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A series made by creator of the Awesome Series, Egoraptor. Also hosted on Newgrounds. A bizarre series that massively deconstructs poorly animated and dubbed Shonen. Currently has three episodes, with a fourth episode "coming soon", though it's been "coming soon" for two years now.
It follows the adventures of Kenstar and his True Companions on a vaguely defined quest to kill the Big Bad Galacticamaru.
Can be seen here.
Compare to: Kawaii Battle Stars
WHAAAAAAAAT are these tropes?[]
- Action Bomb: The Green Guy's number one ability.
- Action-Hogging Opening: The opening contains a lot more action and scenery than the rest of the show.
- Affectionate Parody: Of shonen anime. At least we think it's affectionate.
- Animated Actors:
- Kenstar begins to quote The Green Guy before realizing that it's not his line in episode 3.
- Taken into full-effect when The Green Guy's actor is pissed over his character's Heroic Sacrifice, thus removing him from the story after three episodes and only allowing for a flashback... in episode 23. He is not amused, leading to an understandably hilarious use of a Dub Induced Plot Hole and Viewers are Morons.
- Animation Bump: Yusuke is actually pretty well animated compared to the other characters and usually actually has lip-syncing consistent with whatever he's saying.
- Angrish: "That Kotomaru... WOOOAAHHHHH GRRAHAHHHH! ... he really steams me up!"
- Art Evolution: Episode 2 is much better-looking than episode 1, and episode 3 looks better than that.
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign: The "Japanese" in episode 2 is "...just a bunch of gibberish, like an amalgamation of sounds [Egoraptor] just conjured up from [his] memories of so many animes." Subverted in the last line, which fits the situation rather well.
Oh shit! Sore wa Kenstar-kun, senpai! Hayaku, iku ze! |
- Author Avatar: The Artist.
- Ax Crazy: In Kotomaru's case, Gun Crazy.
- Better Than a Bare Bulb
- Big Bad: Galaticamaru.
- Blatant Lies: "It's simple."
- Blush Sticker: Both the green guy and Girl-chan.
- Butt Monkey:
- The green guy.
- Yusuke as well, whose constant attempts of "attacking head on" always ends with him being knocked back.
- Or falling down a flight of stairs, even if there isn't one.
- Camp Gay: Fire Guy. He's a flamer!
- Calling Your Attacks: ULTIMATE! PENCIL! A-BREAK!
- Catch Phrase:
- "WHAAAAAAAT is this X?"
- "WHHUUUT!!?"
- "That explains everything!"
- "I'm going to attack him head on!"
- Chekhov's Gun: In episode 2; it's done in a somewhat deliberately forced manner. "THERE... is a bucket of water, over there."
- Credits Gag: Presented as if it's a real localization of some obscure fighting anime, complete with Korean names (including Kim Kaphwan) for the outsourced in-betweening animation.
- Cultural Translation: Parodied. The team is quite blatantly eating sushi, but refers to it as "hot dogs" and their chopsticks as "flavor sticks." And THEN, Kotobaru-san-sama gives Yusuke some "flapjacks and syrup" (rice and soy sauce, respectively). Galacticamaru even mistakenly identifies the "hot dogs" as "hamburgers".
- Curb Stomp Battle: Kenstar against the Author Avatar no less.
- Yusuke's Megaton Punch to Galacticamaru.
- Curse Cut Short: Lampshaded in episode 3. Yusuke draws out his "FFFFFFFF..." but proceeds to finish the curse anyways.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Except without the actual "defeat" part.
- Kotomaru seems to be first introduced as a villain (apperently he destroyed a WHOOOOOOLE KITCHEN and they ask Kotobaru-san-sama to defeat him). He then joins the party for no reason (though his inner monologue suggests he's some kind of The Mole, like everyone else). Or the two could just be friendly rivals with a common enemy.
- Yusuke turns out to be in league with Galaticamaru. Him and Kenstar are going to fight. They don't actually end up getting to it, and Kenstar simply askes Yusuke to join them which he agrees to for no reason.
