- Alternative Character Interpretation: "Crystalline Green": Is it about being stoned? Is it about having sex? Is it about being on a beach? Is it about having stoned sex on a beach? Discussions are continuing.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: The finale for "Utopia" deserves a special mention. Who doesn't love hearing those high notes?
- Ear Worm: "Happiness"- better known as the song from the Sy Fy commercials.
- "Eat Yourself" combines this with High Octane Nightmare Fuel... it's that damn riff...
- "Oh oh oh, I've got a rocket, oh oh oh, you're going on it..."
- Most of their songs, especially post-Felt Mountain.
- Face of the Band: Alison, mainly because Will hasn't sung on any of the albums and doesn't go on tour.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Possibly the video for "Number 1".
- Hilarious in Hindsight: The already great video for "Happiness" gained a bit more attention when a certain other character representing happiness traveling in a similar manner rose to popularity.
- Nausea Fuel: The video for "Ride a White Horse"
- Tear Jerker: "Black Cherry".
- "Yellow Halo" and "A&E", also. Alison's voice alone can bring tears out on any of their slower songs, really.