Ghost Talkers Daydream (original title 低俗霊 Daydream) is a Shonen horror manga with Ecchi overtones written by Saki Okuse and illustrated by Sankichi Meguro, of which 10 volumes were published between 2001 and 2006. It was adapted into an anime mini-series in 2004. The first five volumes have been released by Dark Horse Comics with more still to come.
Misaki Saiki is a special young woman. Not because of her day jobs, though those are respectively as a columnist for a porn magazine and as a dominatrix for a BDSM club, but because she can see ghosts. As such she is covertly employed as an exorcist by a government organization, the Livelihood Preservation Group.
Her liaison with the organization is Souichirou Kadotake, a Non-Action Guy type who, despite a surprising proficiency in martial arts, is clearly in the wrong line of work, since he's scared of ghosts. She is also assisted by Mitsuru Fujiwara, a teenager with stalkerish tendencies, and Ai Kunugi, a shy high school girl with budding necromantic abilities of her own.
- Accidental Pervert: Kadotake, with both Misaki and Ai.
- Action Girl: Misaki would rather avoid direct physical confrontations but when she has to, she delivers a beatdown.
- Badass Longcoat: Misaki's coat actually isn't very long, but it is by comparison.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Averted, for women AND men.
- Birds of a Feather: Kadotake and Mitsuru are stalkers-in-arms.
- Dominatrix: Misaki.
- Dramatic Wind: When Misaki summons ghosts.
- Fan Service
- Ms. Fanservice: Misaki.
- Furo Scene
- Going Commando: Misaki does it after being reminded she was supposed to give her panties as a prize for a magazine game.
- Harmful to Minors: Ai and Mitsuru's lives SUCK.
- Heroic Albino: Misaki.
- Hidden Eyes: When Misaki channels Ichinose, a deceased murderer, her eyes aren't visible.
- I See Dead People: Misaki and Ai.
- Loners Are Freaks: Misaki was shunned by her classmates as a child.
- Onsen Episode: Misaki is worried about her lack of pubic hair and visits several onsens that are reputed to cure this problem.
- Parental Abandonment: Misaki's parents left her to the care of her grandparents so she could develop her paranormal abilities.
- Rape as Drama: The first time they met, Misaki rescued Ai as she was about to get raped.
- Shrinking Violet: Ai.
- Stalker with a Crush: Fujiwara. And Mitsuru.
- Stripperific: Though she dislikes her job as a dominatrix, Misaki tends to dress as one when working as an exorcist (complete with Combat Stilettos), even though such clothing is hardly sensible in dangerous situations.
- Technical Virgin: Misaki.
- Tsundere: Misaki.
- Wardrobe Malfunction: Kadotake trips and grabs Misaki's dress while falling down, causing it to rip off and reveal her sexy lingerie underwear.
- Whip It Good: Naturally, Misaki has one. Its name is "Kinui"[1] and it's alive. It also eats someone at the end of the first book.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Misaki is albino. For some reason, she is also naturally hairless from the neck down.