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"But then why? Why does he keep protecting us?"

"Maybe because...Godzilla is inside each one of us."
—~ Yuji Shinoda answering Yuki Ichinose's question...while Godzilla sets Tokyo on fire.

Godzilla2000 8598

"If you can't take the heat... run."

Godzilla 2000, known in Japan as "Godzilla 2000: Millennium", is the 23rd canonical entry in the long running Godzilla franchise. It is the first film of the third cycle of Godzilla movies, known officially as the "Millennium Series". It is a standalone film and a direct sequel to the original.

Over the years, Japan has been besieged by numerous attacks by Godzilla, so much that Godzilla attacks are basically viewed as a fact of life. The Godzilla Prediction Network (or "GPN"), helmed by Yuji Shinoda and his daughter Io, has been established to try and track Godzilla's movements and predict when he will come ashore. Accompanying them is Yuki, a reporter who has been tasked with trying to get information on Godzilla. Shinoda believes Godzilla should be kept alive for study: his academic rival and leader of the Crisis Control Institute (CCI), believes the opposite, that Godzilla is too dangerous to be kept alive, and uses his resources to try and destroy him.

One day, the CCI discovers an enormous rock on the ocean floor and brings it to the surface, where it reacts to the sunlight and becomes mobile. It seeks out Godzilla and engages him in battle, defeating him, though in the process Godzilla burns away its crust with his atomic breath, revealing the rock to be a UFO. When the UFO later flies away and lands in Tokyo, it begins hacking into the city's computers, searching for information on Godzilla for reasons unknown. Meanwhile, Shinoda discovers a unique chemical compound in Godzilla's cells, a medical breakthrough that could justify the monster's existence, while Godzilla himself arrives in Tokyo bay, itching for a rematch with the UFO...

Made in the wake of the 1998 In Name Only American remake, Godzilla 2000 was released in Japan only a year later in order to bring Godzilla back to his roots. The film didn't fare so well at the box office due to a number of problems, such as the sluggish pacing, its uninspired musical score, and the fact that it was ultimately viewed as a blandly typical Godzilla movie, barely distinguishable in tone and content from the Heisei films that preceeded it. Still, it was enough of a success that Tri Star found it worthy of a theatrical release outside of Japan. The movie was given a deliberately campy, tongue in cheek Gag Dub reminiscent of the classic Godzilla dubs from the 60s; improvements were also made to the film's pacing, soundtrack and musical score, including additional Ifukube tracks. Every change to the film was approved in advance by the original director and producers at Toho. These changes ultimately redeemed the film for most viewers, as it was a modest success in North America both critically and financially, though there are still a few diehard fans who still prefer the original Japanese version.

The film provides examples of the following:[]

  • Bad Export for You: Averted. In an irony of fate, the US version of the movie has the best video and audio presentation for any DVD release fo the film, with an anamorphic widescreen presentation and 5.1 surround sound that are clearer and brighter than the Region 2 release, as well as some nice extras. Considering when the film was released on DVD, that's quite an achievement.
  • Dub Name Change: Organizer G-1 was renamed as Regenerator G-1 in the American version, because Regenerator makes a lot more sense in the context that was being used.
  • Eat Me: How Godzilla beats Orga.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Yuji Shinoda is played by Takehiro Murata, who viewers may remember as Ando from Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth.
  • Idiot Ball: Orga grabs onto this and holds on for dear life after deciding that the best option available is to let Godzilla stick his head into his mouth.
  • Oh Crap: Orga has this moment after he realizes that trying to swallow Godzilla wasn't the brightest of ideas. Attentive viewers will note that Orga's eyes actually widen just seconds before he goes kaboom.
  • Running Gag: In the American version we have Yuki and the word imbecile.
    • Katagiriiiii!
  • Your Head Asplode: What happens when you try to swallow a radioactive dinosaur.