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  • Dude, Not Funny!: Kirie's abuse of Yukinari is Played for Laughs, but most fans don't find her horribly beating him over things that aren't his fault.
  • Moe
  • Memetic Molester: Kazaharu, Lisa, Hijiri, and Kosame, which unlike most other examples is pretty much canon with their personalities with the Black Comedy Rape moments they've been in.
  • Moment of Awesome: In the final episode, the fight between Kirie and Hijiri. It's a Jackie Chan-level martial arts battle, complete with the use of found objects as weapons.
    • Episode 2 managed to give Kirie 25 likable points when we see her knock the shit out of Fukuyama. And let's face it: It's refreshing to see her beat someone who actually deserves it.
  • The Scrappy: Kirie for her merciless beating of Yukinari and Fukuyama for being an obnoxious pervert.
  • The Woobie: It is impossible not to feel sorry for Yukinari seeing as how the poor kid is treated like crap by his peers; has an allergic reaction which flares up if he happens to touch women, which he developed as a result of being bullied by girls his entire life. He is beaten up nearly every day by the closest thing he has to a friend. All the main characters with the exception of Miharu and Lisa have ether tried to or expressed a desire to kill him including those in his Harem and the Pretty Freeloaders. At one time he wonders what he did to make people hate him, considering he is insanely nice and helpful to everybody around him.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Yukina