- Department of Redundancy Department:
- Used fairly often, with the biggest example being in episode 3.
Kenstar: His true power is unleashed! His true power has taken off the leash! His true power has beeeeeen activated! His true... his true power... |
- The title of the theme song is "Hot Heat".
- Deranged Animation
- Detached Sleeves: Kotomaru has no shirt, only sleeves.
- Distaff Counterpart: Maytag in episode 3 is one of Kenstar, in appearance.
- Dramatic Wind
- Dub Induced Plot Hole:
- Kenstar calls Yusuke "My brother, but also my biggest rival" in the first episode, but later, in the same one, doesn't know who either of Yusuke's parents are, or that Kobayashi-sama-san-chan was his brother. In the second and third episodes, Yusuke calls Kenstar his brother.
- An even better example is the poorly-executed attempt to write the green guy back in after his death.
- Dull Surprise: Ken-Star's blank-looking face most of the time.
- Expy: Kotomaru suspiciously resembles Il Palazzo, complete with the long grey hair, sexy glasses, pseudo-badass attitude... and the gun.
- Face Fault: In episode two after Kenstar's Offscreen Teleportation to the roof.
Punk: The roof is kinda slippery. |
- Fan Service: Parodied with Girlchan.
- Fanservice Cover: Newgrounds uses pictures of Girlchan's breasts and behind as thumbnails for the second and third episodes, respectively.
- Filming for Easy Dub: It is staggering how often this is used.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Kenstar;
- The Lancer: Yusuke;
- The Smart Guy: Kotomaru;
- The Big Guy: Kotobaru-san-sama;
- The Chick: Girlchan;
- Tagalong Kid: The Green Guy.
- Flanderization: Yusuke is introduced into the series as a parody of a typical Rival/AntiHero character with a Mysterious Past who lacks the strength to put up with the main hero, but eventually becomes the overconfident Butt Monkey who never actually gets to beat anyone. Lampshaded by Kenstar when Yusuke manages to defeat Galacticamaru during lunchtime.
- Freak-Out: Kenstar at the end of the second episode.
- Gag Boobs: Girl-chan. Taken Up to Eleven in the second episode.
- Gainaxing: It's Girl-chan's thing.
- Gilligan Cut
- Goggles Do Nothing: The Green Guy.
- Gratuitous English / Gratuitous Japanese: In the same conversation.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Yusuke's father had an affair with the goddess of wisdom. But then it turns out that she had an abortion and he just later slept with some random woman.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Yusuke changes sides at least Once an Episode.
- Heroic Sacrifice: The Green Guy's number one ability... and apparently his only one.
- High-Class Glass: Kotobaru-san-sama.
- Hospitality for Heroes: The heroes temporarily defeat a villain, and the restaurant manager gives them a free meal. Kotomaru shoots him, correctly reasoning that the owner would never give out anything for free. They find the real owner tied up in a closet, and free him. As thanks, he gives them a free meal. He gets shot too.
- Hot-Blooded: Even the author is Hot-Blooded.
- Informed Ability:
- Kotobaru-san-sama is supposedly a skilled fighter, is said to be the only one able to defeat Kotomaru and apparently mastered the Shiken-batsu-baku-matsu-hatsu-datsu technique, but none of this is ever actually seen on-screen.
- Kotomaru himself as well. While he has shown his secret power, he has never put this power to use and like Kotobaru-san-sama, he mainly stays in the background. And shoots people with a gun. Usually not the bad guys.
- Inner Monologue: Used frequently.
- Inner Monologue Conversation: the episode 2 instance of it provides the page quote, and is an example of both types of responses.
- Japanese Honorifics: Shamelessly abused, especially with names like Kotobaru-san-sama and Kobayashi-sama-san-chan.
- Kill It with Water: Kenstar does this to defeat the "invincible" first Bushido Blaster, who's "unstoppable" secret technique is catching himself on fire.
