Generator Gawl is a 12 episode anime from Studio Tatsunoko Productions and director Seiji Mizushima that ran from October 6th 1998 ? December 22nd 1998.
Set in the future of 2007, Professor Takuma Nekasa uncovers a gene code that will unlock the human body's greatest mystery and expose mankind to its greatest threat. To correct this, Gawl, Koji, and Ryo, three young scientists from the future travel back in time to undo this mistake. Appearing three months before the incident they find themselves facing Ryuko Saito, a scientist who prefers that the future remain the same, and his Generator allies.
Generator Gawl provides examples of:[]
- All Part of the Show
- Dub Text: The delivery of the English dub unintentionally suggests a lot of Ho Yay between Koji and Ryo, to the point where they act like a cool, stoic Seme and his blond Uke husband. Koji's even a head taller than Ryo.
- Hair Decorations: Masami's 'haircan and four white ball-things' may or may not apply; Gawl doesn't think it does.
- Expy: *cough*Guyver*cough*.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Gainax Ending: If someone can tell us what Gawl did at the end, by all means, say so. The anime won't.
- Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke
- Idiot Hero: Gawl, just Gawl.
- Improbable Hairstyle: Natsume's hair looks like she piled strawberry dessert whip on her head and swirled the front into what can only be called 'headboobs'.
- Large Ham: Vic as Gawl. I'M MOPPIN'!!
- Narm:
Ryo: "Did you see that? That girl was riding a bicycle!" |
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong
- Stable Time Loop
- The Slow Path
- Transformation Sequence
- Tsundere: Masami.
- Vic Mignogna as Gawl.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Justified — the trio join the university so they can investigate it freely.
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head: Subverted: Masami's trademark Union Jacket may have significance beyond 'it looked cool'... but I doubt it.
- Zeerust