High Octane Nightmare Fuel - Wraithstone, which "Gentles" the mind of anyone who inhales the smoke, nulling out practically all conscious thought and leaving a docile creature without any survival instinct, that won't even eat without prodding. In the first book, the Grey King plans to do this to every single noble of Camorr at once, as revenge. Even the children.
Locke and co. risk their lives, despite not being initially involved in that portion of the plot, to save their WORST ENEMIES from the spoiler.
During the attack on the Poison Orchid, Locke and a few others are assigned to repel boarding parties. They're helped out by some horrific sea-monstrosity that sucks the blood out of some poor bastard through his pores. The boarding parties decide to go have a nice cup of tea elsewhere shortly thereafter.
Stiletto Wasps, whose stingers are the size of a grown man's middle finger. Anyone with a fear of bees will cringe when reading about these creatures.