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A 2007 Czech first person point-and-click adventure game. An unnamed man is run over by a bus and killed. Instead of getting to pass on, though, he is recruited by an ambiguous "Boss" to investigate a mysterious factory known as Sector Omega. Oh, and he has to do it wearing a sheet, so he doesn't get to walk through walls or anything cool like that.

Tropes used in Ghost in The Sheet include:

  • And I Must Scream: Hansen is reduced to nothing but a head and sealed away in a secret passageway. He can be freed from his suffering if someone says to him that "it doesn't hurt at all," but whenever someone is in the room with him, he feels incredible pain and can do nothing but scream incomprehensibly.
  • Anti-Frustration Features: The reflex-challenged can skip the "arcade" sequences.
  • Bedsheet Ghost: Duh.
  • Black Comedy: And how.
  • Body Horror: Niels is turned into a small, tentacled creature. In the meantime, Hansen has his head chopped off and lives.
  • Celestial Bureaucracy: Boss tells you he's a part of this. He's lying, in order to exploit you (and possibly other dead people like you) for some nebulous gain, but it apparently does exist, and the ladybugs are part of it.
  • Complete Monster: Boss.
  • Control Room Puzzle: Lots, as the setting is an abandoned factory.
  • Deadpan Snarker: The eponymous Ghost. Deadpan indeed.
  • Easter Egg: Using your powers on Larisa provides some... interesting results.
  • Elemental Powers: Ghost gains several of these over the course of the game.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: Everyone. Until you save them, that is.
  • Good Bad Translation: As commonly happens with foreign games translated into English, a lot of the voice-over delivery is unenthusiastic or improperly accented. However, this actually enriches the game's dark, sarcastic sense of humor in a lot of places.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Hansen's fate. *shudder*
  • No Name Given: The protagonist, known only as "Ghost in the Sheet." The game's antagonist also just goes by "Boss."
  • Sequel Hook: At the end of the game the ladybugs tell you that you can't go to your eternal rest yet, because they have more work for you.
  • Super OCD: Dirac.
  • Title Drop: Awkwardly done as part of the aforementioned Good Bad Translation. The protagonist always inexplicably gives his name as "Ghost in the Sheet," even when he's hardly been dead that long.
  • Who Dunnit to Me?: Boss dunnit to you.