Welcome to Wild's High, a private all-girls high school that specializes in martial arts of every kind. Wild's High's goal is make their female students the best of the best where everyone is a powerful badass, but their director soon realizes that they are just making their students into spec-op commandos and not maidens. Luckily the school's director has a solution: enter Song Jae Gu. Jae Gu is a struggling high schooler who has to take care of his two younger siblings after his dad died and mom left them. Jae Gu gets lucky when he gets a scholarship to attend Wild's High as its first male student, since the school is near his home and he can spend more time taking care of his siblings. But unknown to Jae Gu, he's part of the director's plan to make the female students more maiden-like. However, Jae Gu gets into trouble on his first day when he accidentally messes up the clothes of Yoon In Gyi, aka The Queen, the strongest student of Wild's High.
Girls of the Wild's is a Korean webtoon by Zhena of Nineteen, Twenty-One and writer HUN.
- Accidental Pervert: Song Jae Gu asks where Queen is, and busts into the women's shower room without thinking to LOOK where he's going.
- Actual Pacifist: Song Jae Gu At least until resident Evil Redhead Han Gyul finally pushes him too far
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Lee Na
- Berserk Button: Do anything to threaten Jae Gu's siblings and he'll snap.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Lee Go Seul. She's the least likely person to be a master in Wushu, and with slight Blood Knight tendencies (when prodded), specially given her usual geeky bespectacled looks.
- Driver Park too. He's the Eyes Always Shut Cool Old Guy that acts as Queen's chauffeur (he doesn't seem that old, though). But when some idiot comes by the car wash and treats Queen like she could be a hooker, all she does is say Park's name and he pulls a gun on the idiot's ass, eyes wide open.
- Big Ball of Violence: Moon Young and Dal Dal in chapter 37.
- Bridal Carry: Due to fear of cockroaches, no less!
- Comically Missing the Point: In the very first chapter, Jae Gu falls into Queen and spills coffee all over her. She demands he replace her clothes, valued at 150 and 130 (speaking in terms 10,000 Won, which is common in Korea). She meant 2.8 million Won (about $2500). He gives her 280 Won (about 25 cents). Queen is so shocked that she just stands there staring at the money.
- Cool Big Sis: Lee Moon Young tries to act like this towards Jae Gu, although she would like him to fall for her.
- Dirty Coward: Han Gyul
- Dynamic Entry: Choi Dal Dal's introduction.
- Eating the Eye Candy: The entire school for Jae Gu in chapter 36 and 38.
- Eek! A Mouse!: Or a roach in this case.
- Evil Redhead: Han Gyul
- For the Evulz: Han Gyul really doesn't seem to HAVE a motivation other than to be a Jerkass for fun, especially when He gives Jae Gu's siblings food poisoning
- Freudian Excuse: Both the Queen and Jae Gu hate the opposite sex for various reasons. Jae Gu hates woman and sees them as monsters because his mother abandoned him and his siblings. The Queen hates men and sees them as liars because the boy she liked in grade school blew her off because she dressed up as a boy. When he later learned she was rich in middle school, he tried to woo her by claiming he did like her, which only led her to beating him up since she knew what he really wanted.
- I Never Said It Was Poison: Played differently. Mi Nam catches Han Gyul on this, stating that Jae Gu never said anything about his siblings getting food poisoning.
- Kuudere: Queen.
- Love At First Punch: The Goo Ra coach for Lee Na. So far, completely one sided, but he's praying for a Tsundere.
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased: Jae Gu
- Parental Abandonment: Jae Gu really has it tough because of this.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Choi Dal Dal
- Poisonous Friend: Seems like it's shaping up to be Han Gyul for Lee Mi Nam.. Lee Mi Nam doesn't seem to be a bad guy at all, but you have to question his judgement when Actual Pacifist Jae Gu charges into their classroom, tries to pound Han Gyul with a full chair/desk assembly, and when that doesn't work tackles him to the ground, screams that he's going to kill him, and probably would have if he hadn't been stopped. After all that, Lee Mi Nam (or the rest of Goo Ra, for that matter) make absolutely no effort to even ask Jae Gu what his beef is, and Lee Mi Nam STILL unquestioningly believes Han Gyul isn't at fault. Why? Because Han Gyul SAID he isn't at fault.
- Rich Bitch: Queen comes off as this at first as one of Jae Gu's utterances brought up some unpleasant memories.
- Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense: Queen again. She commissioned winners of architectural prizes to design and decorate the male showers. She doesn't even like it after completion, partly because it lacks the clawfoot bathtub she wanted.
- Sempai Kouhai: In Korea the roughly equivalent term for a female Sempai is Unni, it gets thrown around a lot.
- Shower Scene: Queen, coupled with the above Accidental Pervert. Later on Jae Gu gets one as well.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Everybody from Goo Ra with the possible exception of Lee Mi Nam. Special note goes to Kim Hye Shin, who got torn apart by Queen in the first chapter in a fight where Kim Hye Shin had stacked the rules in her own favor, but keeps posturing and screeching that it was all a fluke and she'll beat Queen easily.
- None of the Goo Ra has won a fight against Wild's High on panel yet, but they all are completely convinced every one of their defeats was an accident and they are the best fighters in the world.
- Took a Level in Badass: Jae Gu is well on his way to taking several.
- Unusual Ears: Choi Dal Dal's tiger ears -- they're actually detachable hair pins.
- Unwanted Harem: Jae Gu tried pretty hard to get rid of them in the beginning.
- Weight Woe: Moon Young used to be a lot thicker, she was in a heavier boxing class. Doubles as a Berserk Button that Dal Dal enjoys pushing.
- The Worf Effect: Lee Mi Nam against Hwang Jae Oh.