The seventh installment of the Showa-era Gamera films. Earth is invaded by inhabitants of the planet Zigra, a water breathing race that wants to use humankind as a food source. It’s up to Gamera and a handful of children in the thick of it to save the day. Daiei Studios filed for bankruptcy shortly after the release of this film, leading to a nine year hiatus until the eighth and final Showa Gamera film would be released.
This is one of nine films to be used twice on Mystery Science Theater 3000 – once on the local Minneapolis UHF station KTMA in 1988 during the local run of the show and later when running nationally on Comedy Central. For those versions please go to the episode recap page.
Tropes used in Gamera vs. Zigra include:
- Absurdly Sharp Blade / Spikes of Villainy: Zigra
- Alien Invasion: The planet Zigra wants to take over Earth to use humans for food.
- Artistic License Physics: Gamera breaths fire underwater.
- Blatant Lies: Lora Lee chases the children with the clear intent to kill them, all the while shouting, "Come back! I won't hurt you!"
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Zigra's henchwoman Lora Lee, as it turns out.
- Disney Death: Gamera gets one, naturally; but also the crew of the bathysphere.
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: The aquatic aliens from planet Zigra resemble sharks.
- Flying Saucer
- Green Aesop / Fantastic Aesop: Don't pollute the oceans, or Space Sharks will come down and eat us all!
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Dr. Wallace is Played by Koji Fujiyama, aka Onodera from Gamera vs. Barugon. The doctor who saves his life is played by Akira Natsuki, aka Ichiro Hirata from Gamera vs. Barugon, whom Onodera murdered.
- Kill It with Fire
- Lightning Can Do Anything: including revive a giant turtle
- Missing Mom: Helen's mom is said to be in a New York hospital.
- Name's the Same: The monster Zigra comes from the planet Zigra.
- Name That Tune: Gamera plays his own theme music, using Zigra's fins as a xylophone.
- Parent Service: The Zigra minion Lora Lee is introduced wearing form fitting Space Clothes before switching to a bikini in an attempt to blend in with humans, finally settling on a mini skirt for the remainder of the film.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Played with; Zigra is afraid of bright light, but unlike Gyaos it does not actually seem to harm him.