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A character (often a Nerd) explains something using a reference that only another Nerd could understand.

Usually along the lines of:


 Character A: "I need advice about _______."

Character B: "Remember when ________ fought _______ in issue 24? That's what you need to do!"

Character A: "I feel like _________ when he was forced to ________ in episode 57 of ______."



  • Dave does this a lot in Narbonic, although since he works for a mad scientist, his analogies with Star Trek and Marvel Comics are usually highly appropriate.



  • In the book Tithe, Corny comes out to his Star Trek-loving parents by saying "You know that forbidden love Kirk has for Spock? Well, me too."

Live Action TV[]



  Cunningham: You mean The Bible is a trilogy and the Book of Mormon is Return of the Jedi?


Web Original[]


 SergioThree: There's other fish in the sea, man, she's just a girl

Beatsfromkorea: No dude, that's bullshit.

Beatsfromkorea: Think of it this way. if your precious copy of street fighter third strike broke and i told you "it's ok man, there's other games in the sea. here, play mortal kombat instead" what would you say? you'd be like, "fuck that, gimme third strike."

SergioThree: ...

SergioThree: You just reached me on a level that I never thought possible


Western Animation[]

  • The Simpsons: Martin uses an old-timey reference which the creators need to put up a subtitle to explain, because Martin uses the word in its original meaning. Individually we are weak, like a single twig, but as a bundle we form a mighty f*****. f**-got (f**' - et) n. a bundle of sticks for fuel. (Fr. fagot, a bundle of sticks).