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  • Adaptation Distillation: The manga adaption, in this troper's opinion, is superior to the film, with more character development among the humans and monsters and some new, interesting dynamics between the characters, and the removal of some characters, as well as the addition of a new villain.
  • Awesome Music: Once again, Akira Ifukube has blessed the cinematic world with a treasure of beautiful sound. From the return of the Maser March from War of the Gargantuas to Godzilla's theme playing when he emerges from Mt. Fuji, the viewer is given a wonderful listening experience. But perhaps the best piece of music, however, is the soft melody that plays during the end credits, a modified instrumental version of the piece, Sacred Springs from Mothra vs. Godzilla. Another piece, just before this, Mothra Heads Into Outer Space is Sacred Springs played with a harp. Listening to both pieces side-by-side is an exquisitely pleasant listening experience.
  • Narm: Masako's mouth hangs open when Godzilla flings Mothra off his tail.