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YMMV Tropes for the Game Show.

  • Harsher in Hindsight: Search for Tomorrow had moved to NBC eighteen months prior to the cast's appearance on Go, and was already suffering in the ratings.
    • If the appearance was to help the soap opera, it didn't work. Search finished last of all daytime shows in the 1983-84 season, but still managed to stick around until December 26, 1986.
    • If the appearance was to help the game show, it really didn't work. Go was canned at midseason, and replaced by Hot Potato.
  • Moment of Awesome: Of the show's 80-episode run, the $20,000 was awarded at least twice — on November 11 (Week 6) and December 23 (Week 12).
  • What an Idiot!: The show was gone in 16 weeks, but the idiots it brought forth are eternal.
    • Both of the 99-second rounds.
    • "What" "moos?" (ding!) "A car!"