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Basic Trope: A deity that seeks to defeat Evil and/or seeks to spread Good-ness.

  • Straight: Alice is a goddess of Good in Troperia, and the Good people worship her. Sometimes she make a champion out of a Good person, which she then task to defeat Evil.
  • Exaggerated: It's written that if Alice stop caring about the world, there won't be anymore Good-ness in the world regardless of the effort of the people.
  • Downplayed: Alice is one of the many Good gods and goddesses, each one of those gods emphasize a particular aspect of Good-ness (Alice' is Good Is Not Nice).
  • Justified: Alice was assigned the divine dominion over Good-ness by her father, the King of All Cosmos.
  • Inverted: Alice is a goddess of Evil.
  • Subverted: Alice claims to be a Goddess of Good, while in practice all her followers are Knight Templar.
  • Double Subverted: This is a World of Badass where being Good requires you to punch Evil in the face, without second-guessing.
  • Parodied: Alice is a complete Mary Sue Jerkass, but since she has Good in her domain, she's a Goddess of Good.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: No gods can be classified as God of Good, certainly not by mortal morality.
  • Enforced: Having a Big Good character who the main characters can fall back to, but not finishing the job for them.
  • Lampshaded:

 Felicia: You, you're a Goddess of Good, aren't you?

Alice: Why yes dear, my every molecule is supercharged with divine Good-ness, even my piss.

Felicia: Too much information, ma'am.

  • Invoked: Bob joins Alice's militant order to gain power to fight Evil.
  • Exploited: Bob toss Alice's holy symbol at a vampire, because he knows that Good hurts Evil.
  • Defied: Xagrac, the God of Evil, seal Alice in a rice cooker so that Troperia have no God of Good.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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