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  • After Rob tells a female coworker that Bucky was being "funny" that morning:

 Coworker: Aw, you have a funny kitty? What kind of cute stories can you tell?

Rob: "Cute" stories? My cat?! Oh....No, no. He's not funny in a "ha ha" kind of way. It's more of a "Good Lord, no!" kind of deal.

  • This strip from an arc about the strip's new editor:

 Bucky: Excuse me, I am inquiring as to when we will be dinnerfying tonight.

Rob: Dinnerfying?

Bucky: Dinnerying. Session de chew. Eatification.

Rob: You know, I don't think your editor's very smart...

Bucky: Nonsense. Me editor am smartastic.
