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Please note that many of these categories are rather broadly defined and many characters have unclear allegiances. Characters may change categories. Listing is alphabetical by first name (so as to keep the main protagonist at the top...)
Agatha Clay / Heterodyne[]
Our Protagonist, a Spark, raised by Parental Substitutes Adam and Lilith Clay. The story begins with her breaking through when the locket suppressing her abilities is stolen.
Tropes associated with Agatha:
- Action Girl
- Alternate Character Interpretation: From this comic, is she a poor misunderstood woman who just wants this whole business over, or is she genuinely a classic Mad Scientist who can and will do anything that she needs to, and after she's done will sweep away the pieces of whoever and whatever gets in her way?
- "Is it right to leave a fellow sentient strung up like this?" "Well, that depends upon the nature of the experiment..."
- Badass
- Badass Bookworm: Started as a bookworm, became a badass.
- Badass Longcoat: Several of them, starting from her very first appearance and including an awesome labcoat.
- Badass Princess: Zeetha's princess lessons seems to be meant to turn Agatha into even more of a Spark Lady of War than before.
- Heartbroken Badass: Various times, mostly after Lars died.
- Took a Level In Badass: Before Zeetha's Training From Hell, Agatha played the role of Distressed Damsel much more frequently.
- Berserk Button: Bringing up Lilith and Adam's deaths and half of what Von Pinn says to her. Hurting her suitors is also unwise.
- Bluff the Impostor: Tries this on Othar in their first meeting. Has it tried on her by Carson.
- Caffeine Bullet Time: The Clays wouldn't let her have "stimulants". There was a reason for that.
- Cartwright Curse: Agatha's suitors so far have all wound up dead, shot, or turning funny colors. Leading to:
- It's Not You, It's My Enemies: Agatha wants Gil and Tarvek safely out.
- Changeling Fantasy: She's the long-lost daughter to two of the most powerful lines of Sparks (a Spark princess?).
- Chewing the Scenery: As with all good sparks, she does this a bit when "Sparking out".
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: As shown on several occasions (highlighted by Othar, no less!)
- Dating Catwoman: Gil and Tarvek could both count here.
- Designer Babies: Considering that the Heterodynes "so rarely produce girls," it's implied that she was altered as a fetus to match her mother's specifications.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Geek Physique: Averted. Especially after Zeetha's training.
- Genki Girl: At least, when she is on coffee.
- Genre Savvy: She has her moments.
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Happily Adopted: Agatha has always known that Adam and Lilith Clay were friends of her uncle's, but still calls them her parents.
- Her Heart Will Go On: Lars. It's also worth noting that both Tarvek and Gil have gotten hurt while chasing after Agatha. She just can't seem to keep her suitors healthy. And she's got serious issues about it, too — most likely due to Lars' death.
- Home, Sweet Home: She thinks she wants this.
- Holy Child
- In the Blood: Sparkiness, being a blonde, and occasionally being The Vamp in habits are all details similar, or exactly like her mother. Fortunately, she's not the evil sort. Usually.
- Kid with the Leash: To the Jägers and Castle Heterodyne.
- Kiss Kiss Slap: Sums up her relationship with Gil and Tarvek
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter, as well as being a Mad Scientist herself. Also, the progeny of a Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter, who was a Mad Scientist herself. It must run in the family.
- Meaningful Name: Heterodyning means to alter a frequency by creating another frequency to interact with it. Part of the Heterodyne Spark is the ability to instinctively hum in a way that heterodynes with any background noise so that it gets cancelled out, removing distractions from their work.
- Agatha's locket, which was created by her uncle Barry, is a true Heterodyne locket - when she wears it, it heterodynes her brain. When she was younger, it suppressed her brain waves so that she could never focus enough to truly use her Spark. Now that she has fully broken through, it can't fully suppress her Spark anymore, but the same properties cancel out the brain waves of the implanted copy of Lucrezia in her head, preventing her from taking over Agatha's body.
- Meganekko
- Ms. Fanservice: Less than Zeetha, but the Foglios do have a penchant for putting her in corsetry and lacy underthings.
- Omniglot: According to the novels, she speaks Romanian (Apparently her native tongue), Latin, Greek, German, English, French, Arabic and Russian.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: And how.
- Parental Abandonment: Her original parents are gone at least until Lucrezia shows up, her Uncle Barry who was like a father to her disappeared when she was seven, and her parental substitutes get ripped to shreds. They get better and will presumably come back into her life later.
- Parody Sue: Gets played with in the Cinderella parody.
- Pimped-Out Dress: A clockwork themed ballgown, that can even be taken off by pressing a button.
- Power Floats
- Redheaded Hero
- Sarcastic Devotee: Sarcastically swore fealty to Krosp. He took it seriously, being a good king and helping her.
- Science Hero
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder: Like
a lot ofall Sparks. The page image. - He Is Not My Boyfriend: Gil, assumed by a fair amount of people.
- Teen Genius
- Tsundere: Oh, yes. She definitely is one. At least, towards Gil.
- Wrench Wench
Ardsley Wooster[]
Originally from Britain, Wooster first met Gil in Paris and agreed to enter his service as a manservant. He claimed not to know Gil's true identity at the time, and was apparently very surprised when he found out. However, Wooster turned out to be more than a Jeeves; in reality, he was a secret agent for British intelligence, and therefore likely DID know who Gil was, which is very impressive seeing as Gil's childhood friends didn't. Turns out Gil knew Wooster's real identity, and was perfectly willing to go along with the pretense until events pushed him into making use of his knowledge.
Classy and unflappable Wooster is currently working for Gil, and thus is a Protagonist, but his ultimate loyalty is to "Albia" (the British Crown), an as-of-yet unknown force.
Tropes associated with Ardsley:
- Badass Normal: He commandeers a rifle from one of the Baron's troops (after somehow ditching Agatha's party), fires from the top of one of caravans and is ready to snipe the Baron (see Shoot the Dog below), delivers an Offhand Backhand to Bangladesh Dupree, and later enters and exits the Jaegergeneral's airship from the window. He also survived being Gil's assistant for at least a year before the comic starts.
- Battle Butler
- Dragon with an Agenda: A heroic example, as he is still loyal to the queen, whatever that means.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Boris tries to invoke this when Wooster reveals the Baron's plan to level Mechanisburg to the Jager Generals, claiming that he's allowed The Other an opportunity to escape. Wooster doesn't buy it, but admits that the Queen will take an interest in the matter if things do go south.
- Offhand Backhand: Delivered to Bangladesh DuPree, of all people, and widely considered his Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Sarcastic Devotee: Though he grows out of it, he starts off as a man with little faith in Agatha.
- Servile Snarker: As Gil's right-hand-man. Gentleman Snarker might be more accurate now we know his real background.
- Spanner in the Works: When he derails Boris' manipulation of the Jägergenerals.
- Spy Drama: This didn't really feature in the comic itself until this strip. There is, however, a custom ad for the Spy Battle browser game that portrays his past as being ridiculously martini-flavored.
- Shoot the Dog: Is prepared to do whatever it takes to complete his mission, even killing Baron Wulfenbach.
- The Stoic
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: One of the tallest protagonists, dark haired, and he's British, so snark is a given.
Da Boyz[]
Fan Nickname for the three "wild" Jägermonsters who discovered Agatha while she was incognito and have followed her, to protect their new mistress, ever since.
Tropes associated with Da Boyz:
- Adult Child: Oggie.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Dimo is green,and Maxim is purple. Oggie is (relatively) normally coloured by human standards, which makes him the odd one out by Jaeger standards.
- Attractive Bent Gender: In the Cinderella story, Maxim... is beautiful. Oggie and Dimo avert the attractiveness.
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: Oggie, and to a lesser extent Maxim.
- Badass Beard: Dimo.
- Badass Crew
- Badass Long Hair: Maxim.
- Berserk Button: "Dot... vas... my.... HAT!"
- Bishounen: Maxim, the purple one, was originally designed as an in-joke for Kaja. Lampshaded in the Cinderella side-story, when he's supposed to play an ugly stepsister... well, see for yourself.
- Chewing the Scenery: "SCHTOP! Hyu horr'ble monstery ting of EVIL!"
- "Hyu knife, brodder!" "Right here, brodder!" "* sigh* Ve didn't gets caught, hyu eediots." "Whew!"
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Da Boyz have funny accents, are generally not too bright and more than a little goofy. Then something happens, and suddenly all the goofiness is gone and you're reminded that Da Boyz are in fact 200+ -years-old Super Soldiers...
- Cute Little Fangs: Until they open their mouths and reveal that the "little" fangs are huge.
- Cute Monster Boys: Maxim and Oggie. Oggie, oddly, is more of a charmer than Maxim despite not being as pretty, even being able to sweet-talk human girls.
- Dumb Blonde: Oggie.
- Mr. Fanservice:
ApparentlyObviously. - Funetik Aksent
- HAD to Be Sharp
- Handicapped Badass: Dimo, after losing his arm in the Stormhalten Riot.
- Hidden Depths: They're smarter than the other jaegers. And it seemed to have only come up after they split from the main group.
General Goomblast: Dimo! Hy am shocked at dis behavior! |
- I Want Grandkids: Oggie wants great-great-great grandkids.
- Kavorka Man: They claim to be "irresistible to vimmen," although how much so remains to be seen. Given how many times women seem receptive to Oggie's flirting, he apparently lives up to it.
- Maxim and Oggie both found interested girls during Maxim's interaction with Old Man Death. Then again, apparently in Mechanicsburg and its suburbs Jägers are heroes.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Maxim.
- Loophole Abuse: After failing to get Old Man Death's hat by fighting him for it, Maxim then tells him he wants a sandwich, so Old Man Death tells him "you name it, I make it". Maxim asks for a "Prince of Sturmhalten's Big Bet", which refers to a prince who lost a bet, and ate his own hat; to live up to his boast, Old Man Death had to make Maxim a hat sandwich.
- The Man They Couldn't Hang
- Nice Hat: Like all Jägers.
- Noodle Incident: Oggie apparently did something that pissed off Klaus, which may be part of the reason he was sent on the mission in the first place.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Most notable in Dimo, but they're all smarter than most rank-and-file Jägers because of the time they spent by themselves.
