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  • "Peppermint dick!"
  • "I'm a fucking shrub, alright?!"
  • This exchange:

 Lisa: (grabbing a pen and holding it to her neck) Take one fuckin' step and I'll jam this in my aorta!

Valerie: Lisa. Your aorta is in your chest.

Lisa: (beat) ...Good to know.

  • Cynthia's laugh. It's...kind of infectious.
  • "...Nuts?"
  • An example from the book: The discovery that Lisa has covered everything in one of the rooms - including some of the catatonic patients - in toilet paper.
  • "Some advice, okay? Just don't point your fucking finger at crazy people!"

 Cynthia: Hey, John, call me a cab.

John: Okay, you're a cab.
