans
- Hacx
- Harmony
- Mega Man 8 Bit Deathmatch
- Zdoom Wars
Duke Nukem 3D[]
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion[]
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim[]
Escape Velocity Nova[]
- Colosseum
- EV Nova United Galactic Federation
- Rising Powers
Europa Universalis[]
Fallout 3[]
Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword[]
Free Space[]
Half Life[]
- Afraid of Monsters
- Counter-Strike
- Cry of Fear
- Cthulhu an Unspeakable Mod
- Heart of Evil
- Pirates Vikings and Knights
- Poke 646
- Scientist Slaughterhouse
- Team Fortress Classic
- They Hunger
Half-Life 2[]
- Dear Esther (Later remade as a commercial game)
- Dystopia
- Garrys Mod
- Korsakovia
- Minerva Metastasis
- Neo Tokyo
- Nightmare House
- The Stanley Parable
- Iji_MSPFA (the mod of the Interactive Comic of the game)
Mega Man[]
Stackable Mods |
- The Aether
- Mo Creatures
- Millenaire
- Better Than Wolves
- Thaumcraft
Overhaul/Conversion Mods |
- Adventure Craft
- Hack Slash Mine
Maps |
- Professor Grizwald
Mount and Blade[]
Neverwinter Nights[]
Neverwinter Nights 2[]
- Moemon
- Pokémon Brown and Prism
- Pokémon Quartz
- Pokémon Snakewood
- Pokemon Flora Sky
- Touhou Ningyougeki
- Portal Prelude
- Blue Portals
Mods |
PETI Maps |
- Twelve Angry Tests
Quake III Arena[]
Super Mario Bros. games[]
- Brutal Mario
- Kaizo Mario World
- Mario Adventure
- The Second Reality Project
- An SMWC Production
- Super Mario Bros 3 X
- Super Mario Bros 5 Reborn
- A Super Mario Thing
- Super Pansy World
- Kid Adventure