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No Tomboy here? You never know.

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The Girly Girl is Always Female and serves as a counterpoint, or Foil, to the Tomboy (when present; also see the Tomboy and Girly Girl dynamic). She is normally into items like very feminine outfits, princess or fairy costumes, accessories, makeup, and perfume — though that alone does not matter. It is common for her to favor the color pink (or many brights or pastels), but not always. Depending on the character and local norms, any Tomboy may have such traits. The variety of Girly Girls, like the Tomboy, is too great for any single trait to qualify as essential.

As with the Tomboy page, this page needs no examples. If you don’t find a subtrope for your specific example, just look up the Trope Workshop page (see under Troping Utilities) to create one.

Compare Femininity Tropes; contrast One of the Boys. Distaff Counterpart to Real Men Wear Pink, but not to In Touch with His Feminine Side.

Sub-tropes include:[]