- Only Sane Man: Dimo.
- Perma Stubble: Dimo.
- Power Trio: Dimo=Superego, Maxim=Ego, Oggie=Id.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Psycho for Hire: But in a good way!
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: They don't look particularly old, but Word of God is that they're between 250-300 years old, and Oggie has at least one adult great-great-grandchild (Who looks and acts suspiciously like the person telling the main story, who is a stand in for the author).
- Shipper on Deck: Agatha/Gil is the Jägerkin OTP.
- Slasher Smile: Dimo is particularly good at this.
- The Smart Guy: All three are pretty intelligent, especially compared to the average Jägerkin. Dimo is clearly smart compared to the other two. Vote for Girl Genius in topwebcomics.com and the incentive even calls him "The Smart One."
- Super Soldier
- Super Serum: Confirmed by Word of God to be humans transformed by the "Jägerdraught".
- Undying Loyalty Explicitly explained to be a choice on the Jägers' part. They are not compelled to serve the Heterodynes; rather, every Jäger has made a conscious choice and vow to serve the Heterodynes for life before they drank the Jägerbrau.
- Weapon of Choice:
- An Axe to Grind / Blade on a Stick: Oggie's triple-poleaxe.
- Cool Sword: Maxim's cavalry saber, possibly augmented with a Power Fist (not even the Foglios know what that metallic glove thing is).
- Knife Nut: Dimo uses throwing knives (and sometimes his own claws).
Dingbot Prime[]
Created by Agatha as a lab assistant, Dingbot Prime is an oh-so-cute little clank, about the size of a pocket watch. When not otherwise engaged he spends his time making other, more specialised but less durable, Dingbots. What is amazing about Dingbot Prime is that it seems to be self aware; if this is true to even a small degree then it would be a miracle due to its tiny size. Even more incredibly, it's been theorized to have inherited some of the Spark!
Tropes associated with Dingbot Prime:
- Action Bomb: Or rather the bots it creates sometimes do this.
- AI Is a Crapshoot: It's not evil, but Tarvek has hypothesized that it has the Spark.
- Do-Anything Robot
- Fan Nickname: Doesn't have an actual name in-comic, other than "Agatha's little clanks." On that note, fans are considering dubbing groups of dingbots "devotions."
- Mini-Mecha
- Rebus Bubble: To Gil, and to the second Dingbot Prime (Dingbot Secundus?).
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder
- The Speechless
- There Can Be Only One: Agatha lost the original and made a new one. The original turned up again and, well, they don't seem to like each other all that much...
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Despite being the size of a large pocketwatch there is every chance Dingbot Prime is self aware, and possibly a Spark of itself.
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach[]
Son of one of the major antagonists, Gilgamesh is one of the possible pairings for Agatha (probably the canon one, considering these) and has much more obvious motivations. May be wasped.
Tropes associated with Gil:
- Antagonist in Mourning: When Agatha fakes her death.
- Awesome McCoolname: Gilgamesh, like the ancient badass Gilgamesh, two thirds god and one hundred percent Man.
- Badass
- Badass Boast: and it is awesome.
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Longcoat: several of them, of varying degree of fanciness. The one he wears while defending Mechanicsburg is particularly effective.
- Berserk Button: You should take him seriously. He doesn't like it when you don't.
- Betty
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Damn Heroes: He's not the only one to do this by a long shot, but he certainly loves to.
- Blatant Lies: "I'm a pirate."
- Bullying a Dragon: Vole was talking down to this guy?
- Capulet Counterpart
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Realistic version: he can throw Merlot's battle clank, but his body breaks a bit doing it. However, there is some passing dialogue that indicates that Gil might be slightly more than human, judging by Mama Gkika's comments.
- Death Glare: Has unleashed a few. Notably, he is one of very few people that have managed to scare a Jäger.
- Death Ray: Notable for not having one until he finally built a really impressive one.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Genre Savvy: From the first volume he had a hunch that it Agatha who was the new Spark.
- Heroic RROD: When his body can no longer handle the feats of epic Badassery he's performing. Has happened at least twice: after he beat up Vole and after throwing Merlot's clank.
- Love Makes You Stupid: Agatha thinks he's been pretending to be an idiot around her. He was not.
- Manly Man: To Tarvek, he's more action oriented and a little less socially apt.
- Made of Iron: After being kicked by Zeetha into a wall, the wall had a number of cracks-- with him not even bleeding yet.
- Long before that, he also took several bullets and kept standing unfazed while facing down the army of war clanks attempting to invade Mechanicsburg. And then he kicks a former Jaeger's ass for underestimating him while being dragged off for medical care.
- Missing Mom
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Nice Hat: Magnificently nice. - Also counts as a Brick Joke in this scene - Just when he thought he was rid of it for good, the Hat Came Back!
- The Hat is so nice that it serves as instant identification of Gilgamesh. Except for the one guy. He gets promoted.
- Nice to the Waiter: Well, the showgirl.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Apparently what Gil was doing in Paris as mentioned below under Rich Idiot With No Day Job. Agatha believes him to be doing this in Castle Heterodyne, and Tarvek is amused to find out that he isn't.
- Out of Focus: He drops out of the story for most of the second arc. Lampshaded with a gag panel here.
- Porn Stash: Apparently teenage boys really are the same everywhere. Even steampunk mad scientist ones. By the way, a "seraglio" is another word for a harem.
- Post-Kiss Catatonia
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Tarvek's Blue, oh-so-very much. Gil is passionate, dogged and relentless in everything he does, and prefers Crazy Preparation to Chess. This means he's hopeless in situations that can't be prepared for... like romance. He has to get by on honesty... and can be a bit brutal about it.
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job: While studying in Paris, Gil cultivated the image of himself as a womanising layabout and opium fiend who was involved with pirates and constantly getting involved in the schemes of crazed minor Sparks, in order to keep anyone (especially Tarvek Sturmvoraus) from figuring out that he was the Baron's son (though the trouble with crazy Sparks was mostly for the sake of an absent minded chorus girl he had befriended).
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder: He's even been the page picture.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend
- Shirtless Scene: This is how many he's been getting: The wiki had a poll at one point about when editors thought he would next put a shirt on. One of the options was "Gil owns a shirt?"
- Shock and Awe: Can call down electricity with a nifty rod. The most notable example of him doing this, interestingly, is also an example of the Trope Namer- rapid dominance through a spectacular display of power.
- Stop Helping Me!: Gil has this reaction a few times towards folks - most notably here, where he's trying to stop folks from describing his romantic reasons for trying to help Agatha. Unfortunately for him, he's being shouted down by an enthusiastic crowd, two trained circus performers who are trying to rile up said crowd, and two friends who like to see him squirm.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis! Do. You. Understand?
- Those Magnificent Flying Machines: He's the only one in the setting creating heavier than air aircraft.
- Took a Level In Badass: While Agatha was "dead".
- Training From Hell: Everything does, apparently, have to be a test.
- Wacky Marriage Proposal
- Warrior Poet
- Warrior Prince
- Wild Hair
- World of Cardboard Speech
Krosp I, Emperor of all Cats[]
Created by a Spark to control cats to act as a spy network, Krosp I is a failed experiment with delusions of lordship who has given Agatha much valuable political advice.
Tropes associated with Krosp:
- Badass Longcoat: He's given quite a nifty red and gold one while he's with Master Payne's Circus with Agatha.
- Canon Immigrant: He originated in the Magic: The Gathering days of What's New with Phil and Dixie.
- Chekhov's Gunman: First seen as an apparently normal cat getting into Agatha's food.
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: When his animal side takes over.
Krosp (to Gil on their first meeting): "I'm serious! Mess with me and your shoes are mine!" |
- Deadpan Snarker
- Gone Horribly Right: A humorous example; his creator wanted an intelligent cat capable of exercising control over his non-sentient brethren. He succeeded perfectly, but it turns out that cats don't really make good spies...
- Green Eyes
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal
- Intellectual Animal
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Only Sane Man: Well, only sane cat.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: When Agatha sarcastically swears fealty to him, he takes her seriously and accepts her as his subject. He considers it his responsibility as her king to keep her safe.
- Sarcastic Devotee: Inverted. See Royals Who Actually Do Something.
- The Smart Guy
Moloch von Zinzer[]
A mechanic who served in army of a Spark beaten by Klaus and ended up "on the beach" after his Walking Tank ran into Bang's team. First met right at the beginning when he and his brother steal Agatha's locket. He is later mistaken for the spark that created Agatha's first clank. He turned up again in Castle Heterodyne and seems to have fallen into the role of Agatha's minion by default.
Tropes associated with Moloch:
- Action Survivor
- Characterization Marches On: He was quite nasty in his earliest appearances, so he was much more deserving of the abuse he got early on. Being in Castle Heterodyne around more Ax Crazy folks seriously mellowed him out, to the point that he's currently considered a nice guy. Or perhaps his brother's influence (plus, y'know, his belief that Agatha had murdered him) was corrupting and he improved in its absence.
- The very first thing he does when he meets up with Agatha again in Castle Heterodyne is to apologize for his behavior back then, claiming he was really scared and under a lot of stress. Agatha forgives him.
- Chew Toy
- Chick Magnet: To a lesser degree than one might expect in this crazy universe, but despite his general scruffiness and not having been seen to try to get girls, he's clearly attracted both Violetta and Snaug, with bonus UST-source Sanaa Wilhelm.
- Cut the Juice: his solution to being told that the machinery can't be shut off. Earned him a Dope Slap.
- Due to the Dead: Those who died in the Castle don't get used as raw material, he rules. And even hardened criminals listen when he says so.
- The Engineer: He doesn't have The Spark, but he does have a great deal of skill in machinery and problem solving. He knows that, given enough time, he can solve most problems with a lot of hard work and a bit of common sense.
- Genre Savvy: "I have been around way too many Sparks!"
- Heel Face Turn: See Characterization Marches On above. A generous soul might call him the first villain of the series. Even if not, he's more morally grounded now than he used to be.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Or at least of a less jerky jerk than it seemed.
- Minion Shipping: With Violetta and Snaug.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Averted, in that he's a perfectly normal person with a demon's name.
- Only Sane Man
- Sarcastic Devotee
- Seen It All
- Shipper on Deck: Agatha/Gil
- Stepford Smiler: When we first see him in the castle, he seems a bit off. Could be blamed on Love Makes You Stupid, given his massive crush on Sanaa.
- Tempting Fate: "Aaah! Jinx!"
- Took a Level In Badass: Astounding Sanaa in the process.
- Unfazed Everyman
Punch and Judy[]
A pair of the Heterodyne Boys' earliest creations, Punch and Judy are common characters in Heterodyne stories. As student work, they are both somewhat flawed; Punch lacks a voice and Judy has mis-matched eyes, although most people don't know that. Punch is often portrayed as a foolish klutz, but Da Boyz report that he is a very intelligent and cunning planner as well as a funny and kind-hearted individual who spent his spare time making toys for children. They were loyal and were given the job of looking after Agatha under the pseudonyms of Adam and Lilith Clay.
Tropes associated with Punch and Judy:
- Action Girl: Judy
- Back From the Dead: Thanks, Gil!
- The Big Guys
- Genius Bruisers
- Gentle Giants
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: Judy has special glasses to make her eyes look the same size.
- Improbable Weapon User: Punch throws rivets at bullet-like force.
- Meaningful Name: Punch is very capable of his namesake.
- Parental Substitutes
- The Speechless: Punch until Gil's repair, as it's Punch who tells him "Thank you." for his actions to save Agatha. Gil apparently did some upgrading while he was in there.
Tarvek Sturmvoraus[]
First encountered when Agatha travels through the city of his father, Tarvek is the the Prince of Sturmhalten, and a descendant of the legendary Storm King. He's seemed to be on everyone's side, playing everyone against everyone else, though recently he seems to be genuinely on Team Agatha. He is a powerful Spark and a keen intellect. The other possible pairing for Agatha.
Tropes associated with Tarvek:
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Only person to successfully reverse-engineer a Van Rijn.
- Simply glancing at an abstract operations table tells him that an entire Wulfenbach military unit has been subverted and was about to flank and destroy much of the Wulfenbach army.
- Badass
- Bastard Understudy
- Beware the Nice Ones: Zola learns this the hard way.
- The Charmer: Is quite a sweet-talker when he puts his mind to it.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Apparently congenital. He may be recovering, but readers are wary.
- The most obnoxious part of it? He genuinely means well when he does it. Agatha finds it insulting as all hell.
- At one point, Gil accuses Tarvek of plotting something. When Tarvek asks what makes him think this, Gil's response? That Tarvek is breathing.
- Designer Babies: The Mongfish family "made sure" that he would be throne-appropriate: male, Sparky, and free of problems like predisposition to alcoholism, non-Spark-related insanity, lycanthropy...
- Dysfunction Junction: "The only way to keep my family in line would be to bury them in a row."
- Mr. Fanservice
- Extreme Melee Revenge: His brutal beating of Zola evokes this, especially considering the epic speech he delivers in tandem with said beatdown.
- The Fashionista / The Dandy: You expect royals to be very well dressed. So this was not evident except one phrase out-of-continuity, but remember how he sat "doodling girls and clockwork"?.. Later, approved Jäger Generals' style.
Kaja Foglio: Yes, Sturmvoraus is apparently a house of evil fashion designers... |
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Well, he is when we meet him, anyway. He deteriorates sharply later. But found something better as soon as possible.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- How Dare You Die on Me!: Invoked towards Gil.
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Well, son.
- Meaningful Name: "Sturmvoraus" means "storm ahead" in German.
- Minored in Asskicking: He relies on others to fight for him whenever he can. Since arriving in the castle, though, he's had to reveal that yes, he's a match for Gilgamesh in a fight (which means any fair fight with him would rip Europa apart).
- Missing Mom: The only thing we know about his mother is the identity of one of her ancestors.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: There's really no other way to describe his latest encounter with Zola.
- Not So Harmless: He's a match for Gilgamesh hand-to-hand, much to Violetta's shock.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Though he obviously doesn't act like a fool, it turns out that those beatings Violetta kept giving him were just a charade to convince everyone else that he was useless in combat.
- Pet the Dog: Had Violetta Reassigned to Antarctica, which she hated him even more for... then she discovered just how many of his bodyguards had been killed since.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Gil's Red, oh-so-very much. He's calm, cool, collected in everything he does, and prefers to dominate his surroundings through constant manipulation. This makes him as charming as the very devil... unless the girl realizes that he's simply being polite about staying in control. It also means he's rather dependent on others once outside of a support network... At least until he gets a new one.
- Royal Blood: Apparently, he's the rightful heir to the Storm King.
- The Rival: To Gilgamesh Wulfenbach. In principle, he resents the Wulfenbachs in general and Gil specifically for the swaths of his messed-up life that weren't directly caused by his own family. In practice, his relationship with Gil hovers somewhere in between Friendly Enemy and Vitriolic Best Buds.
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder
- Screams Like a Little Girl: if Bangladesh is to be believed. One wonders just what happened...
- Sensitive Guy: Compared to Gil, he's calmer, more thoughtful, and less prone to fits of violence.
- Shirtless Scene: Almost as much as Gil, and
EvilMorally Ambiguous Is Sexy. - Shipper on Deck: For Higgs/Zeetha, of all things.
- Smug Snake
- Stoic Spectacles
- Token Evil Teammate: Self-confessed.
- Tyke Bomb / Phlebotinum Rebel: He was intended since before birth to be a figurehead for the Storm King conspiracy, but he'd much rather pursue his own plans.
- Unreliable Expositor: One of the reasons the Sturmhalten arc is so confusing is because he keeps lying to everyone.
- Unstoppable Rage: Unstoppable enough to curb stomp Zola, when she is under the influence of a Psycho Serum.
- Veronica
- Would Hit a Girl: At least that one.
- Xanatos Speed Chess: He tries to do this practically all the time, with varying degrees of success.
- Young Conqueror: He wanted to be this, but things aren't working out for him.
Violetta is a Smoke Knight, although she herself says she's not very good at her job. Her job is to keep Tarvek alive, which is proving to be far more difficult than it should be considering he was confined to a hospital bed when she took that duty.
Tropes associated with Violetta:
- Big Screwed-Up Family: A cousin of Tarvek's from an offshoot branch of the Sturmvoraus family, which has been guarding the main house for generations. Surprisingly sane, considering the lineage, but then being not of the central bloodline could be what saved her.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Violetta apparently isn't a star as a Smoke Knight, but she doesn't seem half as bad at her job as she tells everyone she is. More "not really into this sort of career".
- Fiery Redhead
- Grappling Hook Pistol
- Impossible Thief: Specialist in misdirection and sleight of hand, to the point that she can switch out a hostage for a straw dummy, while said hostage is still being held by his captor, and she's in full view of said captor, across the room. It just has to happen off-panel.
- Legacy of Service
- McNinja
- Minion Shipping: with Moloch von Zinzer
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: But if she doesn't want him, others do! Like she cares!
- Ninja Maid: to Tarvek Sturmvoraus
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Her sleight of hand is so impressive that not even the reader can see it.
- Only the Knowledgable May Pass: She tried to pull this one on Moloch, arguing that he had to be trained or have secret knowledge when they first met.
- Servile Snarker: She gets away with way more abuse of Tarvek than most Sparks would probably allow. Hell, he even rewards her by allowing her to switch allegiance to Agatha.
- Shipper on Deck: Agatha/Tarvek.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: By herself. Her Smoke Knight training mostly requires her to be the former, but both she and Tarvek (while he was in an illness-induced delusional rant) have commented on how much she'd desperately like to be able to dress nice and be girly once in awhile.
Zeetha, Daughter of Chump[]
Warrior woman from the lost city of Skifander, she no longer knows how to get back and, until Agatha mentioned it, was uncertain as to whether her homeland even existed. She has trained Agatha to be a warrior and still fights for her interests.
Tropes associated with Zeetha:
- Action Girl
- Always Someone Better: Gets the concept explained to her by Higgs. Interestingly, he doesn't do it by beating the crap out of her (although he probably could), but just by explaining why she's been losing.
- Badass Princess
- Battle Couple: this moment with Higgs, of course.
- Blade Below the Shoulder
- Crazy Prepared: Like most female performers, she wears leather underwear to guard against the Wacky Weave Destabilizer.
- Defeat by Modesty: Tried and failed.
- Dual-Wielding: With what appear to be either Katars and/or Patas, weapons used in our world's India with H-shaped grips and often with some kind of hand guard added to the grip.
- Expressive Headband
- Good Bad Girl: Her sex life isn't exactly highlighted, but she has been referred to as "an expert" on the subject.
- Hot Amazon
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: here.
- Improvised Weapon
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- In My Language, That Sounds Like...: Daughter of Chump. And yes, she does know what it means.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: While it has yet to be revealed in the comic, the Foglios have released a picture of "Chump, the great warrior". Resemble anyone we know?
- On a related note, she and Gil now have the same (or similar) eye colour — most notable during their conversation after he wakes up at Mama Gkika's. They used to be green in earlier volumes.
- Foreshadowed here.
- Minion Shipping: With Higgs.
- Ms. Fanservice: As well as being a strong character in her own right.
- Not Quite Dead: Fortunately.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against the pirates.
- Shipper on Deck
- Training From Hell: Bestowed it upon Agatha.
- The Worf Effect: A mild case, but she has been injured or fought to a standstill in order to highlight the badassery of:
- The Monster Horse Beastie
- To be fair, Agatha zapped it before Zeetha got a chance to get over her shock and start fighting back.
- Baron Wulfenbach
- Zola
- The Monster Horse Beastie
- You Can't Find Home Again
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: Repeatedly lampshaded as being highly unusual.
Anevka Sturmvoraus[]
Tarvek's debatably-living sister. After an ill-concieved Mad Science experiment of her father's (attempting to download the Other's mind into her brain) left her at death's door, her brother constructed a new robotic body that she could operate from within her life-support tank. Over time, the original Anevka weakened as the clank Anevka picked up the slack, without ever quite realizing it. By the time of the events of the comic, biological-Anevka was dead.
Tropes associated with Anevka:
- Cry for the Devil: Admit it, you did this when Tarvek explained what she really was.
ManWoman In The Machine: A variant. Subverted.- Replacement Goldfish
- Robotic Psychopath
- Robot Girl
- Shock and Awe
- Tomato in the Mirror
- Unlimited Wardrobe
Bangladesh DuPree[]
A pirate queen in the pay of the Baron, though even he finds her taste for violence and random slaughter distasteful. Nevertheless he keeps her about as she is a very skilled warrior and hunter and sometimes, you need a butcher.
Tropes associated with Bangladesh:
- Ax Crazy
- Blood Knight: And assumes that everyone is, though in this case isn't that far from truth.
- Comedic Sociopathy
- Commissar Cap
- Cry Cute: Yes. Seriously.
- Dark Action Girl
- The Dragon: Even if you don't consider Klaus a villain, she still fits this pretty well.
- Emotional Bruiser: Sort of. Turns out she really developed an attachment to ol' good Klaus.
- Faux Affably Evil: She's made of fun. Always. Even while skewering someone.
- Genki Girl: A big lighthearted kid, even if Ax Crazy sort that would torture a rat just to hear it squeal.
- God Save Us From the Queen
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: The first part is debatable, the last part really isn't.
- Improbable Weapon User / Improvised Weapon: When using a Rebus Bubble to ask Gil what means she was allowed to use to kill anyone besides Gil or Sun that came in, cheese was one of her ideas.
- In Love with Your Carnage: She has it hard for Captain Vole.
- Knife Nut: She throws a dagger, grabs a knife, and look how much more spill out on the next page when she's thrown.
- Noodle Implements: We never find out what she planned, but one of her methods of killing people involves cheese. Rest of them are a sword, a gun and an axe.
- Not Me This Time: She's a default suspect for any cases of death and destruction around her, for an obvious reason. Bang doesn't even see it as a problem.
- Nice Hat
- Perky Female Minion
- Pirate Girl Ex- pirate queen.
- Psycho Electro: In the first arc, she gets her hand mangled and ends with a medical device meant to facilitate faster healing. By the time of her next appearance, she has modified it to electrocute people Joker-style.
- Psycho for Hire
- Rebus Bubble: During the time that she has her jaw wired shut. She's quite fluent.
- Sky Pirate
- Slasher Smile: Good Lord...
- Sweater Girl: God the sweater is tight.
- Too Much Information: Oh, Bang! That's so cute!
- Torture Technician: She shows her interest right during her introduction.
Bangladesh: Do I come into your lab and tell you how to torture rats? |
- Undying Loyalty: To Baron Klaus Wulfenbach. If the Baron tells her to do something, she does it. End of story.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach[]
One time friend of Agatha's parents, Klaus disappeared shortly before Agatha's parents married and returned to find Europa in utter chaos. He imposed order on Europa, not by negotiating and being nice like the Heterodyne Boys but by imposing his Iron Will on an ever increasing area of the globe. Was recently reported killed when the Great Hospital exploded and/or was kidnapped by incarnations of the Other. We're not sure yet. And...he's fine, dandy, and taken control back from Gilgamesh.
Tropes associated with Baron Klaus:
- Ambiguously Evil
- Artificial Human
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Hell, yes.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: There's a reason he has a "Don't make me come over there." rule with places he takes over. Provoking him is not recommended.
- Awesome McCoolname: Wulfenbach.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: How his Spark manifests itself. The most obvious use is the ability to dismantle and improve the designs of other Sparks. But it also lets him "find the right monster for the right job."
- Badass Longcoat
- Bad Boss: Even though we never see direct evidence for this, there is this little exchange after Gilgamesh beats the shit out of Captain Vole:
Gilgamesh: "My father once wrote a monograph on how to communicate in the workplace." |
- The Chains of Commanding: Ruling (large portions of) the world is not as fun as it sounds.
- Clothing Damage: He has some after fighting Othar for a while.
- Cool Old Guy
- Cowardly Sidekick: Klaus is depicted this way in a few of the Heterodyne stories. Most likely a hint of hard feelings.
- Dark Messiah: Look back up at the description.
- Deadpan Snarker: Not normally, but he gets some really good lines when he's completely Surrounded by Idiots.
- Emperor Scientist: Klaus actually laments having to become a dictator, since it leaves him with so little time for his research.
- Mr. Fanservice: The Klaus Defense League isn't all-female, but it does have more than its share.
- The Extremist Was Right: The former Trope Namer, because he's just that Badass.
- Genius Bruiser: Klaus is very strong - he can, for example, punch out Jagers. This probably has to do with the fact that he is a construct.
- Genre Savvy/Dead Man Writing: the Baron has left standing orders that if he ever disappears for any length of time, Gil would be appointed as Baron immediately. This is presumably to limit the damage the Other can do if they manage to grab him.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: His body is covered in Morally Ambiguous Scars.
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Hero Antagonist
- Historical Villain Upgrade: He's been depicted pretty badly in most of the Heterodyne stories, ranging from a cowardly comic relief to a flat-out traitor to the Heterodynes. Fortunately for those who put on these plays, Klaus isn't a Slave to PR and doesn't care what they say. Though he's well aware of this.
- Characterization Marches On: His portrayal in the Heterodyne Stories has shifted markedly to the worse since he started conquering stuff.
- According to the books, another reason he puts up with his portrayal in those stories is because he secretly finds it hilarious.
- Just the First Citizen: He's running most of Europe. He's a baron.
- For those unfamiliar with nobility rankings, that would be like having your own navy and calling yourself a lieutenant commander.
- Large and In Charge: Broad shoulders...
- Memetic Badass: Don't make him come over here. Really, don't.
- Even in-universe.
Klaus: Dupree, if you come in here, I will kill you--with the power of my mind. |
- Upon seeing Gil cutting through an enemy army like a hot knife through butter, an onlooker had this to say:
Councillor: Hmph. His father would have hit the wall and started another sweep by now. |
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Wulfenbach does have Big Badass Wolf in it.
- Necessarily Evil: Yes, it really is necessary.
- Perpetual Frowner: Usually the case, though he took Bang's mouth being wired shut pretty well.
- And he was proud to see Gilgamesh take command of the Empire when he was out of commission.
- Pet the Dog: What does he do after his minions kill someone for opposing him? Resurrect them!.
- Prisoners of war can join his ranks temporarily, or go home with pay after a while!
- Put on a Bus: This was Lucrezia's intent, anyway. But he came back before the main series even started. Word of God states that the place he was sent was Skifander.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He's the absolute dictator of most of Europe. Except he only has one rule, "Don't make me come over there." What will make him come over there? War and playing with Sealed Evil in a Can.
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder: Notable for being the only Spark in the series to be (mostly) immune to its effects.
- Shirtless Scene: That Naughty Flashback Scene, among others.
- Take a Third Option: His entire schtick, basically. As Tarvek explains:
"If someone can't handle an unpleasant truth? Lie to them. If somone won't listen to reason? Make them. If people don't choose to live peaceably--Don't give them a choice. If you don't like the rules--change the game. |
- The Unfettered: "I did it alone. Because I had to. And it worked".
- The Untwist: Supposedly the Baron died when the battles in Mechanicsberg started and the hospital got bombed. Very few were surprised when the Baron showed up, very much alive some time later.
Gil and Tarvek: I knew it! |
Boris Vasily Konstantin Andrei Myshkin-Dolokhov[]
The head of The Baron's administrative staff, Boris is a microcosm of how the Baron operates, and why it may be preferable to the previous system.
Originally a librarian with an eidetic memory serving a Spark (far from a calm profession in and of itself) his master decided to add an extra pair of arms, strength, speed, balance... and turn him into the ultimate juggler. When the Baron took down his former master he was given a far less demeaning job. He is now the Baron's right hand man and chief administrative secretary.
This is a job that he has excelled in. His brilliant and utterly humourless mind and enhanced physical abilities make him exactly the sort of person that a man like the Baron would need at his side, showing the Baron's talent for getting the right monster for the right job.
He and the Jägers have a love/hate relationship, as in: They love to pick on him, he hates their attitude.
Tropes associated with Boris:
- Badass Bookworm: All the modifications intended to make him a juggler are extremely useful in combat. Boris is perfectly capable of beating up a Jäger.
- Battle Butler: To the Baron.
- Blessed with Suck / Cursed with Awesome: His modifications could be seen as either or both. Boris himself hasn't been seen to complain about it, though, at least not since the Baron freed him from his original Spark.
- The Comically Serious
- Dual-Wielding: Make that quadruple.
- Friendless Background: It's All There in the Manual that part of his hostility to the Jägers comes from envy of their camaraderie, while he himself is a one-off construct with no one else quite like him. (The rest, of course, is straight-up personality clash.)
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Mundane Utility: Extra hands are very useful for preparing one's tea.
- Number Two: He seems to take on certain duties in the event of the Baron's absence or incapacity.
- Overly Long Name
- Photographic Memory
- What the Hell, Hero?: "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!"
Othar Tryggvassen, GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER![]
A man possessed with a quest to eradicate all sparks, including himself (eventually) for the damage they do to the world. Harder to kill than James Bond.
Tropes associated with Othar:
- Ambiguously Gay: His sister thinks so, anyway.
Straight GayBi the Way if she's right (since he married a Geisterdame in the Twitter). - Amusing Injuries
- Anti-Villain: Feels bad about killing Sparks, and a lot of them do need to die...
- The Atoner: Implied. Norway has a gigantic crater where its capital city of Oslo used to be. Othar's twitter makes reference to something called "the great wall of Norway" and labels it a mistake. Something must have inspired Othar to believe that killing all Sparks was the only sane solution.
- Badass
- Memetic Badass: He's a famous and well-loved hero, after all.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Othar is generally friendly and cheerful off-the-job, and fair on it. Don't make him kick your ass. He can.
- Beware the Silly Ones: As much as he is a walking joke, Othar can be very effective.
- Bold Inflation: Fans never, ever say his name without adding GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER!
- Boomerang Bigot: Hates Sparks and wants to rid the world of them all, despite being a Spark himself. He fully intends to kill himself when all the other Sparks are dead.
- Braggart Boss
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Even by the standards of sparks. Which is saying quite a bit.
- Character Blog: He has a Twitter. May or may not be canon, but is certainly extremely quotable.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Spends a good deal of time hitting on Agatha, to "save" her from the Wulfenbachs.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: One of the things that prevents him from being just an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain; he is a genuinely good person, at least to ordinary people. Sometimes ends up saving the very people he wants to kill, but don't count on this.
Confound it! An entire train full of helpless Sparks AND dangerous monsters AND a handy chasm nearby. Someone is tempting me. So not fair! |
- Comically Invincible Hero: The others are fully aware that he's probably unkillable. Gil even takes the opportunity to exploit it.
- Destination Defenestration: Happens to him repeatedly while on Castle Wulfenbach. It never sticks.
- Genre Savvy / Wrong Genre Savvy: It varies.
- Gentleman Adventurer!
- Gotta Kill Them All
- Hand Wave: Played for Laughs when Vole seemingly shatters his spine with a diving kick. Othar springs right back up and decks Vole, to the astonishment of Tarvek. Othar then remarks that he is wearing "Special trousers. Very heroic."
- Hero of Another Story: Which you can follow on Twitter!
- Hero with Bad Publicity / Villain with Good Publicity: He's managed to become both. The common folk love him. Considering how his "crusade" puts him in conflict with sparks that are genuinely dangerous to the populace and Othar is motivated to clean up the "sparky menace" to protect the non-sparks (and the common folk are unaware of his being a mass-spark-murdering maniac), this is not unjustified.
- On the other hand?
What a double edged sword a reputation is. Save thousands, thwart evil, bring peace... kill one corrupt quester and it's all out the window. |
- The Hunter: Of sparks.
- Hunter of His Own Kind: He is one.
- Idiot Hero
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Sometimes.
- Implacable Man
- In Spite of a Nail: According to his Twitter account a Spark's experiment with time travel and alternate realities has revealed that every Othar has some kind of predisposition to deciding to wipe out Sparks. He briefly wonders if there's something about the Othars that causes them to simply have suicidal craziness before dismissing the idea.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum: Othar apparently has "special trousers" that allows him to No Sell having an irate Jaeger landing on him and breaking his back. No, we have no idea what that means either.
- Jerkass Has a Point: Squibs, a much put upon minion in the radio drama 'Minor Heroes', sums it up best:
Let me see if I understand this. He thinks all the problems in Europe are caused by mad scientists that build all the monsters. The mad scientists who vie with each other to see who can turn the population into clowns or bats or inanimate objects the quickest.The raving lunatics who set off volcanoes and unleash flash floods upon innocent cities. Othar wants to destroy these people, and you think he's insane. |
- And Klaus secretly acknowledges that Othar has a point. He had apparently been in the habit of subtly directing Othar in the direction of dangerous Sparks who hadn't technically violated the Baron's Peace up until Othar started killing Sparks that Klaus considered useful.
- Large Ham: Most sparks chew scenery when in The Madness Place — Othar does it all the time.
Othar: So — all the vipers are in residence! |
- Large Ham Title
- Long Lost Sibling: Sanaa Wilhelm aka Sanaa Tryggvassen.
- Lord Error-Prone
- Made of Iron: and how.
- Mental Time Travel: Possibly from the twitter into regular continuity.
- Norse by Norsewest: He's from Norway.
- Offscreen Teleportation: Dropping him out of sight, by whatever means, never seems to stick. He managed to get back up onto Castle Wulfenbach by unknown means at least twice, escaped being tossed out an airship, and appeared unscathed after having being dropped down a bottomless shaft by Castle Heterodyne.
- He also manages to find his way into Gil's super secret lab, a place nobody else in-story (including Klaus) seemed to be aware of, simply because he is a hero and finding secret villain lairs is what heroes are good at.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: He's plenty effective, provided he isn't going up against uber badasses like Gil, Klaus or Agatha.
- Romance Genre Heroes: The Terrorist
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder: The effects of the Spark on him are a lot more apparent in the Twitter than in the comic.
- Shirtless Scene
- Sunglasses At Night: Or whatever that visor thingy is.
- There's a fan theory that it's there to protect bystanders from the power of his amazingly pretty Blue Eyes.
- Testosterone Poisoning
- Tragic Hero: A heroic goal, ruined by his lack of self awareness and obsession.
- Unexplained Recovery
- Unreliable Narrator / Through the Eyes of Madness: His Twitter is considered canonical, but it's from his point of view and he's insane.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- What Beautiful Eyes!: So beautiful that they make his normally imposing self look pretty girly.
The Other[]
The mysterious force of mysteriousness that almost conquered Europa before vanishing mysteriously. May be Agatha's mother.
Tropes associated with The Other:
- Big Bad
- Compelling Voice: The Geisterdamen and revenants cannot disobey a command if it's made in her voice.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: Inverted. The Sealed Evil in a Can is finding out that its unsealer is not a toy.
- Grand Theft Me
- Horrifying the Horror: The mere mention of the name Barry Heterodyne is enough to frighten the Other.
- Meaningful Name: who is actually The Other? The Mother!
- Though she got the name because after a while, all the usual suspects for who could be destroying Europe were dead by her hand, meaning that all the devastation was caused by some other party.
- Mood Whiplash: When the Other first makes an appearance she's all smiles and motherly comfort for her faithful Geisterdamen, who are weeping with joy at her return — her mood changes swiftly once the Other realises things have gone to hell in her absence.
- Religion of Evil: Is the goddess of one.
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Showing Off the New Body
- Terms of Endangerment: She does this to a lot of people, but does it to Klaus especially often.
- The Vamp
- The Virus: Uses slaver wasps for mind control.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
- Capulet Counterpart: This is what most people think she was to Bill. That's how she's depicted in the stories, anyway.
- Civilian Villain: One interpretation of her apparent repentance in That Naughty Flashback Scene.
- Chronic Villainy: Another...
- Demonic Possession: Yet another. Getting the feeling there are a lot of theories?
- The one that seems to be rising to the top is that the Mongfish family is part of an Ancient Conspiracy under the command of "The Other", some bodiless entity that is periodically downloaded into suitable daughters with the "Summoning Engines".
- Grievous Harm with a Body: And that's her nephew.
- Luke, I Am Your Father
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter
- Who is herself a Mad Scientist. Who has a beautiful daughter. Who is a Mad Scientist. Oy.
- Master Actress: Klaus says she is, but this comes off as an Informed Ability since she likes to gloat and is so different from the person she's impersonating. Although maybe if she knew anything at all about the girl she is pretending to be, she'd do better.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Noblewoman's Laugh: One of her somewhat-hammy moments.
- Offing the Offspring: Her first child with Bill, Klaus Barry, was killed in the attack on Castle Heterodyne, and it's strongly implied that this was deliberate on her part. Even Agatha, having already seen how evil she can be, had some trouble with that idea.
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: To Klaus.
- Tsundere: Kind of.
- The Vamp: She flirts more than fights, as Zola says.
- Villainesses Want Heroes
Captain Vole[]
The only Jägermonster ever to be kicked out from the Jägers. He bears a strong grudge against the House of Heterodyne over this, and is eager to kill Agatha as soon as he discovers that she's a real Heterodyne.
Tropes associated with Vole:
- Berserk Button: Vole is no Jäger anymore, but do not mess with his Nice Hat.
- Black Eyes of Evil: With white pupils. Maybe. It's hard to tell if they're pupils or reflections; there are panels that make good arguments for each.
- Blood Knight: So much so that even the Jägers kicked him out for it. See Undying Loyalty below.
- Ax Crazy: "Ve vill burn Europa to the ground and und gnaw her bonez!"
- Combat Pragmatist: A particularly Dangerously Genre Savvy version. He takes advantage of people talking when they should fight and baits people to take advantage of their psychological weaknesses.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: He does this with Gil against Tarvek when subverting Talking Is a Free Action.
- In the first two panels he appears in, he rips a man's arm off to prevent his hand from releasing a dead man's switch. It pretty much sets the tone for the character.
- Hidden Depths: Much like Da Boyz above, he's much smarter than he looks and displays dangerous cunning.
- He's also capable of stealing his gun back from the Impossible Thief in the party.
- Large Ham: When he wants to, Vole really can ham it up.
- No True Scotsman: Vole believes he's the only Jägermonster who remembers what the "monster" part stood for.
- The Oathbreaker: The only reference we've ever had to the Jägertroth is the fact that Vole renounced it.
- The Social Darwinist
- Super Soldier: Has the full Jägerdraught package.
- Undying Loyalty: Averted hard. Vole was kicked out of the Jägers for trying to kill Bill and Barry for not being the bloodthirsty monsters the rest of the family was. He serves Baron Wulfenbach willingly as The Mole for Professor Tiktoffen, and he's not even all that broken up when he finds out he's dead too.
- The Starscream: Deliberately promoted to the role by Gil, who wants a superstrong lackey who'll constantly try to kill him.
- The Unfettered
- The Worf Effect: Outside of ripping some poor nobody's arm off, he tends to get beat up a lot. Even Othar gets to take a shot at him.
Zola La Sirene D'oree AKA Zola "Heterodyne" AKA Zola Anya Talinka Venia Zeblinkya Malfeazium[]
Once everyone had heard there was a Heterodyne girl running around, she stepped in (along with a conspiracy) to provide one. Agatha was... not happy about that.
Tropes associated with Zola:
- Ass Shove/Trouser Space: Lucrezia notes (after knocking her out, restraining her, and presumably searching her) that some of her equipment was "in rather uncomfortable places, I'd imagine".
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted. After taking the Moveit 11, her physical appearance has gone steeply downhill.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Seems to be the cause of her attraction to Gil.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Boobs of Steel: She's stacked. She's also a better fighter than either the Other or Violetta. After downing a Psycho Serum, she punches Zeetha in the face and then stabs her in the gut with her own sword.
- The Chessmaster: Recent events have proven her to be the genuine article.
- Dark Action Girl
- Deadly Upgrade - via a Psycho Serum.
- Distressed Damsel: Almost professionally.
- Evil Counterpart
- Fake Ultimate Hero
- Giggling Villain: Her evil banter is getting odder. And she is getting giddier as things continue.
- Grappling Hook Pistol
- Hero-Killer: Zola has become this. To date she has critically wounded Zeetha, Higgs, and Agatha.
- The Load: Apparently fulfilled this role in all of Gil's adventures with her in Paris, and when nabbed by Agatha she slipped into it again.
- Lethal Chef: "Well, I always thought she just couldn't make coffee. Now, I'm not so sure."
- Long-Lost Relative: "Hello auntie."
- Made of Iron: When she takes the Psycho Serum, she becomes so strong that Axel Higgs punches her in the face and hurts his hand.
- Mad Love: Towards Gil, very much. Also recently towards Tarvek, but her sanity is slipping, so there's a chance she still thinks it's Gil.
- Master Actress: Oh yes. Also involves the second part of the trope, where the audience thinks she might actually have Split Personalities. Of course, in this case, that's not so far-fetched.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Her real last name is Malfeazium. And her mother was Demonica.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: This is how it's done.
- Judging from Gil and Tarvek's reactions, she's apparently an absolute MASTER.
- Recent events have pushed her into epic-level GRAND-freaking-master territory.
- Aaand she's done it again.
- Judging from Gil and Tarvek's reactions, she's apparently an absolute MASTER.
- Only Friend: She invoked it.
- Overly Long Name: Her full name. And how!
- Princesses Prefer Pink: Invoked as part of her role as a fake Heterodyne. Even her death ray is pink. Even the death beam is pink.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Has a bit of a habit provoking them in the current arc. So far, Lucrezia would like to "thank" her for that, Higgs tried to mess her up, and now Tarvek wants to end her.
- Shout-Out: One of the times Gil had to rescue her it was from a crazy man in an opera house. Apparently it was also one of the few times it wasn't her fault she was in trouble.
- Slasher Smile: When the Castle dies, she has a frighteningly Sparky look of triumphant glee on her face. Also here.
- Post-Movit Zola has these pretty often.
- The Starscream
- Sweater Girl
- Unsportsmanlike Gloating
- Unstoppable Rage/The Power of Hate
Tarvek: "How are you even still moving?" |
- Up to Eleven: The scene where she downs the Psycho Serum is literally called "Zola goes up to eleven." Ah, Foglios, we love you.
- Villainous Breakdown: Hoo boy...
- Villain Decay: Subverted. She undecays completely over the span of two strips, and then some. Then goes from an incredibly dangerous intelligent opponent to an incredibly dangerous physical one when she downs the Moveit 11. Then, she decays AGAIN to an extent when she goes completely utterly psycho, and undecays yet AGAIN when she gets back to the hospital..
- Xanatos Speed Chess: She is "very good at improvising when things go wrong."
- Yandere: If this page is of any indication.
Castle Heterodyne[]
The last thing Judy (AKA Lilith) told Agatha was to get to the Castle. Castle Heterodyne is a masterpiece of Malevolent Architecture and Artificial Sentience. It is also badly damaged, currently suffering from multiple personalities and brutally sadistic even when running normally.
Tropes associated with Castle Heterodyne:
- AI Is a Crapshoot: The castle is badly damaged, but since it was originally imbued with intelligence by a Heterodyne even the fixed parts aren't exactly sane.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: The castle has a very slaughter focused view of the world.
- Big Fancy Castle
- Boring Invincible Hero: Not the castle itself, but it seems to assume that any "real" hero can automatically survive any and all deathtraps without explanation.
- The Genie in the Machine
- Genius Loci
- Haunted Castle
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- Laughably Evil
- Jackass Genie: Castle Heterodyne prefers to interpret all orders it's given in whatever way allows it to have the most fun, for which read: "cause the most casualties and destruction".
- Malevolent Architecture
- Nothing but Skulls
- Robotic Psychopath
- Sapient House
- Shipper on Deck / I Want Grandkids: There is a reason young Heterodynes try to not bring dates home. Currently shipping Agatha x Gil x Tarvek.
- Agatha x Any male Spark capable of reproducing.
- Supervillain Lair
Castle Heterodyne Inhabitants[]
A thoroughly mixed bag of sparks, contructs, criminals and psychopaths sentenced to repair Castle Heterodyne, thus killing two birds with one stone from the Baron's perspective. Provides a ready pool of minions (or mooks) for whomever is currently ascendent.
Tropes associated with the Castle Heterodyne Inhabitants:
- Action Survivors: Sentencing is based on points. Try to rack up too many points too fast and you'll get killed for sure, play it too safe and you'll never get out, making for some very savvy survivors.
- Break the Haughty / Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids: Poor Theo is in trouble...
- And they do this like it's a game or something!
- Death Is Cheap: Mittelmind is part machine and is able to be brought back to life in short order if something blows up in his face, assuming the body is mostly intact. Diaz... isn't so lucky.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Depending upon whom has the upper hand (or the gun) at the moment.
- The Igor: Snaug.
- I'm a Humanitarian: "Snapper" Boikov and "Jack A'Horned".
- Mad Scientist: Goes without saying. There's even a mad Social scientist.
- Meaningful Name: Possibly if Snaug is pronounced like 'snog'. Kissing. A small hint? Probably would classify as a Punny Name, too.
- The Mole: Professor Ticktoffen, who is apparently the "inside man" for both the Baron and the Knights of Jove. He's actually the inside man for himself. And he knows how to control the Castle.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: with a big side order of murderers, sadists, and psychopaths.
- Sanity Slippage: Occurs to Snaug, apparently. Her boss, Mittlemind, wipes her memory yearly for her birthday. This may be a hint of losing it or just her Yandere getting stronger.
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder: Mezzasalma, Diaz and Mittlemind.
- Villainous Breakdown: Merlot was a jerk early on and didn't get less so. Compare him then to now. He has totally lose it by here.
- Yandere: Snaug. Just... Snaug.
Sanaa Wilhelm/Sanaa Tryggvassen[]
One of the inhabitants of Castle Heterodyne. We first encounter her reporting on her repair efforts in Castle Heterodyne. She seems to be constantly competent at avoiding the death traps and kicking ass which is probably genetic given her brother. She also befriends Agatha when she arrives at the castle, meaning that she may well be around for a while.
Tropes associated with Sanaa:
- Action Girl
- Action Survivor: Before she even got to the castle, apparently.
- Fan Girl: For her brother (no, not like that) - at least, when she isn't furious with him.
- Long-Lost Relative: To Othar.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Sanaa Whilhelm
- Shipper on Deck: Othar/Gil
- What Are You in For?: Asks this to Agatha when they first meet.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair: Apparently dyed.
Castle Wulfenbach Students[]
A mixed bag of Sparks, nobles, and young people with connections to both, kept on Castle Wulfenbach to be schooled... and to discourage stupid behavior in their families.
Many of them remain as of yet un-named but two, Sleiphnir O'Hara and Theopholous DuMedd, have recently re-entered the story. Theo is notable as Theo is Agatha's closest known living relative, the son of Lucrezia's sister.
Tropes associated with the Castle Wulfenbach Students:
- Alpha Bitch: Zulenna Luzhakna.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: Revealed with her Heroic Sacrifice; she may look down on anyone of lower station, but she gave her life to repay a family debt.
- Big Man on Campus: Theo.
- Blue Blood / Science-Related Memetic Disorder: Anyone without at least one of the two is at the bottom of the social heap.
- Fiery Redhead: Sleipnir O'Hara
- Get a Room: After Theo starts to really spark out near fan-of-science Sleipnir, their resulting... chemistry leaves the other present characters very eager to leave and give them the room.
- Gilded Cage: They're happy, healthy, and well treated, but it's also true that they are hostages. At least one of them regretted having to leave, though he may have had other reasons.
- Heroic Sacrifice: When Agatha escaped, Zulenna stayed behind and stood up to Von Pinn. Then Bang subverted that to hell a page later. Then Von Pinn double-subverted it and the ensuing squabble gave Agatha the time she needed to escape. And Klaus ordered her brought back to life.
- Hostage Situation
- Meaningful Name: DuMedd was originally "doomed", until the Foglios got attached, and Sleipnir was Agatha's roommate - someone to "sleep near".
- The Storyteller: Theo.
- Runaway Fiance: Sleipnir - when Agatha met her on Castle Wulfenbach, she had an arranged marriage waiting for her back home, but by the time she met up with Agatha again in Castle Heterodyne, she'd run off with Theo.
The Jäger Generals[]
The leaders of the Jägermonsters. There were originally eight of them, however one was killed in battle, leaving only seven:
- "Dose three old ogres". They seem to act as military advisers for Klaus. There are three of them, General Zog (the big one, top left), General Khrizhan (the huge one who seems to be in overall command, bottom left) and General Goomblast (the freaking massive one, top right).
- "Mamma" Gkika is another general, and one of only two female Jägers seen so far (bottom right). She runs the bar/hospital where incapacitated Jägers wait for a Heterodyne to come along to heal them up.
- General Gargantua, who appeared after Agatha was proclaimed the new Heterodyne.
- General Zadipok, who is currently missing for unknown reasons.
- A "tricky general" who is said to be "keeper of many secret things." He apparently wishes to remain hidden until the Other is removed from Agatha's mind.
Tropes associated with The Jäger generals:
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Mama Gkika takes it a step further by having a "fun color change-y hepidermoose [epidermis!"] She kept on the down low by staying caucasian-human-colored, but now can "mek vit the pretty colors again".
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Jäger. Generals.
- Bar Brawl: Mamma Gkika organizes one every evening to let the incapacitated Jägers in her care blow off steam. Except for Thursdays when they have a Poetry Slam...
- Big Red Devil: General Gargantua got this look. And wears Spikes of Villainy.
- Cavalier Competitor / Spirited Competitor: They don't hold grudges over any finished campaigns. And apparently keep kill-counts, arguing with each other over which foes did "count" and which weren't enough of sport. Goomblast also liked the idea of Combat by Champion, though his opponents declined.