- Lampshade Hanging: A couple of times. Subverted when Kenstar calls Maytag beautiful.
- Large Ham: Pretty much everyone in the series.
- Late for School: "I am late for the end of school! *runs to school with a piece of toast in his mouth, with the toast still in the toaster* *final bell rings* Oh, I am ooooon time."
- Limited Animation: Parodied with Green Guy after his voice actor demands that he be rewritten into the show "as cheaply as possible". In the form of a cut out with the lower half missing.
- Lip Lock: Its use is especially noticeable at the end of episode 1.
Kenstar: I'm going to have to use my sup... my secret technique... that only I can use because of my-... *sneezes* my bloodline! |
- Mad Libs Catchphrase:
- "(Hello) Puny, humans / mortals / eukaryotic beings!"
- "Galacticamaru isn't a human / is immortal / is a prokaryotic being! That explains everything!"
- Megaton Punch: Yusuke to Galacticamaru in Episode Three.
- A Twinkle in the Sky: Same.
- The Messiah: Kenstar is the One, huh.
- Mister Big: Galacticamaru is revealed to be about six inches tall in episode 3.
- The Mole:
- Yusuke, as Captain #31, is Galacticamaru's mole in the True Companions.
- Turns out Swirly Glasses is Captain #1.
- Mood Whiplash: Girlchan goes from funny and hot to creepy and hot.
- Mr. Exposition: Kotomaru.
- Ms. Fanservice: Girlchan takes this Up to Eleven.
- Mysterious Parent: Kenstar and Yusuke's Mom.
- Mysterious Past: Yusuke.
- Negative Continuity: Some degree throughout the series, but most notable between episodes one and two. Episode one ends with Yusuke revealing his allegiance to Galacticamaru, Kenstar about to use his bloodline power... and then episode two completely forgets it ever happened, including it coming as a surprise that Yusuke is a Bushido Blaster.
- Nerd Glasses: Swirly Glasses. They change color when he powers up.
- Noodle Incident:
Yusuke: Do you remember the playground we went to as a kid? |
- No Name Given: The fellow in the green clothes and goggles doesn't really have a name, although Egoraptor sometimes calls him "The Guy". On this page, he's called "The Green Guy" so you know who we're talking about.
- Oblivious to Love: Yusuke. Girlchan wishes she could be his love interest, but he is "incapable of love, due to his dark and brooding past." Episode 3 suggests he might just despise her.
- Off-Model: Occasionally, the animation, especially the mouth movements, will go Off-Model, or fill the screen with bizarre shapes.
- Only Sane Man: Kenstar has some lucid moments, although he doesn't always act like that.
- "On the Next...": A particularly poorly executed one in episode 3.
- Overly Long Name: Kotobaru-san-sama uses this in episode 1:
Kotobaru-san-sama: I used up all my strength, using the Shi... Shiken-batsu-baku-matsu-hatsu-datsu technique. |
- Pointless Band-Aid: Kenstar wears one across the bridge of his nose, as does Maytag, his Distaff Counterpart.
- Precision F-Strike:
Yusuke: Ffffffffffffffff... |
- Also Played for Laughs since that word was used once before and after that occurrence.
- Reaction Shot: Someone is shocked on average every 30 seconds in the show.
- Reckless Gun Usage: Kotumaru's hair trigger was bad enough, but then we have this gem:
Kotumaru: "I'm out of bullets, anyway!" |
- He gets better. five seconds later.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Kotobaru-san-sama and Galacticamaru. Perhaps literally.
- The Reveal: "That EXPLAINS everything!" It usually doesn't.
- The Rival: Yusuke is both this and The Lancer to Kenstar.
- Running Gag: "THAAAAAT explaaaaaaains everything!"
- Sacrificial Lion: Subverted. The Green Guy dies in episode 3, but is written back in not even two minutes later with the explanation of, and we quote, "I am no longer dead."
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: Swirly Glasses upon revealing that he is the last captain.
