- Funny Aneurysm Moment: The opening of his final show, It's Bad For Ya, was devoted to funerals and death. He died a few months later. Most fans consider the bit a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, though.
- Harsher in Hindsight: A lot harsher, his '99 show "You Are All Diseased" opens with a rant on how pointless airport security is, including comments that you could easily sneak weapons on board and he doesn't appreciate having his bags searched for bombs.
"And don't give me this shit 'well the terrorists know their bags are gonna be searched so now they're leaving their bombs at home'. There are no bombs, the whole thing is fucking pointless!" |
- Flash forward to late 2010 and thereafter, some people may find it eerily prophetic in light of how far over the line the TSA has gone in America to screen for bombs.
- In Doin' It Again, Carlin remarks he doesn't care about drinking tap water, because he's an American and he doesn't mind drinking carcinogens...
- After his second heart attack, Carlin said this:
"In the Celebrity comedian heart attack sweepstakes, I now lead Richard Pryor two to one. But Richard leads me one to nothing in blowing yourself up. |
- Hell Is That Noise: On the When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops audiobook, George briefly screams to demonstrate his "moment of screaming" (contrast moment of silence) suggestion. And it is absolutely terrifying.
- Jerkass Woobie: The man's onstage persona was a total asshole towards the end, but he made so many people laugh anyway that he got a very mournful reaction from his fans when he died. After his death, his daughter mentioned that he was far less abrasive in real life then he was on stage, and while all the opinions he expressed on stage were his own and genuine, he was far less of a Jerkass about them off-stage. As he himself said, he didn't have a problem with individuals; it was people he couldn't stand.
- Britt Allcroft, the producer of Thomas the Tank Engine, actually recalled after his death that Carlin was nervous reading his scripts without an audience. So they got him a teddy bear that sat in front of him in the recording booth for all 100+ episodes. She maintained that Carlin was actually a pretty gentle guy in person.
- Seinfeld Is Unfunny: For younger audiences who weren't around in the 1970's, it can be hard to understand why this guy is so highly regarded.
- And simultaneously an inversion, in that his later, darker work is what tends to have influenced young comics in The Nineties, the Turn of the Millennium and The New Tens, many of whom aren't even aware his older, Lighter and Softer side even existed. Those who were around in The Seventies will often claim They Changed It, Now It Sucks, but more frequently, those who were mildly shocked by his frankly not-racy (barring the language itself) "Seven Words You Can't Say on Television" material and affectionate jibes at his Catholic upbringing were completely turned off by his later, more confrontational Cool Old Guy persona, such that those who were around during his rise to stardom are more likely to actively dislike him than those who weren't even born yet.