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220px-Gordy poster 9487

 "Go play your banjo, goober!"


A 1995 movie in which a piglet goes on a search for his family and along the way, he meets a country-singing girl with no mother and a rich boy with no father (Hey, it's a Disney-distributed movie!). Eventually, Gordy becomes famous.

The film was a failed attempt at providing an acting vehicle for Country Music singer Doug Stone, who also sang many of the songs in its soundtrack (including "More Love", which was a hit single for him).

This film contains examples of:

  • Artistic License - Film Production: Nobody during the filming of a commercial looks through the camera to see if they liked the footage so that they can't notice the lens has been replaced with a wide-angle lens.
  • The Cameo: Louis Rukeyser.
  • Caligula's Horse: Gordy is the head of a major company after the owner gives it to him.
  • Guess Who I'm Marrying
  • Heel Face Revolving Door: Jessica.
  • Hero of Another Story: The crazy cross-dressing robber with the pantyhose on his head.
  • Light Is Not Good: In a really awkward transition scene the main villain looks as if he's being surrounded by a heavenly glow, as a result of the effects guys doing a poor job of matting out the wall behind him.
  • Never Trust a Trailer: Rarely does Gordy actually speak, but the trailer makes it seem like he speaks throughout the movie.
  • One-Book Author: Still the only thing Doug Stone ever acted in. Strangely, his singing career also died not long afterward, but the film had nothing to do with that — health problems rendered him temporarily unable to record, and by the time he fully recovered, his style was out of mode.
  • Notable Original Music: "Pig Power in the House", a rap song which was made for the movie and even has a Music Video for it.
  • Pet Heir
  • Random Events Plot: The movie begins with Gordy being separated from his family and somehow ends up making him head of a major corporation.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: According to this film, anyone can understand animals if they take the time to listen. Which apparently amounts to about ten seconds of silent observation.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: For some reason, the villains never consider just killing Gordy.