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Who knew a movie franchise about People in Rubber Suits beating the crap out of models and each other would produce such awesome music?

Main Movies[]

  • Akira Ifukube was a god. And he invented Godzilla's roar as a bonus.
  • Masaru Sato, composer of Son of Godzilla and Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974), came up with some classic, instantly recognizable themes as well.
  • The psychedelic "SAVE THE EARTH!" from Godzilla vs. Hedorah.
  • Reijiro Koroku's soundtrack to The Return Of Godzilla (or Godzilla 1985) is dark, gothic and brooding; Akira Ifukube meets John Williams at an Edgar Allan Poe convention.
  • The music for "Godzilla vs. Biollante" toned down the grim and added a bit of poetry to the tune.
    • You're forgetting "Bio Wars." Snippets of it played during BioMajor's escape scene leading up to SSS9 taking them all out, and a couple evacuation scenes. It's kind of a Super Sentai theme, with insane lead guitar, and snippets of the classic Godzilla theme to boot.
    • Let's also not forget about the Love Theme, only part of which was heard near the end, and Countdown. Much of the music was composed as suites which were then broken down into various pieces that are heard in the movie.
  • From MechaGodzilla II, a repost of Super Mechagodzilla's theme.
  • Watching Burning Godzilla rampage through Hong Kong to the chilling The Godzilla March remix called Hong Kong Destruction will send shivers through you.
  • Jamiroquai's "Deeper Underground" from the American Godzilla film.
  • Kow/Koh Otani's score for Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack is also worth mentioning. A combination of classical and techno sound used to bring the past to the present, giving each monster its own new theme for the film.
  • For the Heisei era, it really can't get any more epic than Godzilla's Requiem. Epic, and really gives the death of Godzilla the gravity fans pretty much demanded as soon as the posters and trailers hit with the Wham! Line "On December 24th, Godzilla DIES".

Other Toho Films[]

Godzilla Spinoff music[]