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Goodnight poster 748

Good Night, and Good Luck. is a 2005 black and white film directed by George Clooney and written by Clooney and Grant Heslov. It stars Clooney, David Strathairn, Jeff Daniels, Robert Downey, Jr., Patricia Clarkson, Frank Langella and Senator Joseph McCarthy.

It is a dramatization of the conflict between Senator Joseph McCarthy and broadcaster Edward R. Murrow during the height of The Fifties Red Scare in the United States.

The film is known for not having any actor play Joseph McCarthy, instead relying entirely on archival footage, giving it an edge of historical accuracy. The themes of the movie focus on the responsibility of television, not just the news, to go beyond just entertainment, and inform and voice dissent.

The film was nominated for 6 Academy Awards including Best Picture.

Tropes used in Good Night, and Good Luck. include: