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  • Awesome Music: The band was created by Kai Hansen, for God's sake! All their live albums qualifies, for sure, and in their studio albums, THE album is Land of the Free.
    • "No World Order" is another awesome album. It has the epic intro, "Induction", "Dethrone Tyranny", "New World Order", and "Damn the Machine" all of which are incredible. The other songs are all awesome, but to a slightly lesser extent. It is the highest concentration of pure awesome I have ever seen in a single album.
    • Also "Heaven or Hell!"
    • TAKE ME TO THE GAR-DENS OF THE SI-NNER!!! BU-RY ME AND LET ME REST IN PEACE!!! It's their intro song in their gigs for a reason...
    • "Beyond the Black Hole", the opening track of Somewhere Out in Space. This being the highpoint:

 Into the black hole, into the dark!

Into the spiral, into the dark, the dark, the dark, THE DARK! *Beat* *KICKASS GUITARSOLO*
