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This is Will and Grace, on cocaine, in a parallel universe.'s review of the first series boxset

A Sitcom about a gay man rooming with a straight woman. Sound familiar?. Here, they are called Tom and Linda.

The main differences are:

  • It's British
  • Both leads are Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonists... actually maybe that isn't so different.
  • Linda is unattractive. (No, not Hollywood Homely).
  • They live in a run down grotty flat, that they rent from an ex-prostitute. Not a plush apartment.
  • They hate each other. But bond over the fact that, pretty much, no-one else can stand either of them.

Came forty-eighth in Britains Best Sitcom. Named after the ABBA song, "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (A Man after Midnight)".

Tropes used in Gimme Gimme Gimme include: