Best known for being the voice of Balthier and Fenris, Gideon Emery has provided his "honey-gravel" voice for numerous characters and audiobooks. He is usually cast as some kind of criminal in his live action roles. Though his natural speaking voice is very distinctive, Emery is extremely talented when it comes to speaking in different accents. Besides acting, he is also a Jazz singer and released his self-produced album called "Standard Ease" in July 2011.
Born in England and raised in South Africa, Gideon Emery moved to Los Angeles in 2003. He attended the London MCM Expo in October 2011 alongside Dragon Age II co-star Adam Howden, where they made history being the first British guest voice actor panelists at the convention.
Notable roles:[]
- Balthier in Final Fantasy XII
- Vlad the Impaler in The Middleman
- Donovan Shepard in Moonlight
- Willy in Train
- Sergei in Takers
- Sam Gideon in Vanquish
- Taliesin in Dragon Age
- Fenris in Dragon Age II
- Sgt. Blackburn in Battlefield 3
- The Imperial guards in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
- Sentinel Pilot in Dawn of War 2: Retribution
- Steve Fox in Tekken 5, 6, Tag Tournament 2, and Street Fighter X Tekken
- Sun Quan in Dynasty Warriors 7
- Kuroda Kanbei in Samurai Warriors 3
- Poseidon in God of War III
- Chronically-Killed Actor: And how!
- Deadpan Snarker: Emphasis on the deadpan.
- Everybody Remembers the Stripper: Ask any fangirl what they know about the movie Train and they'll tell you it's the one where Gideon Emery has a shirtless scene. And then they'll attempt to watch it...
- An animated GIF was made of said scene, which has been floating around Tumblr for months now. Eventually a fan sent it to him via twitter.
- Guttural Growler: His deep, gravelly voice certainly qualifies.
- Ink Suit Actor: Emery provided full face scanning and motion capture for Sgt. Blackburn, who he affectionately calls "Digi-Gid".
- He also bears a striking resemblance to Fenris, minus the white hair and glowing tattoos of course.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Despite all the creepy roles he's done, Gideon Emery is an extremely nice person and loves to talk to his fans. He even puts fanart as his profile picture on Facebook sometimes.
- One of Us: After a long day in the recording booth, Emery likes to release tension by shooting things in video games. He seems to be enjoying Battlefield 3.
- Perpetual Frowner: Like his Dragon Age II character, he's accused of being this a lot. During the panel at the MCM Expo he made a joke about how people seem to think he is constantly down when he really isn't.
- Separated At Birth Casting: Reuben Langdon has been Emery's stunt double on multiple occasions. They look like they could be twins!
- Forget twins; try clones!
- Speaking Simlish: Voiced a sim in The Sims Medieval.
- The Danza: In Vanquish, Emery voices a character named Sam Gideon.