Swirly Glasses: Lightning... pchuuuu... |
- Schedule Slip:
- Episode 3 was supposed to come out by the end of March 2010. Due to unforeseen circumstances, it took until April 14th to finally come out.
- And Episode 4 sure is taking a while.
- Script Breaking: Kenstar gets tired of fighting the 32 captains one by one, causing him to roundhouse kick the picture of all the remaining dark silhouettes, which somehow defeats them all at once, except for # 1.
- Shout-Out: The opening theme contains lyrics from the Arthur theme song. ("Listen to your heart, listen to the beat, listen to the rhythm of the street")
- Something They Would Never Say: Kotomaru immediately identifies the imposter restaurant owner and kills him because the real owner would never give out a free meal. Played for Laughs when the gang finds the real owner, who offers a free meal as repayment and promptly gets shot too.
- Single-Minded Twins: The thermapole twins in episode 3. Mostly.
- Sinister Silhouettes: 31 of the 32 Captains are shown as this, along with a completely normal picture of Yusuke.
- Skyward Scream: "MOTHERRRR!!!"
- Smug Snake: Kotomaru.
- Split-Screen Reaction: Episode 3 has a truly impressive one.
- Stock Footage: Pretty much everything. A notable case in episode 3 has Yusuke falling down stairs, while fighting outside.
- The Stoic: Kotomaru is this, even when startled. Subverted once.
Kotobaru-san-sama: Dude, just because you have the gun-- |
- Stylistic Suck: The voice acting and animation.
- Sweat Drop: Kotobaru-san-sama has one of these, and then he eats it. Seriously.
- Talking Is a Free Action: Subverted. While the heroes are talking about needing to do something to stop him from powering up, Swirly Glasses finishes powering up.
- There Was a Door: Galacticamaru always appears before the G-Fighters by breaking through a brick wall, even if they're nowhere near one.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: An in-universe example. When Kenstar is arguing with the Green Guy about his Heroic Sacrifice in episode 3, he invokes this trope, saying that they have fans who are devoted to the integrity of the original series. The Green Guy counters by invoking another trope.
- Those Two Guys: Kotomaru and Kotobaru-san-sama. They're often in the same shot together and talk to each other, and sometimes even MST the show. They also don't really do anything to contribute to the plot.
- Twin Telepathy: The twins in episode 3 play with this. It starts out played straight when they finish each others' sentences, then it's subverted when the second twin finishes one incorrectly.
- Unexplained Recovery: Invoked (or Enforced, from an in-universe perspective). Green Guy demands that his character come back from the dead, because he needs the paycheck.
- Verbal Tic:
- Swirly Glasses and his "Nyeeheeheeheehee!"
- Also, Kotomaru's "Humph"s and "Huh"s.
- Viewers Are Geniuses: Galacticamaru described the True Companions as "puny eukaryotic beings", prompting Kenstar to realise that Galacticamaru was a "prokaryotic being". These are indeed mutually exclusive.
- Viewers are Morons: Invoked by Green Guy's voice actor after his character is killed in episode 3.
These stupid kids cannot tell the difference, you know they can't! |
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Maytag's power is to put price tags on people.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Kotomaru.
- Widget Series
- Wreathed in Flames: One of the enemy captains when he powers up.
- Word Salad Title: Parodied. While there is a character named Girl-chan, she's a minor one at best. And no paradise has been sighted yet.
- The Worf Effect: Yusuke's role in the series. Lampshaded in the third episode when he actually beats someone. Later he loses to a flight of stairs. Lampshaded again when he attacks Captain #1 and immediately falls down the same stairs. That weren't there.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Your Little Dismissive Diminutive: Galaticamaru always calls the heroes "Puny [X]" with X being humans, mortals, or eukaryotic beings. Ironic, since when we do finally see him beside the other heroes in the third episode he's only about the size of a tennis ball, and even Yusuke can kick his ass pretty easily.
THERE... is an index page OVER THERE! |
- ↑ Literally Upperclassman, but Boss works here