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 "There isn't a job that's too tough for me...except for this one time, when I was married to a real stubborn woman."

~ Takuya


The nineteenth Godzilla film and the fourth in the Heisei series. After the success of Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah, Toho decided to bring back another familiar monster. While there are similarities to Mothra vs. Godzilla, such as greedy businessmen and kidnapped fairies, the film is its own animal. The film sold well and became the most popular entry in the Heisei series.

A meteor hits the ocean, causing many natural disasters. An repenting tomb raider, his ex-wife, and the secretary of a corrupt corporation are sent to investigate the effects on Infant Island. There, they meet a giant egg and the Cosmos, a pair of tiny twin girls who are the Last of Their Kind. Their civilization angered the Earth with its weath machine and released the "Black Mothra." Battra and Mothra clashed fiercely, the civilization lost in the battle. The Cosmos agree to go to Japan with the giant egg, but Godzilla intercepts them. Mothra hatches and gets saved from Godzilla when a revived Battra clashes with the King of the Monsters. They are sucked into the earth by a underwater eruption and Mothra leaves.

The Cosmos are kidnapped by the company secretary, whose CEO plans to exploit them for all their worth. But Mothra won't stand for this and is heading for Tokyo. Can our heroes rescue the Cosmos before Mothra does too much damage? And how would they deal with Godzilla and Battra, who have survived being swallowed by lava and are converging on the area...

This film contains examples of[]

  • Action Girl: Mothra, once she obtains her more mature form.
  • Cheerful Child: Midori, the divorced couple's daughter.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Takeshi Tomokane, head of the Marutomo Company.
  • Divorce Is Temporary: Takuya and Masako eventually get back together.
  • Enemy Mine: Battra joins Mothra after being convinced Godzilla is the bigger threat.
  • Evil Knockoff: Battra, though not so much evil as an aggressive protector of the Earth created to counter Mothra.
  • Eye Beams: Battra in his adult form.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: The weather machine of the Cosmos civilization angered the Earth, producing Battra.
  • Heel Face Turn: Battra, as well as the Marutomo Company secretary, Kenji Andoh.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Battra in dropping Godzilla into the ocean.
  • Kill All Humans: Battra will protect nature on behalf of the Earth...except for humans.
  • Mama Bear: Mothra is pretty dang determined to save the fairies.
  • Monumental Damage: The Diet Building, where Japan holds parliament, becomes the location where Mothra creates her cocoon.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Godzilla and Battra come out of being swallowed by magma pretty well.
  • Take Up My Sword: Mothra takes Battra's place in stopping the meteor that would destroy Earth in 1999.
  • Theme Music Power-Up: The Cosmos don't waste their singing talents in powering up Mothra. They even do a little healing of Battra.