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  • In the original Ghostbusters, the boys prepare to face Gozer down knowing it's probably the last thing they'll ever do, and we get this exchange:

 Peter Venkman: [Genuine fondness] See you on the other side, Ray.

Ray Stanz: [Genuine respect] Nice working with you, Dr. Venkman.

    • And then when they see the charred remains of Zuul/Dana, and they see movement. The break open the demonic dog's charred corpse, and inside is Dana, dazed but unharmed. The music throughout the whole sequence is just perfect.
    • Also, just check the look on Peter's face when he believes Zuul/Dana is dead. It's the first time we see Peter seriously sad in contrast with the great snarky jerk he was throught the movie.
  • In and out of canon in Ghostbusters 2. The Ghostbusters, using the uplifting energy of the song "Higher and Higher", bring the Statue of Liberty to life and commands her to shatter the armor of hate that Vigo encased the museum in. The sight was so inspiring that it united the normally cynical and hateful New Yorkers, and such was the concentration of their love and hope that it weakened Vigo enough to allow the Ghostbusters to defeat him.
  • In the original, when their very first call comes in. Janine, who had been largely apathetic up to this point and had made no attempt to hide such, roars "WE'VE GOT ONE!!!" and slams the alarm buzzer.
  • I think one of the most heartwarming things in the second movie is watching brave little Louis Tully in a Ghostbuster uniform standing infront of the hate-slime covered museum. You can tell he's really scared at first, but a second later he goes into full on Badass Hero Mode!

  Louis: I'm here with you guys!

    • And after that he fires his Proton Pack's blaster at the shell and it shatters (of course he had a lot of help but, don't tell him that)

  Louis: I did it! I'm a GHOSTBUSTER!!!
