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Tropes used in the animated adaptation:[]

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Kaibutsu, who is revealed to look and behave like he does because he was tortured for 5 years by humans using him for scientific experiments.
  • Anvilicious: Oh boy... don't let me get started on Weed and his morals...
  • Damsel Scrappy: Many fans dislike Reika for her role of "Just There" in the anime/manga and getting kidnapped.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Much like its predecessor, the serie recieved more attention in Scandinavia and Finland than any other place.
  • Ho Yay: There are lots of unsettling fanart of Weed x Jerome
  • Narm Charm: Despite having ridiculous amounts of Narm, some people still find the anime watchable, even enjoyable.
    • It depends what episode you're watching, really. There are a few really well animated ones.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Bat, the Blind Seer of Hougen's pack, is pretty damn creepy.
    • Also Aramu, the German Shepherd with some flesh missing from his muzzle, creeped out some of the manga's readers.
    • The Not Quite Dead Sniper's deformed appearance in the manga.
    • John's torture to death.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Jerome's Helpers were hated by most fans for replacing the manga characters who were cut out from the anime.
    • Though Ryo did have fans for being an Action Girl (which is rare in this series).
  • Squick:
    • Hiro the ball-snatcher. Just... Hiro the ball-snatcher.
    • In the manga, Hougen ripped the heavily-wounded John's gut out from his stomach, slowly killing him. This scene was cut out from the anime.
  • Subbing Versus Dubbing: Some people seem to think the series needs an English dub.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: A lot of the fans who have watched Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin or have read the manga were seriously unhappy about the changes in the anime. And not everything can be blamed on Pragmatic Adaptation.
  • The Woobie: Hook.

Tropes used in the Manga:[]

  • Creator's Pet:
    • Weed and Sasuke under Yoshihiro Takahashi.
    • GB and Jerome to a certain extent.
  • Ending Fatigue: One of the major complaints among the fans who read the manga especially for the later arcs.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • George is one of the favourite characters among the manga readers. He isn't in the anime. This is just another thing that made the fans unhappy.
    • Tesshin is also an example of this. Apparently, he's very popular with Japanese readers.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Near the end of the manga, many fans were unhappy at the idea of Weed and Koyuki mating and having puppies. Even though they are dogs, it has an unpleasant parallel to the implications of teenage pregnancy as both Weed and Koyuki are too young to become parents.