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Basic Trope: In a video-game, the player's allies (or at least those relevant to the plot), cannot die.
- Straight: Sara and Frederich are fighting enemies. While Sara can run out of HP and die, Frederich has no such difficulties.
- Exaggerated: Frederich can be hit with tons of bullets, lit on fire, kicked out of windows, sliced in half, and even nuked during gameplay, but simply gets right back up and keeps fighting.
- Justified: Frederich has a major Healing Factor.
- Inverted: Vince, a plot-relevant enemy, cannot be killed.
- Subverted: A Warghoul pounces on Frederich in an unscripted battle-sequences and slices his throat out, as all of his HP is depleted...A screen comes up saying, "You failed to protect Frederich. Game Over"....
- Double Subverted:...But just as soon as that happens, the Game Over screen disappears and Frederich stabs that Warghoul through the face.
- Parodied: Sara wonders aloud why the government doesn't just send Frederich to do all the fighting, seeing as how he can't die.
- Deconstructed: Sara's model is stuck in a glitch while Frederich is getting hammered by a whole ghoul army a few yards away. Since he can't actually die, the player has no choice but to restart the level. Also, people exploit the game by sitting behind a corner while Frederich fights all of the enemies.
- Reconstructed: The devs fix all those stupid glitches, and some bad guys deliberately bypass Frederich to attack Sara.
- Zig Zagged: For the most part, Frederich is invincible. But at one point, one of the ghouls injects him with serum that negates his Healing Factor, and Sara has to protect him until it wears off. Also, Frederich can actually die if he is pushed off a cliff, pushed into lava, or water.
- Averted: Frederich has a life meter, and once it runs out, he's done for.
- Enforced: The developers don't want the game to suffer from quality due to people constantly losing because Frederich dies.
- Lampshaded: "You know, Frederich..It's pretty cool having an unkillable partner. Sure beats havin' to watch your back all the time!"
- Invoked: ???
- Defied: The developers programed Fredderich good attack AI so he does have to be babysat, but is not immortal
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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