Garnet and Gure, created by Micah Kolding, is a twice-weekly webcomic of the Two Gamers on a Couch variety. It made its start in November 2009 as a weekly feature on, and in March 2011 it made the transition to the front page of a small comics site called Bone Dragon Comics, where it started publishing on Tuesday and Saturday.
The strip follows the comedic adventures of Garnet Gardener and Gure Lewis, friends, roommates and occasionally partners in the Garnet and Gure Software Concern. Video gaming is a prominent theme for the characters, but over time there have been more and more forays into general nerd-dom, adult life and social topics.
As of March, 2012, the comic has expanded into a series of animated shorts..
It provides examples of:[]
- Ambiguously Brown: Nobody knows Gure's ethnicity, and he doesn't care to tell them.
- Animated Adaptation
- Art Evolution
- Awesome McCoolname: Garnet creates the persona "Edge Manworth" for a D&D game in the animated short, "Needs Food--Badly".
- Big Beautiful Woman: "Baby" Fats
- Catch Phrase: His Holiness Harvey the Dungeon Master frequently wins arguments by shouting "Infallibility!"
- Credits Gag: The animated shorts feature these.
- Eldritch Abomination: Kar-Goom, the Dangerously Unlikable
- Evil Twin: "Shadow Gure" is, reportedly, "kind of a dick."
- A Fate Worse Than Death: According to Yukiko, "escrima dead" is worse than "normal dead."
- Gamer Chick: The titular Garnet, as well as Yukiko, Daisy and Wanda "Baby" Fats.
- Go-Karting with Bowser: "Baby Wesker Numbah One!"
- Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls: The strip has repeated references to Naruto fanfiction as an intrinsic part of the girl experience. This idea was later called back to in the animation, "Suffer Like G Did".
- Naked People Are Funny
- Platonic Life Partners: Garnet and Gure may once have had sex, but if they did, they don't remember. The sexless comfort they have with each other, to the point of wearing a tandem bath towel, has caused some to speculate as to the nature of their relationship.
- Shout-Out: Most notably, the titles to the animated shorts are all derived from notorious video game lines.
- The Stoic: Gure
- Two Gamers on a Couch