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  • Captain America's overaggressive approach to clearing out the empty airfield.

 "Engage those buildings! Move into position! FOLLOW MY TRACERS!"

    • Particularly Person's reaction. "Can you believe that fucking retard is in charge of people?"
  • A bit of black humor in the sixth episode, when Colbert's Humvee is driving past a severed head lying in the road. He tells Person to avoid driving over it, and he does so...only to have the Humvee drive over the corpse the head was attached to. Colbert's exasperated "You can't fucking win here." takes the moment from morbid to darkly hilarious.
  • There's a lot of background commentary from the Marines, particularly radio traffic, that is hilarious. For example, in the sixth episode, there's a large crash in the background, followed by someone yelling that Manimal dropped a box of grenades, followed by someone else adding that "This is why we can't have nice things!"
  • Captain America flipping out on the comms toward the end of "Stay Frosty."

 Person: Oh my God....Is he crying?

Colbert: No he's not. Just nervous.

Captain America: We're going to DIE if they don't get us out of here! They SENT US TO DIE!

Colbert: Okay, fuck it. He's crying.

  • "Always run in a serpentine fashion!"
  • "I love you Fruity Rudy!"
  • Pretty much anytime the Marines start off-key singing.
    • Especially when Ray's singing 'Tainted Love' and he's trying to get Colbert to do the beats. Eventually, Colbert does so. It's hilarious.
  • "You killed a lot of sand. The sand was... very evil." Along with the rest of that conversation, but that was a highlight.
  • Gunny Sixta laying into a group of First Recon Marines who are catcalling at a female Marine sitting guard on a truck nearby:

  "Belays that, Devil Dog! Now you's a'squalin' like a bunch of buttfucked Vassar bitches! We're gonna be treated to the spectacle of WM with a bunch of horny Devil Dogs trailing her stern! Now unfuck yourselves! (turns to Manimal) Corporal. You're inappropriatin' your chemical filtration device by attempting fornications with! Jesus! Do I need to tell you to not desecrate your equipment with perversions! And where the fuck are your helmets!"

  • Ray getting out of the humvee and, while bullets fly all around him, yelling at Lilley to BACK THE FUCK UP!
  • Ray talking about how he's going to make cookies with the things he's been hoarding, managing to sound like a little kid.
  • 'Well hello, little pup. I'm Big Gay Al!'
  • A very subtle one in Episode 2. When the Marines pass the supply unit that was ambushed, there's a shot from inside a busted truck. Right in the middle of the shot is a half open packet of charms.
  • On bridge crossing:

 Fick: We'll cross that bridge before dawn. Be assured of this.

Gilligan Cut to the Marines crossing the bridge in broad daylight

Trombley: Sergeant, I thought we would be crossing the bridge in the darkness?

Person: Mm-mm. Not retarded enough.
