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  • The first episode of the 7th file. A bloody bathtub and then "I don't want to die".
  • Hell, the...thing (it can't even be classified as human anymore) rising out of the bathtub to grin at Mai and Masako in the dark of a room that looks like a morgue and an operating room.
  • If we look into it a bit more, the character was probably based on a mix of Elizabeth Bathory and the Buddhist concept of "hungry ghosts". To stay..alive (or whatever it is), they have to feed on corpses. Constantly. Without being sated. The Other Wiki can tell you something about them.
  • Mai's vision of being taken by the spirits, and awakes before her throat is slit to drain her blood for the aforementioned monster. Most of her visions are insubstantial in some way, and she knows they're not real. Not this one. She even tells the others how she felt the knife against her neck.