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Glitch was a browser-based MMO game. Based in the world of Ur, it centered around eleven Giants who created the world. However, a corruption is spreading, and players, known as Glitches (or Glitchen, depending on who you ask), must help save the world. Although most of the time they just exist and interact with each other, being originally conceptualized as 'an online game with no fighting'.

The game could be played with a mouse and keyboard, and a unique aspect was players creating and enhancing the world in which they live and thrive.

The game and its servers were shut down on December 9, 2012. Its art and code was released into the public domain, and fan-made projects to remake the game, like Children of Ur and Eleven, are in the alpha stage.

See the official website here.

Tropes used in Glitch (video game) include: