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Characters for the Gone Series by Michael Grant. Beware of Loads and Loads of Characters. For the sake of simplicity, characters will be sorted by whatever side they start on, as alliances are perpetually changing.

Perdido Beach[]

Sam Temple

The series' main protagonist. Fourteen years old at the start of Gone, Sam is reluctantly pulled into playing the role of the town's hero. After deposing his twin brother, Caine he takes over as the mayor of Perdido Beach at the end of Gone and does his best to protect it from external and internal threats.

Astrid Ellison

Nicknamed "Astrid the Genius," Astrid is Perdido Beach's resident Smart Guy. Sam's main love interest and one of the series' few non-Action Girls, but don't hit her little brother, or she'll strangle you and bite your ear off.

Peter Ellison

Called Pete, Petey, or Little Pete. Astrid's younger brother, Little Pete suffers from very severe autism, rendering him mostly incapable of communication, which hides what is probably the FAYZ's highest-ranking power.

Albert Hillsborough

Before the FAYZ, Albert lived a life of relative anonymity, but after the adults disappeared, he kept his head and started figuring out how to make things work. At this point, he pretty much runs the FAYZ's economy.

  • Awesomeness By Analysis: Manages to come up with a working economy using an eighth grade education and an encyclopedia.
  • Black and Nerdy: Implied to have been this before the FAYZ.
  • Good with Numbers: And economics in general.
  • Greed: His main vice.
  • "No Respect" Guy: Subverted. While not everyone admits his importance, almost everyone recognizes that he holds the real power, at least in Plague.
  • Not Quite Dead: In Plague.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Pulls a fast one in Fear.
  • Self-Made Man: He started the series as a loner from a large family without much money, and, in Plague, Sam notes that he effectively runs the FAYZ despite never directly taking part in the power struggles.

Lana Lazar

Only in the FAYZ because her parents caught her sneaking out alcohol and sent her to live with her grandfather, Lana was trapped in a crashed car in the middle of the desert after her grandfather disappeared. In her desperation, she developed the ability to cure her own injuries and eventually met and joined the protagonists.

Quinn Gaither

Sam's best friend and surfing buddy. Suffers from some serious jealousy of the kids with superpowers in Gone, but eventually comes around. He finds solace in being a fisherman and becomes an important resource for the Peridido Beach kids.

Edilio Escobar

Son of illegal immigrants, recently moved to Perdido Beach from Honduras. One of the few people in the FAYZ who's not either an Anti-Hero or straight-up villain, and trains their version of armed forces.

Charles "Orc" Merriman

A bully-turned-atoner, Orc was originally recruited by Caine before defecting to Sam's side as it seemed more likely for him to win. Becomes The Alcoholic by the end of Gone. After coyotes devour him, he replaces his missing body parts with rock, leaving only a shrinking patch of skin on his face. Howard acts as his best friend, toady, and manager. Revealed in Plague to be suicidal.

Howard Bassem

Orc's best friend, toady, and manager, Howard is cynical, sarcastic, and fond of nicknaming things. Doesn't seem to care much about anyone aside from himself and Orc.

  • Ambiguously Gay
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Dirty Coward: At first, he hides behind Orc and switches sides at his own convenience. Later seems to be developing some courage, though.
  • The Dragon: To Orc.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Most nicknames in the series (e.g. the FAYZ, Zekes, etc.) are his doing.
  • Heel Face Turn: Changes to Sam's side with Orc in Gone when he thinks it's the smarter move.
  • Jerkass: Especially in Gone, where it takes a physical threat from Mary to convince him to arrange to get food for a bunch of toddlers.
  • Killed Off for Real: In Fear, when he makes the mistake of wandering too close to Drake and a pack of starving coyotes...
  • Like a Weasel: Tries to ingratiate himself with whoever's in power, although that doesn't stop him from calling the bullshit on them from time to time.

Mary Terrafino

A girl from Sam's grade who used to suffer from anorexia and bulimia and relapses soon after taking over the daycare.

John Terrafino

Mary's little brother who helps her take care of the baby.

Duck Zhang

One of the normal kids in the FAYZ until he discovers an ability to alter his density.

Brittney Donegal

One of Edilio's Child Soldiers, she is working in the power plant when it gets attacked.


One of Zil's friends until he develops the power of Radiation, which leads to a bit of friction.


Usually called "Bouncing Bette," Bette is a girl in Sam's class at school who has the ability to create small fireballs.


Shows up in Plague when a newly escaped Drake enlists his help.

  • The Dragon: To Drake, for a very, very short time.
  • Pet the Dog: Doesn't shoot Brianna, even when threatened. Considering the number of people whose Berserk Button she is, this was probably a good idea.

Coates Academy[]

Caine Soren

The series' resident Big Bad and Sam's twin brother, Caine was raised by unloving parents and developed high ambitions and a sociopathic nature. He demonstrates little, if any, understanding of right and wrong and doesn't object to hurting anyone but his love interest, Diana.

Diana Ladris

Caine's chief assistant and love interest, Diana is beautiful, snarky, and manipulative. Out of all the consistently villainous characters in the series, she voices the most hesitations about overly evil tendencies and remains openly on her own side, rather than Caine's or Sam's.

Drake Merwin

Caine's second-in-command and the series' resident Complete Monster, Drake is viewed as the most evil of the kids in the FAYZ. Has no apparent goals aside from whipping anyone he comes into contact with.

Computer Jack

A technical genius, Computer Jack was sent to Coates Academy after hacking into a police database to cancel a friend's father's speeding ticket. He's used to being used for his intelligence, although he shows signs of resenting it.

Dekka Talent

One of the Coates kids imprisoned by Caine for refusing to cooperate with his plans, she soon becomes Sam's second-in-command.


Imprisoned with Dekka and the other Coates mutants through most of Gone, Brianna was among the first to enlist in Sam's side. She possesses the ability to run extremely fast and is generally aggressive and energetic.


Introduced in Lies, Penny is a twelve-year-old with the ability to make people see monsters attacking them and acts as The Dragon for Caine after Drake's betrayal.


Given name Tyler, Bug has the power of invisibility and acts as Caine's spy. Looked on as something of a creep.


One of the mutants rescued from Coates Academy in Gone, Taylor has the power of Teleportation.

The Human Crew[]

Zil Sperry

Resentful and jealous of the perceived special treatment for mutants, Zil starts a group of Fantastic Racists determined to make life in the FAYZ worse.


Once popular, now a member of the Human Crew on whom its leader may or may not have a crush.


One of the Human Crew's more violent members.


A member of the Human Crew, dating Zil.


A member of the Human crew disliked even by the other members.

The Island Kids[]

Sanjit Brattle-Chance

Virtue Brattle-Chance

Peace, Pixie, and Bowie Brattle-Chance


Orsay Pettijohn

The Gaiaphage/ Nerezza/ Gaia