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The film:[]

  • Fridge Logic: The military constructs high-tension towers in hopes to electricute Godzilla. It literally took them less than a few hours to build said towers when it should take a week at most to build them. The original script didn't have this, while clearly stating it should take them 3 weeks to build them.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Has its own page.
  • Tear Jerker: This is the saddest monster movie. Ever. Why? There's several sad scenes in this film that seperates this from any other film, even American Monster films. Sure, Terror of Mechagodzilla and Godzilla vs. Destoroyah are sad in their own rights, but Honda used it in a more darker sense. It doesn't help the fact you also feel sympathy for Godzilla, making as through everyone and everything's a victim of the nuclear apocalyse.
  • Older Than They Think: The famous "In Pursuit of Godzilla" theme stems back further in Ifukube's courier, as part of his 1948 violin concerto. This early rendition can be heard in the main titles of this film: Hk 6 s E