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  • Most Godzilla movies, but don't tell that to the fandom.
    • Mr. Tako resting his arm on the TNT plunger in King Kong vs. Godzilla.
    • In Godzilla vs. Monster Zero, after driving away King Ghidorah, Godzilla does a victory dance. It's a happy moment.
    • When Minilla first learned the atomic breath, and then tried to use the ability against the badguy's.
    • In Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster, Godzilla FLIES by using his atomic breath to lift off like a rocket.
    • Godzilla's "flying dropkick" in Godzilla vs. Megalon must be seen to be appreciated.
    • So does his flying bodyslam in Godzilla vs. Megaguirus.
    • In Godzilla: Final Wars, the scene in New York City between the pimp, the homeless drunk guy, and the cop.
      • Captain Gordon in Final Wars gets a particularly dry one. At one point, he orders the civilians to get to their ship, while he holds off two aliens. They end up getting pinned down by a huge number of the aliens, who only are defeated when the head alien sets off the self destruct on the ship. Gordon, fresh from his own battle, just saunters past, ignoring the carnage, and in an irritated voice says, "I though I told you to get to the ship" and keeps on walking, katana on his shoulder.
      • This is more mildly amusing: Godzilla walks off, and Minilla runs behind, as if to say "Hey, wait for me!"