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  • Old Shame: Bill Murray said in Zombieland that he regrets being in the first movie.
  • The Other Darrin:
    • Sandy Kenyon voiced Jon Arbuckle in Here Comes Garfield, but all other traditionally animated Garfield specials, including Garfield and Friends, used Thom Huge as Jon's voice actor. Then Breckin Meyer played him in the live-action movies Garfield and Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties. After that, Garfield Gets Real, Garfield's Fun Fest, Garfield's Pet Force and The Garfield Show utilized Wally Wingert's voice for Jon.
    • Strangely, Huge (rhymes with "loogie") has literally no other credits. According to Mark Evanier, Thom Huge was one of Jim Davis' associates at Paws, Inc.
    • In the very first animation, a nameless short film from 1980 that was just animated versions of these [dead link]three [dead link] strips [dead link], Garfield was voiced by Scott Beach. Starting with Here Comes Garfield, Lorenzo Music was his voice actor for all the animated adaptations. After he died, Garfield has been voiced by several other voice actors, most notably Bill Murray in The Movie (which is either a Casting Gag or a coincidence, considering who played Peter Venkman in both Ghostbusters and its cartoon show). Frank Welker is his most recent replacement..
  • Preview Piggybacking: Arguably, the only reason anyone saw the first movie when it aired on The Hub was to see the Equestria Girls song commercial that premiered on it. This got lampshaded in this comic [dead link].