- Combat Pragmatist: The Generals make a game of who can score the most kills in a battle. General Khrizhan points out the others' cheating, not because he thinks it's unfair, but because he doesn't want to get called out for doing everything the others are doing.
- Dark Action Girl: Mamma seems to be half way between this and Lady of War.
- Femme Fatalons: Seen on Mamma here. And she keeps them perfectly lacquered even when in "uniform".
- Four-Star Badass: All of the Generals are brutally competent warriors. Four of them working together can utterly crush an entire airship of elite Wulfenbach air-assault troops.
- Funetik Aksent
- Genre Savvy: Despite their Undying Loyalty, they seem to know better than to completely discount accusations against their mistress just because the person making them was trying to get her killed.
- Gentle Giant: All of the generals seem perfectly capable of being personable and making very polite conversation over a pot of tea (Zog less so). They are, however, still Jägers.
- Genius Bruiser: Perhaps due to their age the generals seem far more on the button as far as politics are concerned than many people, never mind Jägers. Case in point: when it's revealed that Klaus plans to destroy Castle Heterodyne because Agatha's the Other, and Boris tries to stop the Generals from declaring for her by deceit, they ask Boris to tell them what he knows rather than killing him out of hand.
- Hidden in Plain Sight: This is how Mamma Gkika's remains hidden, it is underneath a much gaudier tourist trap of the same name.
- I Call Her "Vera": Mamma Gkika's "Dollink".
- Implausible Fencing Powers: General Goomblast is capable of disarming his enemies such that their (poisoned) swords impale them. While fighting six on one.
- Improbable Weapon User: Gargantua can apparently throw his Spikes of Villainy with deadly accuracy that should be impossible with their curved shape.
- Lightning Bruiser: At least, General Goomblast. Wulfenbach assault team seeing a huge Jäger General with a light fencing sword missed the clue why they should be terrified. Oh, and he also seems to be ambidextrous.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: While standard for most Jägers, Goomblast takes a bit further.
- Nice Hat: General Zog and General Gargantua (like most Jägers) both have one. Fandom is divided as to whether Goomblast's skullcap (seemingly riveted to his skull) counts. Khrizhan lacks one, a very rare thing in a Jäger. However, in this strip, we're told sometime in the past he had to abandon a very impressive uniform in Mamma Gkikka's, which got recycled for Gil. Gil's hat may also be built out of (or on) Khrizhan's.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Almost literally, their ages are in the neighborhood of 600-700 years.
- Shipper on Deck: Agatha/Gil, although Zog got beaten up by Khrizhan for suggesting they push it along.
- Slasher Smile: Goomblast has a mouth a shark would be envious of.
- Super Soldier
- Super Serum: Mentioned as the source of change and confirmed by Word of God. They are humans transformed by the "Jägerdraught". Perhaps due to advanced years causing additional mutation, side effects of repair or perhaps because they might have been in the original batch, most Generals are a LOT less human than the regular Jägers.
- On the other hand, apart from her aqua hair, sharp teeth and pointed ears, Mama Gkika can almost pass for human (and in fact does, hiding in plain sight among her human showgirls who dress up as Jägers).
- Super Serum: Mentioned as the source of change and confirmed by Word of God. They are humans transformed by the "Jägerdraught". Perhaps due to advanced years causing additional mutation, side effects of repair or perhaps because they might have been in the original batch, most Generals are a LOT less human than the regular Jägers.
- Undying Loyalty: Explicitly explained to be a choice on the Jägers' part. They are not compelled to serve the Heterodynes; rather, every Jäger has made a conscious choice and vow to serve the Heterodynes for life before they drank the Jägerbrau — it's a gamble, but "de vuns vot live gets all kinds ov goodies", evidently including toughness and immunity to aging.
The female Jäger (one of only two we have met so far, the other being Mama Gkikka) who seems to be Da Boyz immediate superior officer but who spends quite a bit of time away from them. She was away when Da Boyz were caught by Othar and then left again to get orders about Agatha. She has turned up and left again once more since. Her mysteriousness, femaleness and general awesome has lead to a lot of speculation about her nature and origins.
Tropes associated with Jenka:
- Action Girl / Dark Action Girl: Hard to call exactly but it has to be one of these two.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Grey skin, not that impressive but it does give us yet another choice of Jäger skin tone.
- Arrow Catch: On her first appearance, when a panicked guard shoots at her. She doesn't even flinch.
Jenka: I forgive. Once. |
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: Does not look like the super scary badass she is.
- Badass Cape
- BFS: Her weapon of choice.
- Breast Plate: Not initially, but contrast her first appearance with her later one.
- Cool Mask
- Cute Monster Girl
- Drop in Character: Shows up every once and while, with very little warning of her appearance.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Füst. And he is awesome.
- Funetik Aksent
- Nice Hat: No Jäger should be without one.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: No actual word on her age, but the last generation of Hetrodynes don't seem the type to make Jägers and she seems to have seniority over Da Boyz.
- Super Soldier
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Women Are Wiser: She comes across as being calmer and careful than Da Boyz.
Master Payne's Circus of Adventure[]
A traveling Heterodyne Show that takes Agatha in for a while after she saves them from a wandering monster-clank. Zeetha was originally one of them, but decided her place was with her student when the rest of the Circus was Put on a Bus.
Tropes associated with the Circus:
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Abner and Pix start out this way, then get together soon after Agatha joins the circus.
- Blue Blood: Marie
- Chivalrous Pervert/Handsome Lech: Lars apparently has a... colorful history.
- Circus of Fear: Not usually; they're decent people. But after SHOWTIME!, things get... interesting.
- Flying Dutchman: Embi, of the Wandering Jew variety.
- Assuming he wasn't sending Agatha out for a crate of balloon juice about that.
- Frying Pan of Doom: Marie again.
- Happily Married: Master Payne and Marie, with a little bit of Vitriolic Best Buds mixed in
- Heroic Sacrifice: Lars
- Lovable Coward: Lars starts out as this.
- Arguably, the whole circus is this. They play heroes on stage, but they don't do any actual heroics - traveling the Wastelands is dangerous enough without it.
- The Masquerade: Many of them are minor Sparks, hiding from the Baron and from potential Burn the Witch situations.
- Older Than They Look: Embi
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Master Payne.
- Necessarily Evil: Master Payne
- Pie in the Face: Shockingly, this is plot-relevant!
- The Plot Reaper: Lars, when Gil is about to return back into Agatha's life.
- Put on a Bus
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Master Payne.
- Science-Related Memetic Disorder
Old Man Death[]
An old man who runs a gourmet sandwich shop with his granddaughter. Used to run with the Jägers and put them to shame. As such his hat is very imporant to Jägers as the more important and Badass the hat's owner the more awesome and Badass the hat. As such it seems he has to put up with the occasional attack on him for it, often enough at least for there to be a three tries only rule.
Tropes associated with Old Man Death:
- Amazingly Embarrassing Grandparents: Squicks his granddaughter with the tale of how he met her grandmother.
- Badass
- Badass Grandpa: Still able to defend himself against a Jäger.
- Badass Normal: He is a human who can put Jägers to shame.
- Memetic Badass: Among the Jaegers, at least. [in-universe]
- Retired Badass
- Black Comedy Rape: Describes his retirement as following being "sort-of" abducted and ravished by a wild princess (being a Foglio production, the artwork for her is pure Fetish Fuel). His story doubles as It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It, Victim Falls For Rapist, and Double Standard Rape (Female on Male). Though he seems to be having a little too much fun telling the story, so possibly he was just trying to Squick his grand-daughter.
Heh, even today your grandmother is a remarkable woman. |
- Chef of Iron: Again, he makes gourmet sandwiches and out-fights Jägers. Often at the same time.
- Defeating the Undefeatable: He plays this...to the JÄGERS, with his Nice Hat as the reward. To quote:
I'm just a human. Rode with the Jägers. Never. Lost. A. Fight. |
- Foregone Conclusion: It was obvious that Maxim was going to get Old Man Death's hat as soon as you saw it- while the purple hat with red trimming looked out of place on an old man in an orange shirt and an apron, it already matched Maxim's outfit perfectly. It actually looked pretty similar to his old hat, only more ornate.
- Former Teen Rebel: As was mentioned, "rode with the Jägers", i.e. was an auxiliary to the most Badass and evil army in Europe. Now runs a sandwich shop.
- Grandpapa Wolf: The fight with Maxim over his hat was going fine, and was fairly friendly, until Maxim tried to hit on the waitress, his granddaughter.
- Hash House Lingo: He knows the ingredients of the most obscure sandwiches you can imagine.
- And there is apparently a story behind every one of those oddly named sandwiches. The "Red Heterodyne" (Fried bat wing with mushroom sauce on pumpernickel) apparently stemmed from the long-dead Red Heterodyne getting trapped in a cave network for several years after a raid gone bad, forcing him to live on bats and mushrooms (And developing a taste for them) until he could get out. The "Prince of Sturmhalten's Big Bet" (Hat sandwich) stemmed from Prince Viden of Strumhalten saying that he'd eat his hat if Goot Heterodyne could get a cathedral built in Mechanicsburg.
- Moral Dilemma: Maxim forces him to choose between his reputation as a sandwich-maker and his hat. He chooses his reputation.
- Subverted, he's apparently fine with it, he really didn't care about the hat, and he told his granddaughter "your grandmother always hated that hat".
- Plus the Jager used his brains in the end instead of his fighting skills.
- Subverted, he's apparently fine with it, he really didn't care about the hat, and he told his granddaughter "your grandmother always hated that hat".
- Nice Hat: Played with, he freely admits his hat is nothing special, but the fact that it is his makes it irresistible to the Jägers.
- Not So Different: When he gets angry enough, he starts talking in the same Funetik Aksent as the Jägers.
Airman 3/c Axel "The Unstoppable" Higgs[]
Rescued the Baron from a crashed airship after a major confrontation. The Unstoppable ho norific is well-earned; he's introduced by a flashback tto a scene where he sustains two broken arms, a broken leg, an infected bite and a bullet in his other leg — and still completes his mission.
Tropes associated with Higgs:
- Almighty Janitor
- Badass: The cast page calls him "The Unstoppable Higgs". That probably qualifies him as a Memetic Badass too, actually.
