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Drake will do a Heel Face Turn.[]

  • Because one, it would throw everyone off and two, if he figured out that the Gaiaphage has no real interest in keeping him alive he would be PISSED OFF.

Either Caine or Diana will die in Light.[]

Okay, think about it. Caine's a pretty complex bad guy. Sometimes he's an Evil Overlord, but other times he's an Anti-Villain or even a very dark Anti-Hero. Problem is that, with a character like that, you can't just throw him in jail or whatever. But having him skip off with a happy ending would make him a total Karma Houdini, not to mention that it would be unleashing a dangerous sociopath on society. The only way to solve this would be either (a) Diana dies, reaching the last crumb of empathy he has in him, prompting him to Heel Face Turn, or (b) he dies protecting her. This will allow him to maintain his complexity while not going out-of-character, not to mention making up for his jerkassery in Plague, so the fangirls will be mollified.

Little Pete and Diana's Unborn child Will connect some how.[]

For An unborn child to have a 2 bar power in utero is pretty powerful. When Little Pete Ascends to A Higher Plane of Existenceat the end of Plague, he says how free from his stunted body he feels. However, somehow he needs to be Resurrected for a Job and come back to defeat the Gaiaphage So how can he do it? Going back to the same body is out of the question, but an able body, not fully formed and most likely an accepting spirit? That'll do just fine. Most likely what would happen is they become a duality like Drake and Brittnay the the unborn child/Little Pete has powers to Grand Theft Me or Twins, creating an interesting parallel for Sam and Caine'

  • Jossed. At least as of Fear.

In Light, Diana will end up being the one who will have to finish Gaia off[]

As of Fear, we can see that Diana has a very strong maternal instinct towards her daughter, no matter that she is fused with the gaiaphage. She has even turned against the father of her child and her former allies against the gaiaphage just so that Gaia will be safe. In Light, Sam and the gang will definitely go after Gaia, and they do intend to kill her. Wouldn't it just be such a sad and bitter turn of events if everyone else ended up dead/somehow incapacitated and unable to finish Gaia off for good, leaving Diana to realize that there is no way to kill the gaiaphage without killing the part of the entity that is her beloved daughter.

In Light, Astrid will be revealed to be pregnant[]

It happened before to Caine and Diana, and as far as we know, Sam and Astrid did not use protection of any kind. They might get unlucky as well. And if Sam ends up dying in Light...we might even get a Someone to Remember Him By situation.

  • And another WMG stemming from this one: If Astrid did in fact get pregnant during Fear, Little Pete might take over the baby's body. He might very well need a physical body to better fight against the gaiaphage, which now has the advantage of a new body as well, in its Gaia persona. Plus, a child of Sam and Astrid would be genetically related to LP, which could help with the whole "hijacking the baby's body" process.
  • Unlike malnourished and assumed-infertile Diana, Astrid has been getting minimal amounts of food and mentions having a cycle (if I remember correctly), so it's highly possible that this is the case.