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  • Awesome Music: There are arguments to be made for, depending on the production/performers, "Alas for You", "Save the People", and "Day By Day", but the one song everyone agrees is amazing is the "Crucifixion/Long Live God" finale.
    • What, no love for "Bless The Lord" or "We Beseech Thee"?
    • This tropette heard a spectacularly triumphant rendition of "Beautiful City" in a middle school performance.
    • This troper gets a warm, fuzzy and content feeling every time he hears "All Good Gifts".
  • Ear Worm: Most of the songs are immensely singable, but the crown has to go to:

 "Day by day, day by day/Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray/To see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly/Follow thee more nearly day by day..."

    • I'd beg to differ:

 "Some men are born to live at ease/Doing what they please/Richer than the bees are in honey"...

      • Not to mention

  "We can build a beautiful city/Yes we can..."

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Jeffrey Mylett (Plays the recorder, wears the derby hat) has a surprisingly sizable fanbase. Unfortunately, he died of AIDS in 1986.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: The movie features a lot of dancing in front of and on top of the (still incomplete) World Trade Center
  • Retroactive Recognition: Of all the cast, the late Lynne Thigpen — in her film debut — had the most success, earning several awards.
  • Tear Jerker: the crucifixion is incredibly powerful.
    • Dear God, the Finale. Seeing Jesus get crucified is just so powerful, all while he's singing, "Oh God, I'm bleeding...oh God, I'm dying...oh God, I'm dead..." and the cast is screaming/wailing/crying/writhing in pain. This is followed by him being taken down from the cross/chain link fence and carried up the aisle to the slow, haunting melody of "Long Live God/Prepare Ye/Day by Day".