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  • Awesome Music: Even the elevator music.
  • Demonic Spiders:
    • The ceiling mounted sentry guns, which are exceedingly difficult to hit and have high rates of fire.
    • Triggering an alarm will often summon a never-ending number of sunglasses-wearing Elite Mooks.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Dr. Doak bitch!
  • Good Bad Bugs:
    • With the All Guns cheat on, if you switched your weapons back and forth in a certain way, you could dual wield two different guns, which could have hilarious results such as using a rocket launcher and a grenade launcher, or a laser gun plus the watch laser to make Bond look like he has three arms!
    • A+B to instantly detonate remote mines. No watch required. Basically turns them into smart grenades.
    • There's also the cartridge tilt glitch. See Memetic Mutation below.
  • Memetic Mutation: Tilting the cartridge results in characters on the screen spinning around in circles. Vertically. In other words, everything on the screen that isn't level geometry look like really fast pinwheels. The Japanese took wind of it and naturally, turned it into a dance routine. And a video of it is here. Unfortunately after watching this it's hard to take the song seriously.
  • Misaimed Fandom: The Goldeneye team seem to have liked Boris enough to make killing him during Control a mission failure condition (barring certain devious trickery), with Natalya refusing to reprogram the satellite if Bond shoots him. This despite that Natalya's first reaction to meeting him at this point in the movie was that she tried to kill him, due to his complicity in the Severnaya attack, the death of her friends, and the fact that she was repeatedly nearly killed and possibly almost raped as a result of Boris' dickish associates. Um, zany! It wouldn't be so hard to not shoot him the first time if he didn't pull a gun on you.
  • The Scrappy: Natalya, who is basically useless outside of getting caught. Averted in the Jungle level, where she can be quite useful with her Cougar Magnum revolver.
  • Scrappy Weapon: The Klobb. It says something when Goldeneye:Source moves it to starting weapon in all sets it is in and lowers the Mercy Invincibility timeout (making rapid fire more useful) and people will charge each other with melee weapons instead of use it.
  • Seinfeld Is Unfunny: In 1997, this game was nothing less than legendary, and singlehandedly kicked the term "Doom Clone" out of the Official Gamer's Lexicon. Now, every other console FPS has not only copied its innovations, but improved upon them.
  • So Bad It's Good: The Klobb. It may have virtually no stopping power, but it is at least quieter than most of your other options and there is usually plenty of ammo.
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: The music that plays at the main menu sounds an awful lot like a James Bond remix of "Kashmir".
  • That One Boss: Xenia is quite difficult to defeat. So is Jaws. Baron Samedi would be as well, if not for the Golden Gun... and even then, it takes multiple hits in his second and third incarnations.
    • Xenia actually turns into a joke if you realize the limitations of the engine: Xenia can only shoot across the bridge if the player is standing at the other end. By simply standing off to the side and shooting diagonally across the gap as she makes her sprint, she'll very likely be dead before she even makes it across.
  • That One Level:
    • "Control". Dear lord, "Control". It starts with cleaning up the first room to make way for Natalya, and for each soldier in it, there's a sentry gun ready to mince you. You have to be more than stealthy if you want to make it relatively unscathed. Then there's this room with the sentry guns aimed at the door (as well as the soldiers facing it), so opening it up might not quite be a good idea. And then there's saving Natalya's bacon while she hacks into the computer... particularly annoying are the guys who randomly appear directly to her left and right and immediately proceed to start emptying bullets into her, while you'll inevitably be tied up on account of the multiple shooters coming down the various stairs. It's also one of the longest levels, usually taking about 15 minutes to complete.
    • The "Caverns" is even longer, and the "Aztec" is probably the most difficult of all, especially on 00 Agent. "Egyptian" is an aversion: it's impossible if you don't know how to do it, easy if you do.
    • "Cradle" is also a pain. Never-ending mooks are the real final boss as you play cat and mouse with Janus. You can die before even making it up the first ramp.
    • "Train" is extremely frustrating because it involves fighting your way through several cramped cars full of mooks while surrounded by exploding crates, and then there's an very difficult Hostage Situation which gives you about two seconds to kill Orumov before he shoots Natalya. Then you've got to wait for her to work on the computer while a timer counts down to an explosion. You always have about four seconds to escape from the car before it explodes and get Natalya out too, while yet more mooks are waiting for you. It's just too easy for things to go wrong and make the entire level a waste.