- Berserk Button: If that's how he is when it's someone he was STARTING to like, God help you if you ever hurt someone he's SURE about. See also Roaring Rampage of Revenge below.
- Blue Eyes
- Cosmic Plaything: The only possible explanation for what the man went through to rescue Klaus. I mean come ON, a nesting goose?
- Death Glare: "I vas starting to like her."
- Determinator: "Let me tell you about Airman Higgs..."
- Extreme Melee Revenge: Once Zola pissed him off, he wasn't pulling his punches.
- Hidden Depths: Otilia/the Castle recognizes him, which means that there is a lot more to him than we believed. We just don't know what yet.
- May or may not be a Jager General (with refferences to a seventh General choosing to remain hidden until the Other is exorcised from Agatha.
- He called Tarvek "sir." We know what Tarvek is like. There may be a connection we don't know about yet...
- It seems he's seen older Heterodynes drink from the Dyne and specifically compares Agatha's reaction to "Old Igneous".
- As of this comic, it appears that Higgs might just be a Jager. His response to Zola mocking Zeetha is "Yes... but I vas starting to like her." He has never displayed a hint of an accent before. Looking back at all of his appearances, his ears are noticeably pointy, much like the Jagers.
- Note he has that Nice Hat all the time as well.
- This speculation just got new legs now that the Jagergenerals have mentioned a "tricky general" who is keeping hidden.
- At the very least, the Jagers know him. He was brought to Mama Gkika's for treatment, and here Dimo deflects Gil's question about that while giving Higgs a conspiratorial smile.
- Tarvek notes that he got permission to leave his post from Agatha.
- Mamma Gkika knows Higgs personally, mentioning that he is always up to his "tricks."
- Hotblooded Sideburns
- Implacable Man
- Why Won't You Die?: Zola's trying. It isn't working.
- Zola is still trying. He is truly implacable
- He's back! Which means she probably tried to run. Silly girl.
- Kubrick Stare . Has no one told Zola that you should Beware the Nice Ones ?
- Made of Iron: Gets bashed into a wall by a powerful clank and dusts himself off like it was nothing here
- Also here where he lands from a long fall with simple bent knees as opposed to Zeetha who has to roll and their quarry who has to use a zip line/grappling pistol.
- The Magnificent
- Minion Shipping: With Zeetha. It may or may not be one-sided - Zeetha seems thoroughly smitten by Higgs' smooth talking and quick thinking (badassery notwithstanding), but Higgs alternates between snarky apathy and justified fear with regard to Zeetha.
- Then again...
- "I vas starting to like her..."
- "That's a date!"
- More Than Meets the Eye: Him in general, but his "map" talk especially. He knows a lot more than we do.
- Nice Hat: Apparently he's a crewmen of the ship Rozen Maiden.
- Not So Stoic: When Zeetha is stabbed.
- Only a Flesh Wound: Apparently, anyway.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Higgs is fast when he's angry. So fast that he's a near invisible blur of motion to someone already on a potentially fatal dose of stimulants. Oh dear.
- Scars Are Forever: Has such an epic map of scars on his chest that it can be mistaken for hair at first glance.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend
Higgs: Uh--she--she ain't my Miss Zeetha, sir. |
- Smoking Is Cool: That is one badass pipe.
- Stealth Pun: His name and title/rank. In an old navy, a third mate (or seaman, third class) is also known as a bosun, making Axel the Higgs boson.
- The Stoic
- Unfazed Everyman
- Unreliable Narrator: The story that initially earned him the fans' love and respect was related by him to the group of soldiers that found him. It hasn't quite... meshed with what we've seen of him.
- Just to be clear: It turns out he's more badass, not less. Considering how Made of Iron we've seen he is, what Higgs went through to get the injuries Dr. Sun mentioned has to have been far, far worse than he reported.
- Would Hit a Girl: He has no problems with getting into a truly vicious fistfight with Zola, and he's not pulling his punches. Of course, neither is she...and she has a sword!
- Zen Survivor: Despite everything he's gone through, his expression of perpetual apathy has slipped exactly
fourfive times since his first appearance: Getting bitten by DuPree, explaining his tale while being heavily drunk, being threatened by Zeetha, finding out his new boss is Gil and holding a critically wounded Zeetha in his arms while threatening Zola with what may be a Jäger accent.
The von Mekkahns[]
Carson von Mekkahn was the seneschal of Castle Heterodyne until he retired and passed the job on to his son, who died just days later when the Other attacked. When Baron Wulfenbach politely took over Mechanicsburg a few years later, Carson made it seem that the von Mekkahn family had gone extinct in the Other's attack, going into hiding under the alias of "Carson Heliotrope" and running Mechanicsburg in secret. Carson has since retired again and his grandson, Vanamonde, now runs the town from a coffee shop. After Agatha sparks out in Vanamonde's coffee shop, Carson helps her enter Castle Heterodyne.
Tropes associated with the von Mekkahns:
- Bald of Evil: Carson, sort of. He probably wasn't both bald and evil simultaneously, but he's bald now and apparently served the evil Heterodynes before Agatha's heroic father and uncle — he rode with the Jägers in his youth and could describe Agatha's grandfather's usual reaction to invading war clanks.
- Bluff the Impostor: Carson tries this on Agatha at first, asking if Punch ever mentioned him. He is quite surprised that she knows Punch couldn't talk, though this still isn't enough to convince him.
- Fascinating Eyebrow: Young Vanamonde has shown a strong skill in this.
- Former Teen Rebel: Carson. Again, rode with the Jägers in his youth, under the old evil Heterodynes. Is now retired, lives with his daughter-in-law, and seems to have mostly spent his days soaking up rays on the balcony before being introduced in the comic.
- Multicolored Hair: Vanamonde
- Obfuscating Stupidity/Rich Idiot With No Day Job: To outsiders, Vanamonde looks like a young loafer who does nothing but laze around and drink coffee. In reality, he wrote a definitive book on coffee (under a pen name), is (according to Carson) "more competent than he appears", and, oh yeah, secretly runs Mechanicsburg.
- Alternatively, he may or may not have an actual day job at the coffee house: it has been referred to has "Van's Coffee House" in this cast page, he has paid for the coffee engine and he tends to use first person pronouns about it. He isn't shown to be particularly active though.
- People Puppets/Unusual User Interface: Part of Carson's duty as seneschal. He has special holes drilled in his skull that let him use the Throne of Faustus Heterodyne to become Castle Heterodyne's puppet so that Agatha can talk to it in the crypt. Vanamonde's skull hasn't been prepared for such a thing yet, but the Castle is looking forward to it.
- Psychic Link: Carson didn't even notice he had this until he felt Castle Heterodyne die.
- Retirony: Inverted by Carson, who retired just in time to miss dying in the Other's attack. His replacement, who was also his son, died instead.
- Seen It All: Carson.
Carson: Don't try to boggle me, Mister Talking Cat. This is Mechanicsburg. You are by no means the strangest thing in this town. |
- Skeptic No Longer: Agatha's performance in the coffee shop (and her coffee) make Vanamonde a believer. By the time Agatha forces Castle Heterodyne to back down from punishing Herr Diamant for expressing his skepticism, Carson is convinced she's real too.
- Spell My Name with an "S": There's some disagreement on whether it's spelled Mekkahn, Mekkan, or Mekkhan.
- Legacy of Service
Otilia Von Pinn[]
When first encountered Von Pinn seemed to just be another of the many monsters given jobs by the Baron. It eventually emerged, however, that she was the nursemaid at Castle Heterodyne when Agatha was born and this has made things rather interesting. Pursued by many Jägers as the height of womanhood and absolutely terrifying, Von Pinn seems to hate Agatha, fear what she is to become (whatever that is) and want to protect her.
Tropes associated with Von Pinn:
- Action Girl
- Badass
- Big Damn Heroes: At least once.
- Blue Eyes: Or eye.
- Combat Sadomasochist: Oh, yes.
- Her attitude improved a lot the moment she was transferred into body without pain sensitivity.
- Dark Action Girl
- Enigmatic Minion
- Femme Fatalons
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- High-Class Glass: Not your average monocle.
- Hot Amazon: ALL the Jägers (and no few readers) want her.
- SCIENCE! Nanny: Of the "stern but fair"-variety.
- Mama Bear: DO NOT endanger the children under her protection.
- Even if you're one of them.
- And it turns out the kids return her loyalty.
- Not Quite Dead: Seriously, someone like Von Pinn is a threat as long as they can move a finger.
- Parental Substitute: Yes, kids on Castle Wulfenbach had a vicious guardian construct in loco parentis and were rather attached to her.
- Really 700 Years Old: Von Pinn was originally the muse Otilia, built centuries ago for the Storm King.
- Super Soldier
- Wetware Body: It now appears that she is the Muse Otilia, transferred into a construct body as part of Lucrezia's experimentation. Why she did this, where the body's original mind, if any, ended up, and what this will mean is still up in the air.
- What the Hell, Hero?: "TRULY YOU ARE YOUR MOTHER'S CHILD!"
Doctor Sun Jen-djieh[]
One of Klaus's old friends. A Spark who runs the Great Hospital in Mechanicsburg. Prone to threatening to beat some sense into his friends and students who are being foolish — and then backing it up if need be.
Tropes associated with Doctor Sun:
- All Asians Know Martial Arts
- Badass Grandpa: Literally too, since his twin granddaughters Mingmei and Daiyu have shown up on Castle Wulfenbach and at the Great Hospital.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Capable of taking down clanks with his bare hands.
- Combat Medic
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker: He's well known for "Sun-ny bedside manners".
- Doctor's Orders: He has no doubt at all that his authority extends over Klaus when he's injured.
- Dr. Jerk
- Mad Doctor: A benevolent if grouchy one.
- Master Apprentice Chain: He strongly implied that he was the guy who taught Realpolitik to Klaus. Who taught Gil (directly) and Tarvek (indirectly). So in a way, both the setting as we know it and main plotlines can be traced back to him.
- Old Master
- Shout-Out: His name is an old transliteration of Di Renjie, the inspiration for Judge Dee.