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Girls of Olympus

Girls of Olympus is an Italian animated series created by The Animation Band, based on the Ragazze dell'Olimpo book series by Elena Kedros.

The series tells the story of Luce Grimaldi, Hoon Song and Sid Madison, three apparently normal teenage girls who soon discover their true origins: they're actually the Greek goddesses Aphrodite, Artemis, and Athena, who have given up on their immortality, and were reborn as humans with no memory of their past. Now, gradually recovering their powers, they must stop Ares, who wants to capture them to complete his plan of conquering the houses of the Gods. Juggling their everyday lives with their mission, the fate of the world that they have always known, and the one which they actually come from, is in their hands.

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Tropes used in Girls of Olympus include: